Why is Film and Yea Forums star Tom Scott such a colossal bitch? Or is that just all Brits skrrt njgga
Why is Film and Yea Forums star Tom Scott such a colossal bitch? Or is that just all Brits skrrt njgga
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whenever i see a white kid write nigger it fills me with hope that the future might not turn out as bad
That is some next level faggotry.
Curious, how did you obtain such as long image? I screenshotted some tweets recently, in case the user deletes them, and needed three screenshots to fit them all. I know I could edit them all together, but I assume it would be noticeable if you looked close enough, but this image seems flawless; is there some obvious solutiom I'm missing?
nah its impossible to make images higher than 1080 pixels.
I'll be honest, I found it on Google, but yes it is impressively stitched together. Maybe there is someway to see an entire thread like this on Twitter?
In firefox, right click and click Take Screenshot, you can draw a box, you can also scroll down and expand your box and the top stays the same.
>Maybe there is someway to see an entire thread like this on Twitter?
yes, that's how twitter works
Wait I didn't know that people actually knew about Tom Scott lore here let alone who he is
I wouldn't know, I don't use Twitter.
I have a vast knowledge about a many great things, none of them useful in the real world.
Rotate your screen
I never heard of him until limmy opened him up one day to refer to something and limmy had to stop his whole stream trying to work out what age this fuckin guy is because he looks like he's 12 but with grey hair
Jesus fucking Christ what a poof, he wouldn't last two seconds in the Royal Marines no fuck that he wouldn't last two seconds in a working class working mans club.
What a fanny.
Can't you just zoom out? Pathetically useless website anyhow
>scared to be labeled a "gamer"
Didn't want people thinking he liked to level up?
>I hate children because they said mean words on a videogame once
I hate soft southern twats like him, soft southern lads like him are the reason we have open borders, can't have a good scrap at football anymore, the reason we don't have an Empire, the reason we're laughed at and seen as an easy target.
We used to go paki bashin and poofter bashing to smash the gayness out of them.
Getting a bunch o' lads together and smacking the homo's needs to make a come back.
For England.
He's a computer nerd. He might also be a bit autistic which explains his apparent hypersensitivity at times.
You norfs are alright
My brother is a computer nerd, coder, 1337 epic haxxor member of the lizard squad, but he's not a soft tart like that Tom Scott nonce.
He definitely gives off nonce vibes like Gary Glitter or Saville.
"Not all Trump voters are bigots: but all the bigots voted for Trump" - Tom Scott
Is that from a video in the Amazing Places (Series)?
Tom Scott's channel is great. Every week some new Atlas Obscura type of thing. A good chunk of them I'd heard of but still. Nice short videos that dont overstay their welcome, even though one could hardly blame him for doing so given how far he goes for some of them.
But yeah the dude himself is a faggot and does not know how to handle the internet. Also typical British leftist fag with muh ebic Nazis and muh ebic delete posts I don't like.
Whatever, no one can be perfect I guess.
How can a person look at what happened in 2020, all the rioting, the Portland Siege of the Federal court house, the killing of store owners of all different colours, the fires, the businesses destroyed, cities in ruins...how can a person look at all of that and then say Trump and his supporters are the problem.
Why do you desire to act like a nigger?
>I am here at the infamous television & film board on 4channel
Well the video is from 2016.
I assume it's because he's heterosexual, which is a big problem for Englishmen who communicate primarily through blowjobs given in airport restrooms.
Being a nigger is to jump you when you're alone with 20 other of his gang, beat you until you're almost dead, steal your shoes, go through your pockets and then run away like feral animals. Being a nigger is just being as flash and showing off what little you don't have, clothes, jewellery, whatever and not thinking about how your lifestyle hurts other people
Being a Northern lad is not doing any of that, having organised fights with your rival football fan club away from where it might upset people so you can do it in peace so to speak, you don't involve innocent people in your slap ups.
Being North is knowing how to handle yourself one on one, and having a drink, going to the local and knowing who runs it, knowing who the local lads are who will be there and knowing you'll be welcome because you're also a grafter. Being Norf means being local and caring about your local community, caring about the old girl over the road who hasn't been seen at her bingo the past couple days so you knock on her door just to see how she is/ I could say more but you just don't and wont get it, only if you're born norfern will you understand.
unironically thisNiggers ONLY ever jump someone if there are at least 3-1 or if they do attack 1-1, you can GUARANTEE the first hit will be a sucker punch.
Legit never knew this guy existed until I got recommended one of his videos a year or so ago and I've been on youtube since ~2008
Do you have permission to post this image?
