What was the moral of this film?
What was the moral of this film?
Other urls found in this thread:
Left good
Right bad
Standard film industry morals
>You didn't vote the way the news told you to, goy?
>Oy vey don't you realise you were just being manipulated all along?
All did was reach out to people who didn't normally vote and convinced them to do so. The fact this is looked at as such an upset to our democracy is exactly why it's fucking dead here.
Targeting voters is undemocratic and threatens our democracy.
It's illegal to be innovative in politics.
If your in the know, brexit was actually a secret battle between globalists that wanted to turn Europe into one United country and businessmen that didn't want EU regulations on their companies
Shitskins and ESLs have no place on/in Yea Forums(nel) and in Western countries.
>It's bad when the right does it.
Politicians have fewer hairs.
at least it made the left finally admit they hate the proles
What was the movies complaint anyway? I heard something about a bus.
>Target voters
wtf lads?
This, it's hilarious that people are saying how Twitter might now become a political platform that threatens fair elections in the United States through propaganda, like it hasn't exactly been that for the past decade already
>News Media bombarding the population with pro immigration/EU propaganda - GOOD
>Targeting people more likely to support brexit and encouraging the to vote - A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY
You can't use polling and big data to target possible voter and win election but you should win election by having ballot mules and stuff the ballot box beyond the total possible number of voters?
Both parties are just puppets of Big Business and America anyways
>Social media
>Implied racism
Every nation is like that but having a fucking election that constantly changes on how many the total supposed ballot to get days after the closing of the poll is just unreal viewing from outside of America
And the fact afterward no one even bother to address questions at least attempt to calm the tension resulted from the nonsensical voting, the fucking response is YOU ARE THREATENING OUR DEMOCRACY is just asking trouble to come
The elites can do whatever they want because they know people are too powerless and controlled by the media to realise what's going on in the first place, let alone stop them
The democrats have develoTRUMP DID ITped tools that utilize the vast data harvesting capaBOTH SIDES ARE EQUALLY GUILTYbilities of silicon valley to rig elecTHERE'S NO EVIDENCE BIDEN CHEATEDtions and subvert democracy.
Always target voters
Oh no the left adores the lumpenproles. The real proletariat are despised.
>Britons vote to restrict white immigration so that the wealthy don't have to deal with pesky regulations and worker's rights
Comedy gold lmao, hopefully Britain's January 6th moment won't be lead by a pussy
Britain doesn't give a rats arse about "white". We've been killing norsemen, Fr*nch and Germs for centuries. The only europeans worth a shit are the Portuguese and the Swiss.
Britain is not a European country and never has been. It is an Anglo country.
Europe = socialist
UK = freedom
That's why the UK voted for brexit
It's wrong to target voters if you're the bad guys.
>mfw the racist gammons don't vote how my Jewish masters want them to
most voters are retards
>UK = freedom
To add to to their delusion that bongs still matter
My family still seethes over me voting for Brexit
I have all of those in my house and have bought stuff before. Worst I had to do was prove I was over 18.
Nobody gives a shit about what you do here as long as you aren't a retard about it, not the same in Europe and even the US in some instances
everyone hates the proles
once automation reaches sufficient levels we'll be pulping the proles for food
Made chuds seeth with the rage of a billion suns and it came even worse than they showed in the movie.
Kind of crazy how dumb some folks are.
UK is actually even more cucked than mainland yurope, something i previously thought impossible
Brexit won tranny
Euro here, i don't have to prove I'm 18 to buy a set of pliers or scissors
If you don't do what the media, the news, celebrities, politicians and violent protesters tell you to do then you are being manipulated.
Jesus imagine someone filing you to death bongs are barbaric
>t. american who gets all his views from paul watson
Let that sink in...
Don't go against Jews cos those pedis will get angry!
But in reality Britain was always more important than Europe so this also plays into British banker's hand
Shy Tory Factor dialled up to 10
When they shout down and get all screechy if they even see someone they think voted Brexit or tory to silence them, it allows them to convince themselves nobody actually does it.
It makes the meltdown every vote hilarious though because they never win
You'd be surprised how much of a nanny state other countries are compared to the UK. They go on about it here but as long as you're not doing anything completely retarded the authorities aren't going to pay much notice.
Meanwhile in the US they'll get their knickers in a twist if you so much as jaywalk, no need to get into euro-autism.
>white immigration
From where? Poland?
Lol. Lmao.
in the places that get 90% of our airtime like london sure, but oop ere in norf i can openly say racist shit and nobody bats an eyelid
I left London after living there for 20 years with my wife from Essex, now we are living in Lithuania, it's shame because almost everyone I knew from Europe that lived left, so now is mostly the brown folks that stay there illegaly
Democracy is bad if you don't vote for what I want
I have actually seen this film
>Target voters
Well who were they supposed to target? What else were they supposed to do? Its an election for crying out loud. Targeting voters is the whole bloody point.
I caught film this on I think C4 some years ago with my folks. The opening was a fictional trial or such of Cummings in 2023. I do think that this movie laid the wallstone for the smear campaign against Cummings. Before this film I don’t think I knew who be was. Then he assumed mythic proportions during the first lockdown as “Boris’ Rasputin”. He was forced before a Maoist struggle session in the Downing Street garden, as I recall being about half an hour late for the live broadcast that all te nation awaited.
What's your favourite colour?
Can jet fuel melt steel beams?
not sure i think so yeah
thoughts on black people?
CIA nigger
Most people were okay with the proles who were too dumb to vote not voting
His strategy was to make people who normally don't vote then vote, thus undermining democracy oh wait a minute
funniest part is when cummings started going after boris and the tory party then the media suddenly thought he was a god
-big- fan
they're only lies when they go against the agenda
it's a shocking expose and real science when it agrees with them