I don't feel so good

i don't feel so good

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Is the original worth watching? I like 90s camp movies, and I heard the practical effects in that film were good.

it would've been kino with better music

...why do they look like n******?

too much BTC?

the first one is grimdark, and the second one is comedy
complete tonal whiplash and i wouldn't have it any other way\
the third one doesn't even exist. would be cool if it did though! haha.

The original 1990 TMNT live action is the best adaption of a comic book on screen to date. It was just gritty enough parents complained and so we got the dumbed down Secret Ooze sequel which is fun but no where near the level of the first one.
It’s a great watch.




All three are great with incredibly unique feels.

For some reason, probably retardation, people seem to think that stuff has to be "absolute shit" or "hot garbage" if there's a competitor to something the like when both/all things can be good.

Donnie having gear made out of trash is kino.

all three what

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I remember how fucking dark it was when Leonardo was crying over Raphael unconscious body lying in a tub while they're hiding out on a farm, then Raphael awakens and the two just hold each other crying. That was some bro tier kino for children.

Turtles movies from the 90's era.

Yea, III was different but it was kino. Fucking kino.

never again.
ain't gonna happen
have fun watching it
it ain't me chief,

For me, it's pic related. Nobody even remembers it

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Best Raph? Yeah, I saw it in the theatre.

Yeah and Casey Jones, battle damaged shredder, turtles actually use their weapons, rooftop fight on burning building, the movie is good and should be watched at least 5 times a year.


90’s Turtles > Tmnt> 90’s Turtle 2 >>> Bay Turtles 2 >>>>Bay Turtles 1

This is the objective ratings for each movie

Turt III?

I legit wonder how many kids Shredder scared the shit out of in that movie. Must've gone in expecting the lame 80s cartoon version but got a combo of the Mirage and 2003 Shredders instead.

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>Is the original worth watching? I like 90s camp movies
It's very good. It's one of the best comic adaptations ever. It's not actually that campy, it's quite dark and has rather mature themes. It's not very much like the corky cartoon that was made for kids. There's a lot of jokes and remarks that kids wouldn't get, and the themes are heavy.

The practical effects are fantastic. Soundtrack is great too.

>I legit wonder how many kids Shredder scared the shit out of in that movie.
Shredder blow my mind as a kid and I never had a favourite ninja turtle because Shred was my man.

never heard of turd 3, sorry no can do englacio espaniard

>grimdark ninja turtles movie

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you ever read the comic book? they slice people's limbs off and shit

dumb nigger

>Must've gone in expecting the lame 80s cartoon version but got a combo of the Mirage and 2003 Shredders instead.
Aside from the 5 part pilot, the cartoon only started airing in fall of 88, where the movie came out in spring of 90.
Turtles had started to get big, but the movie got greenlit REAL early, which is why it was mostly based on the comics.
Most kids (me being one of them) weren't exactly shocked because Shredder in the cartoon , the first 18 episodes were less zany, it was only season 3 which started to go down that route aggressively
t. kid who watched it in theaters and got exactly what I expected

I love the turtles as much as anybody but lets not pretend turtles 3 was not stupid as hell. Probably would have been more acceptable if Shredder went back in time with them because the movie needed a real villian other than what we got.

I watched I and II religiously as a kid but just pretended the 3rd one never happened. I watched it once and pretty much forgot all about it. Must be hard to disappoint a 8 year old but there it is.

I thought the first one was OK but the second one was kino

Man... Mikey can get it.

I liked it

There was literally nothing wrong with this design for the turtles. People just acted like it was soooo bad just because it wasn't the standard look from the 90s.
Fight me.

I cried hysterically in the theater when Raphael gets jumped and my dad had to take me out of the theater. But at the end when they were kicking ass I went back in and the entire theater cheered for me. One of the most vivid memories of my life

Hell yes

I saw this in the theater. I have only seen it a total of two times ever I still own it however and refuse to let it go

Dude.....they all looked like the rapper Jadakiss

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there's literally nothing wrong with (you)

It wasn't stupid. You are stupid.


They’re kinda sexy in a way.

they are extremely overdesigned and the masks look like dog shit but most importantly raphael talks like and wears a doo rag like a nigger

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N___a Turtles

Great shorts, kinda fall off towards the end though

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Why did they make them 6'7" instead of 5'2"?

Absolutely. Kino soundtrack too. Really well structured film.

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How old are you? I watched that shit everyday as a kid on VHS but in theaters?

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They're mutant turtles. They're supposed to look weird. And more importantly, they're teenagers in NYC. Hence the more urban look.

Or are people going to seriously argue that zoomers don't ape nigger culture?

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The best and most memorable TMNT movies, no content. I love all three and I doubt anything will ever top them.

I was kind of forced to watch both movies on Easter.
Honestly, I don't think that's bad but the biggest HUGEST problem with this fucking movie is it being live action with CG. There is NO GOD DAMN REASON THIS HAD TO BE LIVE ACTION.

There's genuinely a lot of soul with the designs (not shredder) and character personalities and some of the set pieces are genuinely good (not all) but holy fuck the CG is so ugly it ruins it.

If they made this movie fully 2D or 3D animated (in a more cartoony style) then I think people would've been way way more receptive to it. The movies aren't even that gritty so the artstyle really clashes hard when it's a more light hearted action-adventure like you would expect from the original live action movies.

*no contest

The noses and lips make them too human-like and uncanny.

The fact that people are seriously arguing a children's movie made with Sesame Street characters for the sole purpose of selling Happy Meal toys is better than a mature PG-13 film produced by the King of Action Michael Bay is beyond laughable to me. Check yourselves into an assisted living facility because you're all a bunch of retards.

90's was the best. even with the suits. it draws more realism and feels genuine.
god i miss pre CGI hollywood. i watched fucking touchstone pictures films. holy fuck nu hollywood is faggot jew shit.

You got sold Jim Henson characters and didn't even get a Happy Meal. Seethe more.

The designs themselves are fine on paper. The issue is how slimey and realistic they all look with more human-ly faces. I get that they literally live in the sewers and don't have the cleanest shit but it makes them feel overdesigned. If someone drew these designs in a normal comic book style i'd think they'd turn out great

You mean New Line?



>The original 1990 TMNT live action is the best
lol the entire thread is a shit log because of this retarded statement everyone go drink kerosene

>Shred was my man
Same, honestly. It's always been Shredder's show for me.
Noice history recount. My intro to the series was the 2003 cartoon and the 1990 movie and it's always been rather jarring to me that many people remember Shredder as a rather goofy villain instead of a terrifying monster. He was my hero as a kid.

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