Attached: AmberT(h)urd.jpg (2000x1333, 181.36K)

cheek implants were a mistake.

perfect for a ball gag edit

Deppbots in full on panic mode right now. There's overwhelming evidence to support Amber's claims of abuse. This board will go into full meltdown when Johnny loses this trial.

Yea Forums‘s already in contrarian mode. Posters here are now rooting for Heard since normalfags all love Depp again

Glownigger AI

Attached: Johnny depp amber heard newest voice recording and ambers deposition 17 . 3 . 2020.mp4_snapshot_11.57.932.jpg (854x480, 53.22K)

yeah, we can tell

Attached: Gyui.jpg (636x513, 72.45K)

Bitching quoted talented Mr. Ripley, Gone Girl and other films. Can't tell if she's taking the piss or batshit and doesn't realize she's doing it.

Is there any vid showing the actual scenes and her testimony side by side?

Only text.

Dude, she looks completely natural there.

>There's overwhelming evidence to support Amber's claims of abuse
Objection, hearsay!

>There's overwhelming evidence to support Amber's claims of abuse.

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I think her facial expressions are really cute.

There are plenty if videos pointing out differences, so it probably won't be long before someone makes one.

No because it didn't happen.

t. Elon

This. There's no way Amber will lose this now, unless she shits the bed.

who did it better?

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Hello I’m not a faggot, can anyone tell me what the trial is about?

Attached: barking dogs shat the bed.jpg (1350x850, 638.93K)


girl on the left is mogging amber hard and amber has like a perfect face
how is that possible?

Kiss the fish suit goodbye roastie of the wall kingdom.

Where is laineyball.. could make a amberball with the turd included

Depp thrusted big bottle insinde Ambers anus and she shitted his bed as revenge. Trial is about how much money can Amber divorce rape from Depp

Facial expression, also Amber got a bit face chubby


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I have only dipped in and out of this shit and all I've seen is both of these vapid cunts feel sorry for themselves, has any actual evidence been presented?

Reflection of their soul/personality.

This been going since 2016???

Amber's been insane for much longer.

Honestly, what was Amber even thinking with the bottle story? How did her lawyers even let her? The jury must be laughing their ass off

Just another attractive woman that’s never faced any consequences in her entire life. She’s so used to getting her own way it just doesn’t occur to her that nobody is believing her bullshit.

Lurk moar

She famously can't act, maybe it's time to admit that he was just beating the shit out of her. Don't see how it'll change your personal life if you accept this obvious truth

>Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don’t turn it off! It wasn’t my war! You asked me, I didn’t ask you! And I did what I had to do to win! But somebody wouldn’t let us win! And I come back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport, protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me, huh? Who are they? Unless they’ve been me and been there and know what the hell they’re yelling about!

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this image is the perfect embodiment of germanic vs angloid

It’s not an implant it’s just collagen filler like they do for lips. Typically you can’t even tell but people get a little work done and then they usually can’t help but go overboard


>Pepe vs. Wojak

I think Heard has gone with some lawyer advice to downplay makeup and hairstyle so no one will associate her with the scheming whore she is inside. I
also swear it looks like she's trying to dress like RBG because of this recent Roe v. Wade shit. She was copying Johnny before and then stopped to change to this style once she started hearing about the backlash from social media or something? It's fucking weird.

>how is that possible?
Amber unironically hit the wall hard. She genuinely was hot AF in her 20s, but once you're in your 30s you can't keep your looks unless you take care of yourself.

Btw, anyone have that high res close-up of Heard where you can see how old and bloated she looks now?


Attached: 1651820427199.webm (1000x564, 1.94M)

Found it.

Attached: 1635427910164.jpg (1462x1492, 417.28K)

looks like Greta Thundberg

What about Johnny's equally skanky daughter, Lily-Rose or something? How does she figure into all this, who's side is she on?

this cunt is irredeemable

>Typically you can’t even tell but people get a little work done and then they usually can’t help but go overboard
Always with this cope, yet every single job is botched.

She's defending him obviously, basically nobody is on Ambers side. You'd think the exes of this "wife beater" would jump at the chance to shit on him but they're defending him too lmao

She looks exactly like that old meme photo of the triggered male feminist. Wish I had it so I could put them side-by-side in an image.

is this the face she pulls when doing a dirty protest too I wonder?

It's amazing how dumb she is. There's ways she could have lied about being abused that would actually seem plausible and be difficult to disprove but she is trying to make Depp out to be comic-book villain.

>catalogue suddenly full of Amber threads
>they aren't being purged within 5 minutes
what did the jannies mean by this?

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thye're getting paid by amber or her "legal team", duh