She is right you know
She is right you know
Pro-choice people are just suicidal and project those suicidal impulses onto other people's children.
>twitter screencap
Drink bleach.
every argument for why its okay to kill a baby in the womb can be extended to babies out of the womb
the line drawn by pro-abortionists is not any less arbitrary than the line drawn by those against it
I don't get how is this Yea Forums related
It's never too late, she shouldn't let her dreams be dreams.
dude if you don't think how can you care it dont matter XD
Good to know her stance on life on Mars if it's ever discovered
the jews have created the perfect cultural engine to destroy western civilization. consumers inconvenienced away from sustaining it "oh nooo having a baby would be such a burden to my having fun" = replaced
Yes, but its only retards and deadbeats doing this. Plenty of normal people are against abortion and cant have their minds changed
>as a former one year old, I can confirm I would have not known or cared if I was raped and murdered by a pedophile
>Television and Film
women are retarded. THey have no original thoughts or ideas. Everything they say or believe is copied from men/society
>wanting to have never have been born to own the cons
Exactly this.
>Yea Forums are niggerlovers
no surprise honestly
same goes with being killed in sleep, but whatever
I defer to my nig jigsaw about this.
Those who don't appreciate life don't deserve life.
This is a weird mainstream deathcult
body autonomy. i get to decide what goes on with my body.
Im sure if she aborted her baby, the psychological suffering of losing a child won't wreck her mind
Npc's seem to just breeze through life on autopilot
Conservative Christians once again doing everything physically possible to ensure as many black babies are born as humanly possible. Why are they like this?
Everyone who supports abortion should commit suicide in solidarity with women
When a child is born, it becomes merely a social parasite, rather than a literal one.
are these posts supposed to make people agree with you?
Except when it comes to getting vaccinated against COVID, of course
Do chuds realize that banning abortion is going to result in more black people? Weird self-own.
everybody godly until its time to stop killing nigga babies huh
nope that applies there as well. i am vaccinated but the state cant force me to get vaccinated.
Republicans want more orphanages open so they can have more kids to rape
As a former fetus, I would care. Checkmate. There was a good copypasta about abortion being a satanic ritual.
K but the baby inside your body isn’t your body, so only the baby should be allowed to choose to be aborted or not.
suddenly the white liberal is taken aback. i've been found out! steve colbert sends his kids to a private school like all white liberals, he dont send them to the projects
a woman choose that she doesnt want the baby inside her anymore.
the baby can choose whatever it wants but its getting tossed out.
but i say it isn’t a baby it’s just chocolate milk
it’s not a baby until i say it is
you wouldn't know or care if I killed you in your sleep either, you wouldn't be aware of it at all
This. I would care if I were dead. Safe to say most people don’t really want to be dead.
Mothers are supposed to be defenders of children.
She wouldn't know nor care if I took her head off at 300 yards with a rifle either, but I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
'Noticing you're getting killed' is not the reason killing people is bad.
Saw some ack guy go up to a bunch of white pro abortion people. He said, “black lives matter right?” They all started cheering. Then said, “how about the black babies that make up the majority of abortions” they all got silent and stood around akwardly. So funny
You can decide by using a condom or not
what film or tv is this from
you were 6 days old a some point even though you don't remember that day. however you still probably would have cared if someone tried to kill you. a lot of crying and screaming would have been involved most likely.
Holding you prisoner in your own home, unable to go to a restaurant, take the train or get a job is virtually the same as forcing you to get it
Yeah, "pro-choicers" are satanist death cultist.
such language would obviously hold up in court
Except that choice kills another person. It’d be one thing if they could take the baby out and the baby lives but that’s not the case.
none hahahaha suffer retard
and i would agree that stuff like that is fucking bullshit.
well obviously people do that already because getting abortions is a pain.
>Euro hours
>dumb american threads
the liberal eugenics program has good PR!
doesnt matter. their rights are not more important than yours.
if i am giving blood to someone and the second i stop they die, that doesnt mean that i cant just leave whenever i want to. i totally can. they dont own my body.
>body autonomy. i get to decide what goes on with my body.
when you make the choice to perform actions with your body that lead to conception you get to be responsible for the consequences of those actions... you know... the biggest consequence of conception is that it creates an entirely new human.
your logic can be extended to me murdering you because it would make my life easier, it would remove a sexual degenerate evil person from society, and put selective pressure on other women to not be murderous degenerate whores hell bent on personally birthing a half-nigger Satan.
moral societal autonomy. i get to decide which virtues are upheld with my society.
Abortion should be legal for non whites only. Even after birth abortions
Here's another one you can add to your folder
obviously they don't, hedonist dipshits would rather kill an unborn child than lessen the feel of sex with a condom
its not your society though you fucking tard.
>abortion is ok because so long as the baby isn't birthed it's not alive
>if you kill a pregnant woman it's considered as if you killed 2 people
a great analogy really
>blacks will follow the law
regressives continuing to prove they are the dumbest people on the planet
Doublespeak nonsense. If I punched a pregnant woman in the stomach and caused her to lose her baby I would go to prison for murder. When women miscarry we all say they lost their baby and they even have funerals for their babies. But if a woman wants to get an abortion, suddenly a baby is no longer a baby. Suddenly we need to do all these mental gymnastics to pretend like murder isn’t murder and a baby isn’t a baby. I’m not going to play along. Abortion is baby murder. Period. If you aborted a child, congratulations, you murdered a baby. Deal with it. Live with it.
>as a former sleeping person, i would not have known or cared if someone killed me in my sleep
Maybe don't volunteer to be someone's life support when you plan to let them die. You aren't a hero for walking away. You deserve no prize and earned whatever pushback you receive.
it’s not your body either