Can anyone who has been following the amber depp trial fill me in on what's so special about amber admitting that she...

can anyone who has been following the amber depp trial fill me in on what's so special about amber admitting that she wrote the op ed?

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haha she poop in bed


I made a thread yesterday about Johnny Depp and it was deleted by the janitor team of Yea I would be careful if I were you OP.

Amber is a crazy BEAUTIFUL woman.

don't worry broham, I use the same VPN to post this that I use to make porn threads here


it's considered defamation, because it implies that it's Depp which then causes him to lose all this potential revenue from film sequels and such, so she needs to reimburse for the lost revenue

Pro tip:

A long voyage on a yacht.


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It's not that special, but it's legally convenient because there could otherwise be some dispute over the fact of whether she wrote it or not. If she denied it on the stand, Depp's team would have to try to prove it. But I think they had already effectively done that with emails in evidence and with testimony from the SPLC or whoever.

I do the opposite of whatever Reddit does so I'm supporting Amber.

The point also being that it breaks the terms of their divorce where they had written a clause that neither would talk shit about the other.

For as much as she's entirely lost in the court of public opinion and will never work again - a lot of the abuse stuff is irrelevant to this case. If team Depp can't prove that the article is about him, she wins by default

So far that is all she said about it on the stand. It's still likely Amber will deny having written the title of the article.

Who else would it be about?


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It's written broadly enough to be about anyone and no one in particular

Doesn't matter. Depp failed to show damages as a result of the article as his career was already in freefall and he had no pirates 6 contract. They already established his calling for assassination of Trump and other actions as detrimental to his career. Everything from here on is just a charade.

Oh my Fauci she is so attractive

She was dating immediately before and after, although the time frame given in the article appears to make it obvious that it refers to Johnny. The jury will make that finding easily. Amber Heard's team didn't even deny it when they requested summary judgement. Nor can Amber deny it on the stand without opening the door to bigger problems.
Jury will disagree.

One of the arguments earlier made by her defense team was it was on them to prove she wrote it, amongst some other things

Well, she just admitted she did. That's important because of what the lawsuit is about, it needs to establish that and how it damaged depp with its false claims.

Can someone post that meme edit someone did where johnny is a cowboy and herd is playing poker

>If team Depp can't prove that the article is about him, she wins by default
They already proved that and more, including statements from the place that published it that it was very much about him. They also mentioned previous case law where precedent was set that defamation can be from implication, something mentioned when team amber tried to pull a quick one and have the case dismissed.

Why is she so evil though?

I mean what is there to gain here?

Nah, Depp is not winning this case. This whole thing is just to try to win some favor in the public eye.

Crazy people don't really think with common sense, but I can guess she thought all the proof was going to be on her side since there was that audio recording of her challenging depp to take it to court and see what happens.

these dubs

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Don't stick your dick in crazy Exhibit #1

He already won imo

Jury trial. Anything is possible, and it's apparent that public sentiment is on Depp's side. Depp and his team aren't even afraid of laughing at Amber Heard's testimony in full view of the jury.

Certainly won the public opinion battle at least, getting all that crazy stuff out on Amber is quite something. The only reason people so actively watch this court case is because of just how crazy this woman is and what she did.

There are moments where I feel she's not lying. The over exaggerated shit about how he beat seems like a lie, but the stuff about him doing cocaine, and drinking daily, and some of the stuff of him slapping the shit out of her or kicking seems real.

Amber is going to muddy the waters enough so they can say her op-ed is how she felt after all this trauma and she kept it vague to protect johnny but she needed to get her feelings out there, blah blah blah, and in that case there is no defamation, it is and they will win. You can go ahead and cope and seethe, but this WILL happen. Btw drumpfcucks simping for Depp, remember he wanted drumpf killed. LOL!

And I thought the worst thing she did was shit the bed.

She would have had an easier time convincing the jury that the op-ed wasn't about Johnny by not claiming he abused her on the stand.
She's literally telling them that it's about him.

