Why don't zoomers like The Lord of the Rings?
Why don't zoomers like The Lord of the Rings?
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4 hours each movie. zoomers can barely pay attention to a 5 second tik tok.
too sincere
I like the setting and cinematography and music but not the story.
>story of a bunch of white people going to kill the "Dark Lord"
Hmm I wonder
Who the fuck cares what they like
Also, checked
because it has an atmosphere of cheerful people who have hope for the future, which is completely alien to anyone who was born in the U.S. after 2001
They do
Zoomer women love The Lord of the Rings
I think zoomer men find it a bit difficult to sit through however
Zoomers don't have opinions, they are parrots
modern animes have better stories now
look at one piece
Because zoomer brains have been fried by ADHD and marvel quipiage.
Ever since we gave women the right to marry whomever they wish, IQ rates have begun dropping dramatically with each new generation
Most newborn men are very stupid, and can't enjoy good things
Within only 2 generations of women rights, they have managed to put intelligent men at danger of extinction
>Ever since we gave women the right to marry whomever they wish, IQ rates have begun dropping dramatically with each new generation
>Most newborn men are very stupid, and can't enjoy good things
babies btfo
what's wrong with animes?
look at evangelion
“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”
>Come, my friends. The Ents are going to war . It is likely that we go to our doom ... the Last March of the Ents!
what's wrong with crossing your legs? it's comfy
>look people habe always been saying such things!
>shortly before their civilizations die.
We're living in their post-apocalypse and it shows
Arda is much more interesting in print than on film.
look at the world right now
The smartest races/people are the ones procreating the least
You think Idiocracy is coming true?
no trans chracters
it already is
>what was enjoyed 2000: lord of the rings
>what is enjoyed in 2022: low iq music, low iq tv shows like ring of power
How do we save them?
Bieber zoomers born in 98 hate anything before 2008.
I've been waiting to have a good enough screen and setup to watch it, but moving out is nearly impossible.
I will never make enough money to experience piece and quiet ever again. My brain is fucked.
You already had midwit "entertainment" like American Pie and Scary Movie twenty years ago. Culture has been steadily regressing for a long time. LOTR was a fluke even for its time. And event then it's just Tolkiens epic filtered through Jacksons boomer midwit d&d perception of the source material.
only if your fucking balls are microscopic or you're a woman thus a different bone structure
They are too busy getting HRT treatment and getting gay haircuts.
what's gay about broccoli?
You can like Lord of the Rings while also getting HRT and bad haircuts.
Zoomers are Gay Transexual Antifa Leftists who worship George Floyd and only watch TikTok’s. What is a Zoomer going to get from LotR?
>bunch of white people fight of the onrushing dark hordes, lead by pure evil and win
Only the based zoomers like it, that usually means boys and young men.
Not enough blacks and trannies for Zoomers.
Unfortunately, a good chunk of zoomers are right-wingers who refuse to watch any movies before 2008. What you're describing is more millennials.
they don't know how to unironically like things
shits faggotty fr fr, no cap, looks like male head pubes. stop busn
>one piece started 1997
you're dumb and you're wrong
>zoomer men
I don't atheists can understand LOTR.
Only atheists can understand LotR.
just to destroy his "ring"
Because it's Barneyshit
What the fuck does that mean?
I dont know why. But it makes me sad.
Gandalf is literally an incarnated fucking angel. Atheist retard don't even acknowledge a soul let alone a supreme creator.
LotR is also fiction. Atheists are okay with God in fiction. They just don't buy the notion that he exists IRL.
Cringe boomers
Yes, I'm aware of how schizophrenic atheism is.
>thinks fiction is real life
>calls other people schizophrenic
You literally just said that you can't like something if you don't believe it's real. The implication there is that you think Middle Earth is real. And you have the audacity to call people who know fiction from reality schizophrenic. Toppest of kek.
Takes one to know one
You commies are pretty easy to bait, having a rough time lately?
>everyone left of Ronald Reagan is a communist
>They just don't buy the notion that he exists IRL.
The Lord of the Rings doesn't make sense if God doesn't exist in real life though, as you see basically zero mention of God/religion in the text of the novel, he only appears (and the story only makes sense) because the LOTR is essentially a retelling of Bible stories in a pagan setting. Without God there are too many contrivances in the plot to make sense.
ok groomer
Simple. Atheists can separate fantasy from reality. Many atheists have read the Bible without short-circuiting because to them it's just a work of fiction, same as LotR. You don't need to believe in God to enjoy a good fairy tale about throwing a ring into a volcano.
>Many atheists have read the Bible without short-circuiting because to them it's just a work of fiction
That's the thing though, very few of them are like that. Even just on a Jungian level 99.9% of atheists cannot understand the Bible at all, it's totally alien to them on a deeper level outside of a powerpoint listing of plot events. Most atheist brains run on a different operating system so to speak, which is why they do not explain Bible stories well 99.9% of the time and why most of their LOTR analysis is very topical "nerd" covering of historical/worldbuilding minutae as opposed to higher themes. How their mind is trained negatively affects their ability to analyze the text.
acting like the baby is a grown ass man your disingenuity just makes you look retarded