How'd she end up as one of the worst parts of the show?
How'd she end up as one of the worst parts of the show?
Bad writing
Because she grew up to look like an ogre and people have no sympathy for ugliness. She was given the worst possible outcome for her plotline because the halo effect is all too real.
>gets stabbed and thrown in a river full of piss and shit
>fully recovered in 5 minutes
She used magic
>the writers destroyed her character because she's ugly
meds time
The cope surrounding this scene was hilarious
>she’ll be healed by magic
>it’s not actually Arya
Turns out it was just stupid writing
It's was a dream sequence
Soon as they ran out of book material, she turned into a mary sue that can do no wrong, has no faults, can overpower men twice as big as her, and has assassin magic too. Oh and she can fuck people, even though youve watched her since she was like 8 years old.
Is there a /got/ archive for that episode?
I kinda want to see the live raw reaction to that bullshit
She always looked like that
>you don't think people make subconscious decisions all the time that are affected by the halo effect
Cope and seethe
It was just stupid and a waste of time. I'd prefer her to just pop up a season later and have super powers would've given me more time in my life to spend better
Early onset WALL
>go on archive
>search /got/ or episode title
Isabela Moner Merced aged like milk
1, no she didn't, and 2, wrong thread much?
No one calls her Merced
When did they have Moner dress like that? What film?
Pipe down autist, adults are speaking.
Game of Thrones and Moner wasn't in the show
>literally faceblind from an ugly Brit to a sexy Latina
Isabela Moner hasn't done much since GoT ended
how about continuing to give Yea Forums boners?
I don't remember her in the show?
Don't forget she killed the night king.
Shhhhhh. Your simp sperging isn’t welcome here.
Never watched it. Makes sense though, the 2 actresses do look pretty identical.
Maisie is ugly
Leave the two girls alone. They’re just trying to be professional artists. They don’t need hatred and bile from incels like you.
Doesn't help she looks like Quasimodo. But regardless those 2 kikes can't write for shit and without the source got became a cliche filled mess and Arya just ended up the Mary Sue badasss who is as unstoppable and she is flawless.
Maisie is ugly, Moner is perfect
who's this
bad writing
You brought up Bela for no reason
I agree. All in all she is a smart starlet, but not without her flaws.
I loved watching her in Game of Thrones traipsing around with the hound dressed as a boy.
I'd get quite excited looking at the outline of her firm, pert young buttocks nestling against the tattered fabric of her boypants.
I would dearly love to force her to the ground and with the sheer might of my erection, rip a hole in the fabric, enough for me to force the head of my cockschlong in and rip a large entry point. I'd cum on her dry musky arsehole and then use that cum as a lubricant to squeeze my still hard danglewalloper tight up her shitsnip until it's rubbing against the walls of her bitchwomb.
She's so much better looking than Maisie it's ridiculous
What went wrong?
Listen they might both be ugly to you and you might think Moner is the better actress but to everyone else there’s very little difference in how they perform. Rather than talk disparagingly about how they look, you should just appreciate these women for getting out there and making a successful life for themselves, unlike what you are doing.
dios mio...
they look absolutely nothing alike
Moner boner
Now you’re just trolling. I’m not biting user, stay mad.
Literally no one would think one is the other, they're nothing even close
Easily >>>>>
This is a GoT thread
Except eeryone does, every thread where they appear shows that. People have a hard time distinguishing between the two but ultimately they’re respect them. Only the bigots and hate filled incels can’t acknowledge it so sperg out with their cognitive dissonance and lopsided misogyny. It’s pretty pathetic user. Grow up.
literally show one time
Maisie is ugly as sin
It's only hair dye
This here . Now we know your a liar though, it regularly happens and you just insinuated it hasn’t happened once. A lying bigoted misogynistic incel, that’s you user. Moner and Maisie are fantastically bright young artists and they’ll both be successful for years to come. It’s inevitable they’ll do something where they play identical twins but you would sperg out and be mad at how two different races can’t be twins. Stay mad.
Not an example
>t. Ostriching user REEEEEEEING into the dirt
You dun goofed
Only Maisie has been posted . So much for "look alikes"
Enough with the Moner threads
Ahem, Moner in a wig —->
>completely different features
>different styles
once, and nothing to do with the show
so you're saying she's basically a Mexican Maisie Williams?
>people actually try to claim Maisie looks as good as this
>One in the entire thread
Yes that’s called make up, lighting, shot direction and wardrobe. It’s difference by design, to portray different characters you dumb-dumb. We get it, you’re a hate-filled bigot. Keep your sperging to a minimum whilst the adults appreciate these two fine young women.