Worst Movie You Have Ever Seen?

What is the worst genuine 0/10 movie you have ever seen? Like a movie that can't even be enjoyed ironically or with guilty pleasure?

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Drive Angry or whatever it's called Starring Russell Crowe
An absolute piece of shit plot and it had this garbage grey filter over everything so you couldn't even enjoy the poor visuals

Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby. It's a sequel that should have never happened.

Dr strange multiverse of sadness

Scott Pilgrim vs the World, it was physically painful to watch. I'll never understand how they got Zelda music in it, Edgar Right must have found Myamotos kiddy porn archive.

Holy Motors ranks pretty high.

Crazy Rich Asians. Was bored as hell one day, and I saw that this movie was just available so I pirated it, and my god it was a gigantic piece of shit. I struggle to even consider this a movie, it’s more like a big budget youtube montage of videos clustered together.
It taught me a lesson to never pirate anything that you see first.

Venom 2
probably others

Star Wars Episode 9.

Batman v Superman.
It's not even "so bad it's good to at least make fun of", it's just a complete and utter waste of time.

Safety Not Guaranteed
- Jurassic World 1 was being made, i was pretty hopeful, and when I read that this guy proved himself to Spielberg by making this masterpiece ("Safety not Guaranteed" - critic praise, reddit praise, awards praise), I decided I'll watch it....... aaaaaand... it was absolute crap,
and not because of the low budget. He turned an interesting concept into a boring comedy with terrible editing and terrible ending. Can't believe how little it takes for a jew to get inside the big hollywood circle...

Zoolander 2
Anchorman 2

Cats and Dogs. Blatant dog propaganda.

Also crow but "The Man with the Iron Fists" i only managed like 15mins

Epic Movie

You mean Unhinged? Man that movie is kino, everybody loves it, you must have watched it on a laptop, because every scene featuring Crowe's truck shook my house. It's pure popcorn kino.

As much as I’d like to say the sequels, at least there was a modicum of effort put into them, whether it be the effects of something, or the sets, or the movies actually resembling a movie.
The correct choice if your choosing Star Wars would be The Clone Wars movie.

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This is the only film I've never finished.

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Identity Thief with Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy. The only movie I've ever walked out of.

Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Turned it off 3 minutes in. I wasn't expecting art but it was absolutely putrid. Also the love guru.

The original britfag version is kino, the black american movie is interesting to watch afterwards

>American remake
Lol, americans really turn everything to shit, don’t they?

both kino if that's the worse you need to expand further you can go much much lower

Marci X
The entire movie was dogshit but this one sticks out in particular because my alcoholic dad was seething throughout the entire thing. This scene in particular sent him over the edge and he screamed at my mom for picking such a shit movie and proceeded to throw his ash tray at her head which caused her to pass out.


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>Zoolander 2
Oh god, I totally forgot about that piece of shit. Thanks for reminding me.

it gave us gimp Arianna Grande no matter how shit it was its redeemable

Nah, I could just watch that shit on youtube if I wanted too.

Rocky 5

I dunno, I watched dead calm yesterday and it was fucking horrid though

Star Wars episode 9 is incredibly shit, but I can enjoy it ironically, it's just such a hilarious trainwreck with everything being so bad and it destroyed one of the biggest franchises in the world. Just think about "somehow palpatine returned" or "I'm the spy" or that dagger scene.
The Clone Wars movie was nothing special, but it was just mediocre, I definitely wouldn't call it the worst movie ever made.
Now the real answer is Holiday Special, which is shit, but also painfully boring.

Movie was about 90 minutes, felt like 3 hours. Written and directed by our very own local celebrity faggot who always desperately tries to be like Guy Ritchie or Tarantino. Whole movie is just "dude lithuania lmao!". Not a single second of this was enjoyable.

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Free Guy
made me want to neck

I asked my friend, who was a girl, what her favorite movie she saw was. She responded with 365 Days as she saw it on Netflix or whatever streaming service she uses.

This is the one “movie” that ranks as a 0/10. It was just…fucking awful. I’m never making the mistake of watching a girl’s favorite movie ever again.

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how did this event affected your family's life? what happened next?

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What were you exactly expecting going in to see Reddit: The Movie?

This fucking sack of shit right here

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and fuck bob balaban

Did you know it has a sequel?


Sicario 2

probably has alot to do with the fact that Sicario 1 is one of my favorite movies of all time

the most interesting part of this movie, the surprise finding - the twist, if you will....
WAS SPOILED by Bill Murray when he did the reddit AMA before the movie.
Yes I know it's "history" at this point, and really happened, but I don't care. That surprise was the only thing the movie had going for it.

the witch
fuck reddit
and fuck jay

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>Checks wikipedia to see if it’s real
>No way it can be real
>it’s fucking real
Just…WHY? Does Netflix need that extra content on their shit streaming service? Did people actually like the first piece of shit movie?
Fuck, now my morning is ruined.

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Guns Akimbo

i never know shit about movies i watch before i watch them

bruno has one of the best endings of all time faggot youtube.com/watch?v=nPnKxx8KXQw

Your favorite movie.

Didn't finish it
Too pozzed and unfunny

V for Vendetta and Children of Men. I feel sick to my stomach just typing out the names they're so bad.

it wasn't as good as the others but watch my link, the ending is worth it


the kingsmen. it was painfully reddit

Birdman. Thread about it just reminded me of it.

Requiem for a Dream
That Dungeon Siege movie early in Jason Statham's career
The Hobbit movies
The dungeons and dragons movie from the 90s

Cape Fear

both kino

Venom 2
Spiderman no way home fuck the movie is bad
A clockwork orange
Sharknado saga I expected wacky garbage but instead is just garbage, no wonder why reddit loves that piece of shit
Transformers TLK

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Peppermint comes to mind as an example of a movie with a good cast but still somehow comes off as complete b-movie trash
I was actually offended by how bad it was

Slumdog Millionaire was complete fucking horseshit. I had to go see it with school and I genuinely would have rather stayed at school and had normal classes.

It taught me that the Oscars really don’t mean shit anymore even when I gave them one last chance after Crash.


Xanadu (1980)

holmes & watson comes to mind

Episode 9 definitely, which says a lot - since it cost what, 300 mil? what an embarassment. But when the dancing indians with elephant heads show up....I havent laughed that hard for 10 years, I was crying and blowing snot

Painful to endure.

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Definitely a worthy mention. 0/10 film that I was dragged in theaters by my ex gf for. Just horrible.