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He's literally just like me


The movie is about being a pathetic piece of shit. The ending is a fantasy as he slowly dies of alcohol poisoning. Imagine drinking lol.

Fuck you I liked it plus Sandra Oh was hot in this.


My dick was in her ass, Miles!

this is my dads favorite movie

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>Sandra Oh was hot in this

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It's a really good one but your dad may be an alcoholic.

I work for a wine cellar in the area they visit in the movie AMA

I had a dream last night that Volkanovski was trying to fight me, was absolutely terrifying

> Noooo you can't just be a regular-proportioned woman with regular sized ass and tits and no plastic surgery.

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Why does wine suck?

What's with the recent Sideways hate?

It gives you heartburn and there's only 5 drinks in a 750ml bottle

Yup only niggers disagree.

This movie is unbelievably based and comfy.

Soulless mulatto zoomer pieces of shit literally can’t understand it

Based dad.
Would nut inside.
Cringe zoomers.

Why are you the way that you are?

my dad loves it too and made me watch it with him. I pretended to enjoy it to make him happy

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literally a perfect film

>getting drunk and slutting it up with her kids in the other room
this made me dislike her. is that incel?

I don't know if the director intended you to like the characters or not, but the movie is only enjoyable if you hate them for being such vapid pieces of shit.

zooms don't get wine because they have xanax

How the fuck did Giamatti's character manage to land Virginia Madsen

>visits his mother under the pretence of celebrating her birthday
>steals money from her and slinks out early in the morning

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I did like it, I wasn’t being serious

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The script said that it would happen also she happened to be cast in that particular role.

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She thought she was getting in early with a potentially successful writer

>This movie is unbelievably based and comfy.
Saw it a few weeks ago and I agree. Never watched for years because of the Wine thing but it's not critical to the story.
Yeah, the female leads were believable and good. Virginia Madsen was 43/44 and looked fantastic for her age.

Because she was old and without a family

Sorry bro I'm more of a Lucy Lui or just jump over and get Michelle Yeoh

This is the first time I’ve ever seen a Sideways thread get more than 20 replies. It’s definitely on the upswing and is being mentioned/discussed here more than it was a year ago.

I saw good, more people need to see this kino. The ads on tv when it came out turned me off. Finality watched it 10 years later and loved it

Not long after this moment I turned it off.

It was a very well received movie when it came out but a low tempo character driven movie like this is never gonna be a big attention getter almost 20 years later, user.

I dont get the ending did the commit suicide?

That’s true, however on this board it could be

Based I love Sideways have been rewatching it a bunch recently. I'd put it in the same category of comfy movies as Napoleon Dynamite. Great double feature.

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Clearly you weren't in my underrated movies stealth Sideways thread a number of months ago.

You're clearly incapable of understanding this classic slice of cinema.

I feel bad for you

they drank poison so they could ascend to heaven for eternal wine bliss

Also known as a forty-sixer

No it was an ending with the potential for happiness but it's fun to pretend that he killed himself Leaving Las Vegas style in that burger joint.

it's more fun to just cage and plug yourself, and then drink a bottle of wine and listen to tay tay

>Ghost World
>Napoleon Dynamite

What else belongs on this list?

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Luv me merlot

Pinot Noir? don't much care fer it

>5 drinks in a 750ml bottle

haha yeahh i know this feel lol...


My big fat greek wedding


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500 Days of Summer

>when he crashes his car to give credit to his useless friend's bullshit story; that friend he started to hate, just because it might save his last real friendship, no matter how threadbare it was at that point
Women think this movie is about drinking wine


You Don't Mess With The Zohan

I found it weird that even as a fifteen year old I really enjoyed watching it.
Before Sunrise
Lost in Translation
The Bridges of Madison County

Quaffable, but far from transcendent

The Cable Guy
Mystery Men

about schmidt

my dad never pretends to like movies I put on :(