/bcs/ Better Call Saul General:

Since rhea directed this episode, why did she decide to wear nothing but a shirt and underwear on? Does she know what she's doing to the viewers? Does she knows what the audience wants?


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If Howard dies I will shit on Gilligan’s front porch.

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who will direct the next episode?

Ya'll bitch ass niggaz, touch my whip again ima lay hands on yo ass McGill

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Jesse will appear in a 15 second scene with Krazy 8 shot from a comically far distance to hide his age

Lalo will survive Breaking Bad and track Walt down in hiding during granite state where Walt will snap his neck in an anticlimactic fashion

Walt and Jesse will not be together on screen or with any other characters

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Someone answer me this. When Saul planted the "coke" at the golf club, Howard was already made aware that Saul was somewhere at the club because the fat bald mesa verda dude called him which is why they rushed back so fast. So why did he not even think it was Saul that planted it? It's fucking obvious?


>the fat bald mesa verda dude called him which is why they rushed back so fast
or maybe just somebody called him and he was needed back at work
i guess things like that can happen when you run a law firm

>because the fat bald mesa verda dude called him which is why they rushed back so fast
Why the fuck would he call Howard to tell him that?

hes gonna get the ted treatment
alive but he will wish he was dead

It was implied, dipshits? You saw the fat fuck grabbing his phone quickly calling them and it switched to Howard answering it and rushing back. Are you THIS retarded?

Why would the Mesa Verde guy think
>wow Jimmy is at a golf club, this is definitely something I should tell Howard (who I barely know) about

Its an elite golf club, they all know eachother. C'mon man use your brain

>Its an elite golf club, they all know eachother
That's really not how it works lmao

>You saw the fat fuck grabbing his phone quickly calling them
i don't really remember anything like this, but even if it is true, then then it still doesn't make any sense
>oh shit jimmy is in this building, guess i need to stop playing golf for today and rush to the locker room because???
i literally don't see the connection

anyone got a mega of the episodes? or good watch site?

>Imagine breeding her

Guys, move the discussion here

The Howard smearing campaign is going to blow up on Jimmy and Kimmy in spectacular fashion

You're retarded. Howard isn't his lawyer, Rich Schweikhart and his associates are. Remember? Howard and Chuck stole Mesa Verde but Jimmy fucked up the paperwork so they dropped HHM?

>i literally don't see the connection
This is gonna be my final reply because your retardation is starting to annoy me. Saul has been fucking a lot with Howard. We literally just had the scene where Howard told Kim what he did to him with the bowling balls and hookers. So naturally Howard will suspect he is up to something no good again, duh. Bye retard

Gillian Anderson did the same. When she directed or wrote X-Files, it was always to get Scully into a sexual situation or a situation of sexual danger. She knew what she was doing.

Howard and Lalo will survive until Gene era

Are you for real or just pretending to be retarded? Yeah Howard has reason to suspect Jimmy but that has nothing to do with the Mesa Verde guy

They killed-off Hank and Chuck, so I expect them to kill-off Howard too.

Batter Call Saul is a prequel. Howard is not in Breaking Bad.
I can't say for sure, but Kim, Howard, Lalo.... 9 episodes to go.

>You think this is bad? This? This Chuckanery? He's done worse. That employment denial! Are you telling me Jimmy just happened to not get employed like that. No! *He* orchestrated it! Chuck! He got that idiot Howard Hamlin to cover for him..

Yes, and how does his actions suggest that he is suspicious about Jimmy's actions? Does he tries to find Jimmy to stop him from doing whatever he is doing? Does he talks with somebody working at the club about the situation? He doesn't even mentions it to Clifford Main. Or maybe he just get a phone call that he needs to go back to his work, so he gets back to his work? Also I've played this episode right now and there aren't any scenes with Kevin grabbing his phone, you've made this shit up.
>This is gonna be my final reply
looks like I've won

Jimmy just the man I wanted to see! Here's that group of losers I was telling you about.

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my 14 year old cat is dying. im sad.

You have to make peace with it. It'll sting less when it happens

Don't worry user, soon you'll be followed around by a ghost cat. That's pretty magical if you think about it. You'll be like a wizard.

why do negro girls like White men so much?

bbc is a meme, black guys tend to be absolutely retarded and disrespectful, and an easy way to get out of the ghetto and into the middle class is to marry into it


sure thing white boi

ty user

Guys, please stop posting on this thread and go on my thread here
I don't want my thread to be pruned


Cute dog

Come on guys, I'm on page 6

Nah faggot

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>woman directs episode
>it's fucking shit

Atleast she decides to showcase her thighs and legs.

I'm sorry for your trouble.

do you think they told her to stick part of her pajamas between her crack for this shot, or was it just a happy accident?

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they had one of the guys on set tuck it in for her

>iToddler shitting in public
What else is new

She was tightly clenching the entire scene

if Howard were to die, what would most likely be the manner of his death?

Gets between Lalo and Jimmy and Lalo kills him, it'll be like the neo-Nazis killing Hank

Alternatively he kills himself after Jimmy and Kim ruins his life

Suicide, it's so obvious. Why else would the therapist scene exist. We've seen more and more of Howard's mental health issues

>Rhea SoHorny

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>Why else would the rapist scene exist
So kim can bring some fanservice

In the scene where the skaters are following what they think is their target car, you can see a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited JK and a third generation Toyota Prius on the road, these vehicles were not available until 2007 and 2009 respectively.
Also, in "Five-O", Mike is shown arriving in Albuquerque on a New Mexico Rail Runner commuter train. It's anachronistic as the episode is set in the summer of 2002, and the New Mexico Rail Runner didn't begin service until 2006. Also, Mike wouldn't be arriving on the Rail Runner if he'd just come from Philadelphia. He'd be on Amtrak's Southwest Chief, the passenger train that runs from Chicago to Los Angeles and goes through Albuquerque.

This is the one that makes the most sense but it's also pretty predictable I get the feeling the writers aren't gonna do it.

Why would Howard need to be dead? That doesn't hurt any continuity. He just owns one of multiple law firms in the city

They could only make it look like a certain year for so long. Something's bound to slip through

Her ass looks like it's begging to be done

Not rhea, she already gave us plenty of leg service. She might actually start stripping if she does it again

Wasn't it mentioned that all of the salamanca's are dead during gus's taunting hector

Redpill me on the Magna Carta

It's 1216

>Another suicide

It's 1261, Chuck

>Howard was already made aware that Saul was somewhere at the club because the fat bald mesa verda dude called him which is why they rushed back so fast