I'm looking for more films about anarchy. Anarchy in the true sense of the word, meaning no hierarchy...

I'm looking for more films about anarchy. Anarchy in the true sense of the word, meaning no hierarchy. There can still be laws but the people would have all the power. What are some good anarchy kino (in the true sense of the word).

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The CHAZ zone, where leftists gave all their food to homeless people and got robbed by blacks

The evolving mission was the best part

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How does the boot taste? Never tried it myself.

SLC Punk

American cops are shit tier but due to the nature of American politics, nothing will ever change.
Americans will keep getting shot by the police and they will continue to like it

>local police department
More like his local Synagogue.

if the people have all the power then why do they have to obey laws?
how are you going to enforce agreed upon laws without hierarchy?
how are you going to even agree upon the laws in the first place without ratifying them officially?

Nogs getting killed by pigs does rule pretty hard though

holy mother of Raimi posts

Because Anarchy is a shit tier system that gets blown the fuck out and outcompeted by literally every other governmental system, no matter how retarded.

Is there any difference between the two
Unfortunately it’s not just America. Here they can’t quite shoot you (unless there’s a protest nearby, the every passerby is fair game to get beaten up) but they find ways to harass you that would make you wish they shot you.
I can’t believe I used to think cops were cool when I was 5-6.

You don't, but if you're the typical anarchist you can phone dad to come pick you up when things start getting messy.

Jesus was crucified on the orders of the kikes, the Romans tried everything to get him freed but the kikes wouldn't relent

Post pic of your autonomous community right now

The only cool cop is Robocop.
Unless you are a creep, then he will shoot you in the dick.

Anarchy kino of the highest order.

Jesus Raimi

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Thank you for understanding what anarchy REALLY is, my based friend. I am a techno-naturalist anarchist (I'll explain what techno-naturalism is in part 2). I am a HUGE FAN of anarchy. People think that anarchism is only for edgy teens, but I am 31 and I am against edginess simply for the sake of edginess. Anarchism does NOT mean 'without rules', it means 'without RULERS' - which means that anarchism is a system where we are TRULY FREE (as opposed to 'free-range', like we are now). I dream of a world without governments, Jews, niggers, Muslims, borders, religions, flags, poverty, countries, money, human-made laws, weapons, diseases, courts, pollution and wars. I dream of a world where everyone has raw vegan organic alkaline food, unfluoridated water, shelter, artificial intelligence that can never hack into our brains, clothing (unless they want to be nude like me), environmentally-friendly technology, robots that do whatever we want for us but can never betray us and unindoctrinating non-compulsory education. I dream of a world where everyone can joyfully, peacefully, truthfully, freely, independently, fairly and unconditionally lovingly explore both outer space AND inner space together - forever.
In a perfect world that was morally and spiritually advanced, there would be NO government. But without the moral and spiritual advancement required to handle anarchism maturely, the best type of government would be a minarchist government. We could use minarchism to transition into peaceful anarchism.

inb4 peaceful anarchism doesn't exist

Peaceful anarchism DOES exist, don't fall for kike lies. (end of part 1)

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(start of part 2) I want what I call a 'techno-naturalist utopia'. Everything in the universe is nature. Everything is natural, including technology. Nature and technology CAN co-exist in harmony. I am not opposed to humanity advancing through technology and I dream of a world where nature and technology co-exist in harmony. Indeed, technology is derived from nature. Nothing is truly artificial because everything is a part of nature. For example, a computer might be thought of as 'artificial' but computers are made of carbon atoms and carbon atoms are a part of nature - so computers are natural. Everything is natural. But just because everything is natural does NOT mean that everything is 'good'. With this in mind, how can the notion of anything being 'supernatural' be true? There are only two types of 'natural' - the 'natural' that people understand and the 'natural' that people do not understand (and therefore call it 'supernatural'). A techno-naturalist utopia IS possible. We can enjoy a world of futuristic skyscrapers with lush plants growing on them. (end of part 2)

