when is trump going to kill biden and become god-president again? i can't wait forever
>it’s real
The absolute state of Star Trek
Just two more weeks!
Whos dropping nukes in cities? I dont think hicks from west virgina who think Trump cares about em have any nukes
who made the recording of the explosions?
This shows how much they fear white men.. we've not even started any REAL pushback in the way of force and they're already pissing their pants.
Live Streaming drones exist today user....
It was me.
you're right
i actually watched similar recordings of the beirut harbor explosion. absolute kino
Its how most of the news outlets get any ratings too, gotta constantly show something blowing up from 8 miles away but no kino shots of actual battles cuz the russians might see that theyre getting their shit pushed in by 3 babushkas with molotovs out of their apartment windows.
>Whos dropping nukes in cities?
Obviously the ones who are funding all this misinformation QAnon nonsense, Russia.
Holy shit now that I finally see this you guys are idiots. They aren't referencing Jan 6, they are describing a completely different fictional event "eugenics wars" and just using random stock footage of riots that happen to include capitol hill. TV shows and movies use real life stock footage all the time to stand in for fictional events.
I remember when writers would subtly inject their opinions and ideas into shows. Now the shows themselves are just propaganda.
Social media was the death of not only privacy but nuance and subtlety.
Hahahaha these writers man
fucking insane people
Think the media is being too generous with the pro-Russian coverage, do you?
I don't understand why it's bad to show a protest when talking about how politically divided people were before WW3. If they showed Antifa rioting while saying the US was divided you all wouldn't say "LE BASED KURTZMAN HATES LIBTARDS"
When did Pike say that? Was it in a non-English dub?
Pls dilate
>If they showed Antifa rioting while saying the US was divided
they didn't do that though did they?
You didn't answer my question.
why would i? you invented an imaginary situation in your head.
they didn't do it and they wouldn't do it and the fact they wouldn't do it is the whole point
Americans are mentally ill
Well, considering people here are calling the Northman director a white nationalist for only having white people in his movie...
>I can't comprehend my own hypocrisy
It's all part of the culture war that you people keep conveniently pretending isnt happening. The winners of that war are going to be so few in number its staggering they were able to wage it on us in the first place. But what else are they going to do with all that money?
well i can comprehend the hypocrisy of the people in that imaginary scenario in your head. but i'm not one of them, i'm a real human bean who lives outside of your head
When did I say I didn't think a culture war was going on? I just said I don't think it's embarrassing to show the protest and it wasn't in a context that was "le ebil gommunisms"
tired of retards arguing using you as a character in a situation they just fucking made up and acting like it has any weight
What I'm getting from this is that the US is the source of all instability and evil in the world
Merely a coincidence
but if you were imagining situations in YOUR head YOU'D want people to listen to YOU
I'm sure the writers intend me to interpret the shot of people protesting against an election they have no faith in followed by the police stomping protestors as being an indictment of the protestors and not the state.
That's interesting.
Why do they insist on doing this? I understand they want to draw from real life issues but wouldn't it make sense to reference events we have more context for like the actual civil war? Not something that happened a year ago.
You get social Media "engagement" from doing it this way. Driving up the Metrics for the execs upstairs is all that matters. Why worry about franchise stability when we can drive up THIS quarters numbers?
They're asking you to consider how you might act if the circumstances were different to asses whether your morals are actually self-consistent. They're only retarded for assuming you have enough character to actually do this and not petulantly side step any effort at introspection.
>what if we lived in a totally different universe where i'm right and you're wrong, bet you'd feel dumb then
that's what your post amounted to
>burning down kenosha and leftist pedophiles chasing a 17 year old through the streets is fine tho
You first groomers.
The U.S. government and its propaganda arm (media) are, yes.
don't you get it retard, your hypothetical has to be credible. if you ask me to sympathize with a criminal by imagining the situation was different and i was the criminal, i don't have to go along with your stupid hypothetical.
They literally included Portland in that reel.
oh yeah but if I presented you with an alternate situation to change your mind you'd actually refuse to consider it, also you would be crying and pissing your pants
The seethe in response to this post proves it right
they included a bunch of protest footage, only one was recognizable, with a slogan and protest sign. idk how you could get the location and participants of this protest from this, i see no antifa here, do you?
So the new show is shit?
when the white population drops below 50% the country is done
maybe they shouldnt put "AUDIT THE VOTE" front and center in this footage then. its still fresh in people's minds.
it would be really easy to change the text and flags in stock footage, or use more generic riot footage instead of making this a direct jab at jan 6.
its dishonest and preachy
Yes, everyone in that shot.
it already dropped below 50% in the late 1800s. then they started to include italians, irish, greeks and slavs to the list of "white"
they will do the same thing with light skinned latinos, arabs and asians very soon
They literally called it a "fight for freedom." It could easily be interpreted as pro-Jan 6th speech since Pike never once takes a side either way. He even calls it "competing ideas of liberty."
But people just see what they want to see.
Good point.
>six hundred thousand
uh excuse me mr white man, dont you mean six million
it just seems odd to use a footage from very recent events. would TOS trek have used footage of the vietnam war in one of their anti war/anti racism episodes?
I dont care about jan 6th specifically, it just feels out of place
>would TOS trek have used footage of the vietnam war in one of their anti war/anti racism episodes?
Star Trek 4 literally used footage of whales getting carved up. Star Trek isn't always subtle.
yes, it could be interpreted that way if you were very generous and looked at the line in isolation and assumed star trek writers in 2022 were big brained centrists but i'm not willing to do that. good on you if you have that kind of optimism still, i guess.
time will tell, but i think it's a safe bet i'll be proven right
whatever happened to whaling? does anyone besides japanese still do it? icelanders maybe? feels like i hadn't heard about it in a while and it feels like a dick move honestly, whales are breddy cool
it was one of those early environmental issues in the 80s that were inconsequential in the first place and people moved on from it.
besides from import bans in a few countries, nothing has changed