Getting kicked while down, they just can't catch a break..
Uh oh
>streaming is le future
It's the future corporations want. The future they're getting is full scale fucking collapse and customer disinvestment due to their obscene greed, stupidity and incompetence.
Piracy chads… we’re back
Isn't amazing how they managed to fail the thing that even the music fucking industry got it right?
I'm just glad Netflix died before they managed to ruin anime like they were planning to
Don't give a single fuck about western tv shows and movies because the west hasn't produced anything good for the past 30 years at least nothing mainstream
I was looking forward to that Meghan Markle animated series
>tranime fan
Checks out
to spit.
>Don't give a single fuck about western tv shows and movies because the west hasn't produced anything good for the past 30 years at least nothing mainstream
Unimaginably retarded take.
Interesting. I wonder how long until Disney is the top streaming service.
based and chadimepilled
So you liked pozzed Hollywood shit? He's right.
and that's a good thing
Jewish subversion propaganda #159 isn't "good"
We never left
Shareholder lawsuits like this always pop up when a security tanks this bad. Rarely does anything come of it
fucking this, it wouldn't collapse if they all didn't get so fucking greedy, it's a bubble waiting to burst
>they're doing so bad, they're being sued because investors think they should have seen it coming
Netflix? More like NetFUCKED
Thermae Romae Novae actually fucking ruled, peak autism
Disney is pretty great if you have kids or like watching shows for children. That’s the beauty of streaming - if you like a particular type of movie genre there is usually a streaming service that caters to your tastes.
I prefer things stay as they are. As long as the corporations think piracy is irrelevant, the ISPs will lay off. If I'm going to pirate media, I sure ain't paying for a damn VPN.
Netflix stock has gone down 70% since release of Squid Game.
Omg how did an anti rich people series make people hate Netflix
We're getting bigger this time.
Is that graph logarithmic or linear?
>Piracy chads… we’re back
I have 50tb of hhds
The silver lining.
Press forward and light every torch.
When it rains, it pours
>they keep promising you that Netflix will die
>it doesn't
Somebody made a fortune
>"save me nigger man"
Plenty of great let alone good, even from Hollywood which isn’t what he it specified.
Good, they are still hosting cuties, fuck off nonces
Based KI poster
Streaming still is the future. The issue is Netflix is not particularly good at it.
>netflix ceo
>I’m just glad Netflix died before they managed to ruin anime like they were planning to
I agree, thank god-
>Don't give a single fuck about western tv shows and movies because the west hasn't produced anything good for the past 30 years at least nothing mainstream
and this is why people make fun of us anime fans ya fuckin weeaboo
What can they do to fix this? Will more trannies help?
They aren't wrong you utter plebs.
Surely if they just put more 23 year old mulatto women in things...
This. A plethora of streaming services was always going to be a House of Cards.
>coping troon
The absolute state
They are though. Your hyperbole is wrong which is why you’ve had to resort to samefagging
Anime is better than anything the west shits out these days and if you think otherwise, you need to go back to rebbit with the other trannies.
Hilarious to see how they tried pushing it for video games too and had it fail miserably. And they’re so greedy that they still try to gain some more ground on it every few years.
Cuties 2 will save them you racists.
Nope. Don’t forget to dilate.
>Batman Begins
>The Dark Knight
>Ex Machina
>Blade Runner
>Shutter Island
>American Psycho
>Lord of the Rings
>Finding Nemo
>Toy Story
>The Incredibles
>Prison Break
>The Simpsons
>Game of Thrones
Just off the top of my head
Toss me some please...
get woke go broke
i agree, these faggots already started messing with production houses in japan.
if you ask me they had it coming for trying to cuck another industry with their SJW shit, westcucks must remain in their cucked industry.
Nobody is buying it, newfag. Go back and kill yourself.
netflix isn't doing anything other platforms aren't. just netflix is a threat to the other platforms. this is the old money entertainment industry taking out competition.