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nigga u gay

(start of part 3) They are obsessed with suppressing our sense of the possible - one of the ways they accomplish this is by restricting our access to correct information. They are hoarding knowledge of TRUE history, TRUE geology, TRUE astronomy, TRUE health, TRUE physics, etc. and, most importantly of all, knowledge of the TRUE nature of 'reality' itself while teaching a false, incomplete and distorted version of those subjects to the general public, who usually unquestioningly accept all of it. To anyone who dismisses anything that I post as being 'crazy', just remember that all it takes to suppress a person's sense of the possible is to restrict his or her access to correct information. Simple as that. Don't let others dictate to you what can and 'cannot' be done, what is 'real' and 'unreal' and what is possible and 'impossible'. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. There are two things that they do not want you to know above all else:

1. That who and what we ALL really are is Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form (you can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't, because the word 'God' has limiting religious connotations that I would rather avoid).

2. That what we call 'reality' is ILLUSORY and therefore MALLEABLE, which means that NOTHING is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!").

The righteous will inherit the Earth and beyond, other me. Have faith in that. And sharpen your swords until that day comes. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power! (end)

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I found amazing that he won best supporting actor in 1993 for Unforgiven then panned for doing the same role in this movie in 1995

>We can enjoy a world of futuristic skyscrapers with lush plants growing on them
How are you going to stop the high winds killing the plants retard?

Why is /pol/ and Yea Forums full of boot lickers? What do you get out of this?

It's rare to come across people who actually understand what anarchism is, and that's how governments around the world wants it. Unfortunately you are not going to get many answers in this thread

Because they are good people. And punishment can still exist. e.g. banishment

>Edit 9

Probably because your gay little communes get btfo almost instantly anytime they're established because they were too busy arguing about whether litter ordinances constitute fascism

Capitalism has failed in every state it had been tried. Eat shit.

I'll help you abolish the police as soon as you tell me what you will do about crime.

Yeah, and who enforces that punishment?

This. Brainlets don't understand that cops are only necessary because of diversity. You'll find that people that hate the police also support diversity so they're just fucking idiots.

u have to be over 18 to use this website

Real capitalism has never been tried

who is in charge of keeping banished people out of town?
how are people punished? who punishes them?
are they held? like in jails?
who runs the jails?
who is in charge of catching and putting people in jails?
are there courts? who administers the courts?

I'll kill all niggers to solve the problem of crime.

The people by voting dumbass.

>Implying an anarchist commune ever agrees on fucking anything

The people vote on how to handle all that.

anarchy failed in spain
anarchy failed in germany
anarchy failed in russia
you are a failure
your whole ideology is based on being so edgy and above it all you don't need any cops or laws and that anyone who thinks you do is a cuck, people like you end up in mass graves and gulags because you inevitably get BTFO by more organized authoritatian forces, your little short lived anarchy playgrounds can only exist in structured liberal societies which put up with your bullshit

Voting is fascist

capitalism failed in the usa
capitalism failed in France
capitalism failed in Spain

how is the voting process standardized?
what measures are in place to make sure votes are counted fairly?
can people vote to have police and a government?
if they do then is it still anarchy?

those countries are capitalist and still working

Anarchists a bunch of posers anyways

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>question 1
people decide
>question 2
people decide
>question 3
people decide

youre not clever trying to poke holes in this. How does voting work? Oh I don't know you get together the first time and count hands. wtf?

They all have higher standards of living simply by virtue of not being fucking dead in a ditch lmao

No retard, who is going to physically remove the banished person. Remember there can be no police because that would introduce hierarchies.

You have low standards for "working".

not for most people
The people decide on a law that says banished people may be removed by anyone in the community. no hierarchy

What stops one guy arming his mates and declaring himself king?

Yeah, you probably don't get to taste much at all lmao.

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Leftists are the niggers of political ideologies

You're dodging the questions because you don't have answers for them fatty.

The people.

