This can’t be for real…

This can’t be for real…

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What happened on Jan 6th?

worth a click

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Democracy died

>try to overthrow the government because your zionist puppet was less popular than the liberal one
>cry on Yea Forums when the liberal dominated media shits on you for it

fucking kek i just watched that too

It was one of the worst things to happen in america during the modern age

>absolutely tanked Man in the High Castle with tiki torches
>let’s see if we can make it work THIS time


yeah, i noticed that too and wondered why nobody was screeching about that on here lol.

based and cute duck

The United States capital looked like a third world shithole for a day

A security guard executed a woman.

The Trumpian Horde laid siege to the Citadel of Democracy.

Just googled Jan 6th, figured it would be George getting curbed

Why the fuck aren't my posts showing?

>Watching Picard



What a great duck. Well deserved medal.

the scene in op is in strange new worlds.

Lady Liberty was raped in her own home by a violent mob.

Some boomers took an unscheduled tour of the Capitol

>for a day

That's not Picard it's the other show with Pike

There was an "insurrection" where like four Far Right Extremists attempted to overthrow the entire Government without a single gun, knife, or weapon of any kind.

I still wake up every night in cold sweats out of the fear and trauma it caused me just from watching the clips on CNN

Washington DC has been a banana republic capital since 1963.

>/pol/ during Jan 6
>/pol/ after Jan 6
>S-stop talking about it it it was antifia shut up glowie we din dun nuffin

It's almost like actions have consequences, fascinating.

pic related

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A mostly peaceful boomer protest where the cops killed some woman.

a bunch of boomers tresspassed on the capitol and one got shot by police.

truly the modern 9/11

The whole country is a third world shit hole

Big if true.

Some citizens took an unscheduled tour of a public building that allows tours every day.

>1907 – Maria Montessori opens her first school and daycare center for working class children in Rome, Italy.[21]
Picard is going senile in his old age

its funny, its like they said:
>lets give the fans everything they wanted but make it as woke as fucking possible
dont get me wrong, i like the doctor but i had to laugh about the black man blonde hot woman pairing, its very obvious.

People always complain about woke shit in Hollywood films but television is on a completely different level honestly. Who is the target audience for these shows?

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Penis penis vagina vagina.

cops literally let a bunch of morons walk into the capitol, then when they got rowdy they shot and killed an unarmed lady, evidently this was more traumatic to faggot cuck leftists than 3,000 people dying on 9/11
leftists are so fuckin pathetic lol

durr our peaceful BLM race riots killed 10x as many people but people forgot. Hollywood faggot lefties think they can control the narrative.

We knew it was a boomer nothingburger the day it happened.

>Eugenics War
uh oh spoilers for next season guys

Some retarded boomers took the bait and as usual, only made things worse

I was wondering how the trannoids and lefties were going to handle SNW actually being watchable for the chuds. Turns out they decided to spam that .5 ms shot of Jan 6th to try and ruin the show for them. Interesting gambit.

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It's not about a target audience anymore, it's about demoralization.

so if pike knows hell die in 10 years why not just work for another 9 and then fucking retire and never set food on a spaceship again?

you've never been to DC have you?

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Blackrock has propaganda quotas that need filling and they pay out if your get one view or one million.

9/11 times 6 billion

There was no attempt to overthrow the government.

At first I thought it was based, but when I realized not a single politician died is when I realized it was gay and cringe
Nothing can ever top CW shows, not even Netflix


Hey remember that one time when niggers looted, burned and rioted in every major city in the US for months and months straight? Oh wait, I meant the one time it happened in 2020.

Even BLM was far worse.

Lol who even watches this shit



Absolutely based. Someone post more ducks

lol no

Id watch this on repeat for a day than watch a single episode of any nutrek show.

Keep telling yourself that bubba.

DC is the biggest shithole in this country. It has an exceptionally high murder rate and exceptionally high poverty, most people living there are poor as fuck.

That's not Picard tho

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because it's a prequel to a 55 year old TV show that the writers haven't watched

Mike Pence refused to use his magical vice-presidential power to keep Donald Trump in office

They're laundering money, they don't have to worry about ratings.

Joining the Celto-Germanic faction for the Eugenics Wars

I used to live in Arlington. The Virginia side of DC is nice. The Maryland side is ghetto as fuck.

The protest on January 6th was the consequence.

I always wonder this. Do normies really consoom this shit and not find it ridiculous?

It's not like they call anything out by name or a specific date. Easy enough to assume it's just using stock footage to represent some future event.

Did they have a montage of every time a black person brutalized an Asian person for no reason?

Some stupid Americans pissed off other really gay and stupid Americans and keep shoving it in the rest of the worlds face endlessly.

It’s the factual sequence of events

Duckbros... we can't stop winning...

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Some white guy sat in a politician chair and got 20 years for it

That's what I thought watching this clip they are just using the footage

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you think that is bad?

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he cute


They do but they can’t help themselves. One I know is a conservative boomer and hates left wing shit but as soon as they throw nostalgia at him he keeps watching despite his suffering.