Run head first in to a brick wall

Obviously he has to pretend to hate Trump because he's a Hollywood actor. But being that absurd about it is a kind of ironic performance art, secretly mocking the deranged Trump haters.

Media is all fake. They don't care about catering to public opinion. They just pretend the public agree with them. She's got them in her corner, that's all that matters.

She may have had a chance at winning if she didn't invent a dozen different stories of assault with no evidence to prove even one of them. She has a picture of one bruise and that's it. She also might have one friend testify, and that will be it. None of the many other people present in her stories will testify, excepting the ones who already testified in Depp's favor. There are no pictures, medical records, or police records of the kicks, punches, slaps, chokings, broken noses, rapes, wrist crushings, or anything else she alleged. She's utterly fucked because she went so far overboard with storytime.

holy cope

>Claims to have been constantly physically abused by Johnny Depp
>Never took pictures of the injuries despite her making recordings of him for a long time
>Had a private nurse but no documented evidence of the alleged injuries
>Claimed Johnny Depp raped her with a broken wine bottle which magically caused no injuries
>Only person with documented injuries is Johnny Depp
>Had been charged with assaulting her lesbian partner of 5 years which was before she was dating Johnny Depp
>Denied cheating on Johnny Depp with James Franco but wrote him down as a previous partner in her IPV evaluation

>Depp and his team aren't even afraid of laughing at Amber Heard's testimony in full view of the jury
Because she's describing life threatening beatings and then follows it up with pictures like this for "proof". It feels like a comedy skit. I'm really curious whether or not her lawyers instructed her to go extreme with her testimony or if this is something she's mostly doing on her own

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I wish I could shove a broken beer bottle up her ass while the janny hangs himself in the corner

Not an argument.

Depp’s team had a big reaction to Amber talking about Kate Moss and the stairs, anyone know why?

Doesn;t matter. All that matters is how she felt, which is backed up by the ugly psych that Depp's team failed to impeach on cross. You Depp simps need to read up on defamation (what this case is actually about).

She can’t help but tell stories, consistent with Dr. Curry’s report about her having BPD, narcissistic personality disorder and histrionics.

As I understand it this now opens the door for Johnny's team to bring in Kate Moss to testify as to weather Johnny was ever abusive to her.

I don't usually shill for Youtubers, but I think Uncivil Law had the best take on this. Heard's team had made all of the correct legal arguments to frame Depp's actions as being domestic abuse even if it was only minor physical acts like the "headbutt" or verbal abuse. Depp's own testimony was that verbal abuse could be worse than physical abuse. Heard is retarded for going this direction, and her team almost certainly advised her not to.

That said, Heard may have felt locked-in to making this testimony after testifying in the UK trial, even though that testimony was not actually made public.
The law doesn't care about your feelings. If CNN feels that the Covington kid is racist, they will still be found guilty of defamation.

She hasn't shown a shred of evidence that she was the victim of constant abuse let alone constant life endangering abuse all she has is recordings of him when he's drunk and/or high on drugs and even those don't paint him as is claimed by Amber Heard

Snore. Won't change anything.

this is all to convince studios to hire him again so he can make his own money

Proving that she lied during her testimony sure won't discredit her, nope sure won't, neck yourself retard

>Uncivil Law
>The law doesn't care about your feelings
lol this is a chud trifecta. Btw these chud law grifters on jewtube are even more egregious than the OG alt right grifters of 2015. Depp WILL lose this case and all of these law grifters WILL pocket your SuperChat(TM) money and move onto the next grift.

So you genuinely think Amber Heard is going to be awarded $100 million because she felt bad? What's your actual argument?

Depp's team will barely have any time for rebuttal so this will never happen but keep dreaming

No, and you clearly don;t understand what is happening. Neither suit will be awarded any damages. This is strictly for Depp to win back some favor with the public and send a fuck you to Amber for being a huge bitch. He will get 0$. She will get 0$.

ok but seriously, who the fuck is Steve??

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