>no way boss! I, a black man, will not commit a random act of violence against this asian person
No way boss! I, a black man, will not commit a random act of violence against this asian person
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Very american, to pretend their pet niggers are peaceful.
It’s just like those wall street thugs in the Joker movie
Either take your meds or fuck off back to pol you loser.
why was the nostalgia critic doing this?
You put the slashes on it or you fuck off back to /reddit/
>young kid is hesitant in a gang initiation
this happens all the time. this is amplified by a Bat thing beating the shit out of criminals, and it being a local folktale
toppest of keks
"Stop noticing things, goyim!"
"I hope you also didn't notice how every villain was "White" and how there were more black heroic characters than any other race!"
>gangs with black and white people
is that a thing in usa? sounds like it wouldn't work and they would just have many internal conflicts and probably kill each other
>A Gun??!!?
>No, foolish white man!
>Don't do it!
>I can't be a part of this! No!
Who wrote this movie? Asking for a friend
You will never be a woman
>multi-ethnic gangs
So by portraying blacks as good, respectable men, they're hoping they'll emulate them?
>Main character is literally a white hero
You faggots just love crying about things.
What? Do you have a problem with speculative fiction removed from our own reality?
>Listen Melvin brother of the Joker
"They haven't black-washed Batman on the big screen yet. Just be happy. Stop noticing things!"
more like worried of portraying blacks as bad and getting cancelled. even "bad blacks" are often have some redeeming motives or evil because of a bigger white devil
>implying hoodniggas watch capeshit
Black people don’t watch Batman, they literally think he’s le rich evil white devil
Name one character they've blackwashed in a movie in the past 10 years
I'm implying Hollywood thinks they do.
I know that, but do you think there hoping for monkey see, monkey do?
It's coming
Oh stop being such a fucking facetious prick. If someone said the forbidden NIGGER word in your childish capeshit, you'd be rioting in the street for some poor nigger's hurt fee fees
notice what you clown
you already surrounded by blacks and asians,do you ever go out?
you americans are something else
>t.canadian chad who travels to USA to fuck white sluts
Low quality bait
No correlation. You are fucking retarded, holy shit.
people watching this completely ignoring that he wasn't the only black guy in the group and that the other black guy didn't hesitate when ganging up on the old asian person
I dont live in a big city or the south. Niggers are a rare siting and Asians even more rare. My town is like 87% White.
Still haven't received a single reply with a white character they've turned black yet. Almost like it doesn't happen
>No correlation.
Again shut your mothefucking mouth cunt. We all know the reaction that little word would pull
Denzel was just nominated for MACBETH
>lying about easily verified information
no: preachy entertainment is, was, and always will be exclusively for marketing to white women and their onions orbiters. anybody that was seriously interested in motivating black people to function successfully in society would start with rap music and work backwards from there.
But only a nigger, whose face they left partially unpainted so there was no doubt he was a nigger, decided to develop morales.
Never mind the fact that 99% of the Asian hate crimes over the past 2 years have been committed by niggers. In this universe, it's mostly White people that attack Asians
partly painted because he wasn't fully integrated into the group
For your "Nigger hate folder"
lol you goobers would be calling these dudes mixed ogrerinos goblinos or w.e the fuck in any other instance
this, it’s a completely common occurrence. It’s also common for good boy black youth to not attack innocent Asians, this never happens. It’s a realistic depiction so just stfu okay Chuds?
remember how people said that the first fantastic four movie was dogshit
feels like the director saw that as a challenge
Or mainly to make it obvious a black man can do the right thing... Also nice job ignoring the rest of my comment about Asian hate crimes
You are dumb as bricks kek
>Ms. Martian
If I see you on the side of the street I'ma slap the shit out of you
has very little to do with it
this is obvious bait
zoomers need to be fucking banned from this site, i'm sick of reading dumb fucking opinions these little kids have because they have no experience of anything
name one time they were actually relevant without the presence of a hero more relevant like robin
even worse when you realize it's based on a real event which todd phillips was old enough to remember
Still ignoring the fact that in the real world, nearly 100% of Asian hate attacks are conducted by niggers and The Batman internationally tried to imply that its mostly White people
Yeah? The Folk nation is an alliance of blacks, latinos, and whites
the train gang in this movie was inspired by the neon gang from batman forever however
Hawkgirl and Starfire both have solo runs, dumbass
how relevant were those runs compared to other heroes?
>They included another hero with approximately 5% more fans
>Makes all the race swapping irrelevant
You belong in an oven you fucking kike
The unrealistic part is that the guy encouraging him is white
why the FUCK do they keep remaking batman without touching batman beyond? it's set in a grimdark future full of neon lights and cgi opportunities, tery goes clubbing like a normalfag, and since it's vaguely cyberpunk you can cram it full of niggers easily.
Jew bitch
So your excuse for blackwashing white characters is because they don't make as much money as the rest of the Justice League?
Is that why there's so many niggers in the homeless community?
One of the other Jokerz was black though
To impress his brother, The Joker
Underrated post
pretty sure batman forever happened before batman beyond even was a thing
because no one care about literal who superheroes
please don’t use that word.
>Justice League
>Teen Titans
>literal who
the only people that get riled up about it are you fucking losers and you feel the need to broadcast this shit 24/7.
Meds now
You first
"Take your meds"
people only remember superman, batman, and wonder woman in justice league
nobody watched teen titans which is why it got cancelled and replaced by the one targeting toddlers
How about Thor and Captain America?
>this amount of cope
Relevant enough to warrant a solo run, just admit you were wrong
Targeting toddlers you say?
Only if you take primidone first faggot