Dude, smoking weed and compulsive drinking fucking rocks!

Dude, smoking weed and compulsive drinking fucking rocks!

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what happened to her faggot shills ? did they rope ?

brb gonna grab some beers and then smoke hash while drinking

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> user was never invited to parties and is now taking it out on Yea Forums

Yes user, that's literally how teenages think, at least they did in the 90's.

It was more of an anti substance abuse ad considering what she turns into.

And what do you do all day user?

Based user living it

I was never invited to a party? What are they like!

>develop sudden health condition
>no smoking or drinking until its gone
sober 2 months so far, bros

It's completely unbelievable to me how someone who looked like that turned into Juliet Lewis. More unbelievable than everything else in the show.

Waiting in the shadows, patiently, for our moment to shine again in Soapy's light will come

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>>develop sudden health condition
>>no smoking or drinking until its gone
>sober 2 months so far, bros
So far? If you pick up either again after, you're the dumbest nigger for a hundred miles.

she looks cute with her raccoon eyes.

It does if you're young and attractive because you're probably also partying and fucking a lot

Yeah that's the point, she's 90% makeup and wardrobe

I'd still munch her asshole.

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Weed is a good time, yeah.

> dude I'm faggot right wing chud who dosnt like fun

i want to smell her musky butthole

>Dude, smoking weed and compulsive drinking fucking rocks!
isn't that not at all what is going on with her in the show?
pretty good show,btw

You never will, creep, or any girls for that matter.

i bet you'd let chad do it whore

Why have so many the modern youth looped back around to emulating their cuckservative/boomer parents?

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I bet you would.... shit eater.

Is hot topic still a thing?


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Ya because he doesn't make it weird.

Because people end up emulating their parental figures eventually. It's not new or insightful.

you lost twitter

It takes place in the mid 90's.

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Do you actually believe in "progress"? Technology gets smarter, humans don't. Every generation has retards who mistake something they're unfamiliar with as new and exciting, therefore better.

Not true. People with christcuck parents turn out to be militant atheists in protest all the time.
If everyone ended up emulating their parents eventually then progressive politics literally wouldn't exist.

You may be surprised to learn that witch hunts are no longer a thing, monarchies barely have any power in most countries and that most people arent burning their neighbours in wooden effigies for riper tomatoes.

That chad grab, holy shit

Superstition is still the norm worldwide and most nations are run by despots. People are still perfectly willing to engage in witch-hunts as evidenced by the Me Too and racism hysteria of western nations, not to mention the literal witch-hunts in Africa. You being a privileged first-worlder living in the remnants of enlightened and peaceful Christian society doesn't change the realities of human history.

>People are still perfectly willing to engage in witch-hunts as evidenced by the Me Too and racism hysteria of western nations

You can make anything sound similar if you omit enough details until all you're left with is an abstract concept. Doesn't change the fact that the nature of it has changed entirely.

>remnants of enlightened and peaceful Christian society

Ah yes, the peaceful Christian US with its military spending almost 4 times that of its nearest rival.

>says user omits but the idea remains
>does the same shit

Depends on how many people you know at the party. If its close friends, its pretty great and you can just say/do whatever and get fucked up. If you go as a friend of a friend and dont know anybody, it can be a bit weird if youre not outgoing

How did she keep her hair color in the wilderness?



it does tho
what else is there to do



I had a mental breakdown because of her

what like you were stalking her and she found out or what?

yeah, actually

she's so beautiful. my tiny little white cocklet is standing at attention like a chubby little champion at the sight of Sophie Thatcher

Its pretty fun as a teenager user, maybe had you tried it you would have gotten laid.

eating hash chocolate tomorrow, hope your Sunday will be as good as mine guys

no I watched this show and fell in love and realized I am a 25yo khv incel neet

Her tits look pretty great.

where do i get a cute stoner gf bros

I will do the same

Mads looked weird as a young guy but he looks kino as fuck now I guess his facial structure only works as a silver fox thing

it's a brah, virgin

okay, brah

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Thanks for pointing out the obvious.

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Ugly here
Ugly here
Attractive here
Whore here

Yeah until you hit 30


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