>rightoids are going to spend the next 100 years denying anything happened on january 6th because it was a colossal embarrassment

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Keep telling himself what? Facts?

Essential duck kinos?

lots of seething chuds in this thread

What happened that wasn't just boomers being retards?

Some retard republicans were waived in by police for a free tour of the capital. The media seized the opportunity to portray nonviolent chuds like nigger BLM protestors. Seeing white people act like niggers for a day (TM johnny rebel) shook the nation to it's core, and will live on in infamy.

Wholesome af(lac!)

it was a fiery but mostly peaceful protest

>lefties talk about how evil the US government
>Insane boomers fight the US government because the domestic strategy of tension that is qanon tells them too
>Lefties take the government's side

Case in point.

Republicans made DC look like Hong Kong lol

Really wish the national guard gunned then down regardless of weapons

>what summer of riots, that never happened and it's trumps fault that it did

No literally what do you think happened?

>somebody accidentally tazered themselves in the ballsack
>some dumb thot with an embarrassing Twitter account got shit in the neck
>retard streamers shouting memes
>go home, you’re very special, we loooove you :^)
>guy immediately concedes anyway
>nobody got any of their money back
>literally millions just up and gone
I mean let’s be real, it was really embarrassing


America is a fucking meme

what happened on jan 6th was better than the bulk of the riots that happened in 2020, at least it was a group of people going after the people responsible for all of our oppression and not just niggers going after their neighbors because news jews told them they were racist

>free tour of the capital
You mean you burgers have to pay to go into a building your taxes pay for…..

Taking the side of the American voter is a threat to our democracy.

Hahaha they really will

>media NIGGERS scream insurrection for over a year
>Not one single person charged with insurrection

The seething at this post

The Gravy Seals won't put up with it lmao

Iced Earth lost it's guitarist

>a-at least we protested safely
Cuck mentality.

Ducks are designed for water paddling. Not running miles on pavement. Fuck these people.

And yet the left cries and shits their britches at every opportunity about it to this very day...

They will NOT get away with this.

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The second American civil war has never been apart of Star Trek lore. Imagine changing the lore just to say "Drumpf bad"

Watching this made me sad to think that we kill and eat these cute creatures.

It's literally just propaganda at this point. Might as well just read books at this point, movies and tv are not there to tell a story anymore.

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that's why Hollywood and the media is always bringing it up The BLM terrorists were on the elites side.

Answer the question Nothing happened other than retards embarrassing themselves. Please share with the class what you think actually happened if you disagree with this assessment.

Who the fuck eats geese? That some Chinaman shit?

Jesus Christ. Why? Star Trek canon is now Jan 6 started eugenics wars?

Spilling water on the floor probably made the building cleaner on balance than if they hadn't dropped the water bottles in the first place.

Boomer selfie hour

It's not fragility to oppose genocidal propaganda.

kek you've never been to DC have you? I'll spoil it for you, it's not white people living there.

The target audience are kids and future generations.

And then, right as the blood red form of the mushroom shroud clouded the remnants of the Sun, a metallic triangle ran towards the ICBMs still hovering toward Warszaw, Prague, Paris... London. Even in the cacophony of death and destruction hammering the streets of Kyiv, they pursued the harbingers of death, negating them one by solitary one. The Ghost of Kyiv... the last valiant act of Mankind, the shield of Europe against Eurasian night. This is why our new carbon tax incentive will carry their name, as they were the weapon that stopped the evil from rising to its full stature.

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It's a duck, not a goose.

>A horrific invasion that gave members of congress PTSD
>7 water bottles on the ground, obviously piled up to make it seem like more trash
God it would've been nice if a few states men were killed that day, they need to learn that both the top AND the bottom of this country own them and are willing to kill them if they don't do what they're supposed to do

6 million politicians were systematically gassed that day.

Reality is telling everyone that, though.

Young kids ain't watching this shit

It always looks like a third world shit hole other than the neighborhoods where the senators do coke and fuck children to death

>Answer the question

>Nothing happened other than retards embarrassing themselves. Please share with the class what you think actually happened if you disagree with this assessment.

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goddamn that is cute and wholesome

>water bottles
>somebody stole AOC's shoes
we will rebuild

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jesus user... at least try to think outside your box

The revolution was televised and hilariously ineffective.

Israel won again like always

The peasants stormed the castle but they didn't do anything of importance

Republicans have the thinnest skin

>for a day
I live within driving distance of DC and you literally could not pay me to go to that shithole. Last time I went I stopped at a starbucks to use the bathroom and they had to kick a heroin junkie out of there so I could use it. American cities are third world.

Something happened. An unarmed woman was shot by the state.

Everyone in the northeast lives within driving distance of DC lol

Imagine if Gene Roddenberry was still alive to see what Star Trek has become. He was too naïve and actually progressive for clown world.

20 people died during BLM with 2 billion in property damage. Seige warfare on federal buildings. But we don't have to hear about that on the news every week for years out, do we? Fuck niggers.