>youre not clever trying to poke holes in this
I don't need to poke holes in it it's full of fucking holes it is a hole in the place of where a cohesive ideology should be
you have no plan you're a fucking dumbass
>yeah a billion people are going to run the whole world with no government or structure they're just going to like... decide stuff.. all of them... together
you are a complete joke

> this happened two years ago
I need to buy ammo. Would love to put down rabid leftists

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Why are you afraid of living in a society where you can be free? Does making your own decisions scare you so much? Do you need a bigger man to tell you what to do.

Woah based raimi calling out ZOGbots

Not him, but you could have voluntary police officers and voluntary courts. In an anarchist society, everything would be voluntary. How shit would get voluntarily enforced though is anyone's guess.

What do cops do about crime right now? Crime rates are only increasing.


explain how they are not working or have failed
they will be here in 50 years and your anarchist pipe dream will not have been realized

How am I making "my own decisions" if everything gets decided by majority vote?

So it's literally force of arms?
How do the people organize so they aren't btfo by organized forces with proper hierarchy and chain of command?

Not relevant to this shit thread, but I was wondering how the gop could be reformed. Maybe a revival of the old right with a paleo conservative bent would be kino

Go to the streets in a city and tell me this cities are working. Have fun in the middle of Chicago and Paris dumbass.

that's not an answer to my question
how have they failed?

>How do the people organize
they vote and decide that for myself. I can't make that decision for them

The places where rules don't exist and are decided by force of arms held by private persons? I thought that was your ideal society and now you're saying it's bad?

And you think not having cops is going to improve things?
How, exactly?

Are you that dumb? The people are poor and in misery. They are slaves working shit jobs to die young and make someone else rich.

I'm asking how the people can defend themselves against inner and outside agressors.

Oh rules exist there. And they're arbitrarily enforced by racist cops.

your definition of failed is retarded and you're retarded
the anarchist movements that were wiped out throughout the 20th century are the definition of failed

They clearly can't as history has shown, besides armies are fascist

>he isn't free RIGHT NOW
just ignore the law lmao

They have hands don't they? That means they can defend themselves. You and your disgusting brethren think poking these kind of stupid holes will work and justify your status quo. Make things better dipshit.

Only because fascists convinced morons like you to vote for them.

>Le green buildings
Imagine the moisture rotting away concrete and support beams.
Imagine the bugs


See, you're still dodging the questions like your dad doged raising you properly.

I'm all for abolishing capitalism bro. Just give me an alternative that won't end with me, a person that can't walk, dead.

Greenland. Gerard Butler trying to panic work his way through a collapse of society. Its pretty kino.

>the system is failing because people die young
actually life expectancy has increased over the last decades
>they are slaves because they have to work
people will always need to work

failure is not "there are bits of this system I dont like" failure is "this system is collapsing"
you have no idea what failure looks like, you are a pampered little bitch

How are you going to have armed forces without hierarchies? Will they have a spontaneous vote on whether or not to storm the next hill?

You said of content. It's like I'm really at a fascist rally.

Would corporatism work in America? I wonder if they implemented in a state like Florida, what would happen

but if people voted for them isn't that the will of the people?
so it was actually totally in accordance with your rules of anarchy

Breathing is fascist,by continuing to selfishly use oxygen you are depriving your fellow man of resources that could be better distributed as a group

Just because you're too stupid to see how that can work doesn't mean it can't exist.

anarchists are good people but sadly they behave like children with their solution being the deletion of everything so there's no problem

No. fascists bend the will of people. they are snakes like the snake in eden

But I want my will bent daddy

Well, you don't seem to know either, so that makes two of us, then.

There's no point of arguing with the boot looking chuds here. It's amazing how willing they are to stick their tongues up the anuses of billionaires. I'm literally laughing at their lives right now.

fascists are people too
they have the right to convince other people to vote for them
basically if fascism is voted in then fascism is totally fine
if you won't respect the people's will you're not a true anarchist
the holocaust was the will of the german people and they voted for it so it's good

Pretty sure Jesus was crucified by Jews.

>There's no point of arguing with the boot looking chuds here.
Then why are you doing it? You're not accomplishing anything.

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