You know, I'm only aware of these opinions because I've seen them posted on Yea Forums. It seems his opinions don't affect his videos at all. Why should I give a fuck?
yikeserino get a load of this hot head
simple as
kwab personified
Skrrt skrrt yung blood. SuWUUUP
that's a long image
This is the guy who insisted reddit mods delete his fan subreddit because he thought people may assume he runs it (???) and stated that he doesn’t want to be associated with reddit because it’s too unmoderated (lmao)
Just use Fireshot?
But it wasn't always called this.
It used to be part of Yea Forums.
Is this the nerd who was upset about people donating to him on brave browser?
>It seems his opinions don't affect his videos at all.
It seems you're too stupid to notice. I stopped watching him years ago, but at that time he shoved a tranny into his videos at every opportunity among other things.
In general I'm done trying to separate creators from their politics. That's their job now. If I catch you being a faggot I will stop watching your shit.
He thinks the elites should control what people easy online and that we cant have free speech. Love his videos but fuck some of his views.
Watch The Tim Traveller as well, he does basically the same thing but doesn't seem as schizo as Tom
fucking tory upper class whiny cunt
He's very much for extreme moderation and control. "If i don't like it, it shouldn't be allowed"
I think we can safely assume he isn't a tory
>He definitely gives off nonce vibes like Gary Glitter or Saville.
Who? him or your brother
For me, it's train autist and Youtuber, Geoff Marshall.
unironically based, fuck videogames, fuck kids
He's peak cozycore desu. Idc about his politics; DW Griffith was a racist but birth of a nation is still a good film
Do norfs hate nerds? Like if I was a software dev working in the norf would they kill me?
If your IQ is anywhere above 100, you already subconsciously knew he was a gigantic whingy fag. There's some things that only whiny fags do, and he does all of them.
He's from a wealthy family
Name one of those things
ok incel
He is a popular, likeable guy who is far more successful than any of the /pol/ weenies here insulting him will ever be. Maybe you should be more like him?
Kek this faggot is scared of kids typing things into an in game chat
He talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.
I'm better educated than him so why aren't I better paid? I have two stem bachelors degrees and a stem masters.
Oh yeah, imagine fearing career suicide when you're associated with anything non-PC in the year of our lord 2022. Not realistic at all.
I think this guy is taking the piss. You’d have to be living under a rock your life not to be exposed to “mean” words
Subjective dribble. Name a tic or a mannerism/recurring statement or something
He’s quoting idiocracy you dubtard
>I've made no secret of the fact that I dislike Reddit. It's seen as toxic, as dangerous, as a bad thing to be associated with in many of the communities and friend circles that I work with -- and particularly in those that I base my career on. It has a reputation based on endemic racism, celebrity photo leaks, and harassment campaigns. It's generally considered a thing to steer well clear of. I'm uncomfortable even typing that, because, hey, that'd be exactly the kind of paragraph that gets a harassment campaign sent my way.
He might as well be
Hey Tom you pommy poofta limey prick
>protecting himself/his brand from being associated with racism
/pol/tards are too retarded and unsuccessful to understand that his primary concern here is one of pragmatism and self-interest
>the problem with reddit is that it's too free and right wing
You don’t have friends. You aren’t tough. This is a LARP.
This. It's so obvious this is the way to go in our current political landscape and if anything he's taking the based route by being so explicit about it
>young children not behaving to the standards adults set when they are unsupervised
horrific. terrifying. future school shooters i bet.
lmao what. a. fucking. pussy.
/pol/tard instantly spotted.
Please go back to your board, you make the site worse by being away from it
I'm not even jewish and my head looks like that, I've even got a more crooked nose than him.. I even got the lazy eye.
you get a browser extension, i used gofullpage
It's funny to me that these retards never bother to look at the fact that black people still hate people blacker than them. Same with indians and any other race. "It will end racism!"
Yeah maybe but then we'll categorize something else as lesser and the cycle will continue except now they'll be too stupid to use a computer to virtue signal about it.
Do you have his rant on reddit by chance
I think Tomm is a faggot but the people ITT larping as "le gruff working class norf man" is fucking embarassing. Isn't there a /brit/ general for you guys to pretend you're your dad on?
Honestly, fuck video games. Most adults stop playing them for a reason.
Kek, I would have paid to see that.
Anyone got a video?
>anything but tomorrow
I'm sorry to hear that
North is no different than South except less posh villages I guess. Most the Norf memes come from southerners who've never gone further north than Watford.
>leftoid cumguzzler has meltdown over kids in fucking Minecraft
Cities were mistake.