Unironically, what do they do all day?

Unironically, what do they do all day?

Attached: japanese-salaryman-on-train-1024x768[1].jpg (1024x768, 64.85K)

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wish for death


>work for 8 hours + mandatory 4 hours overtime
>eat shitty store-bought low protein bento for lunch
>mandatory drinks after work with coworkers
>go home and sleep
>rinse and repeat
>die from karoshi (being overworked)

They are basically slaves

Fap to JAV's and anime loli's

wageslave away

Why not just quit and get a different job that doesn't actively kill you

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They work 14 hours per day, go to the pub with their bosses for 2 hours then get back home and sleep

The man never interacts with the child, that's the woman's job, and since she's a mom now the man is expected to sleep with prostitutes or salarywoman for sexual release

all in all gooks are a productive but deeply depressive species

Today I got some japanese olympic girl long jump on my Jewtube feed

I would move if I could get those gals

Financial independence great dishonor, ancestor weep in afterlife
(I'm not joking, having the loyalty of a beaten dog to one company for life and sacrificing personal/familial relationships for your job are considered positive virtues)

Get your slurs right, gook is inclusive for everyone except the Japanese and Chinese, each of whom have many specific terms for their people.

i know over-worked chinese are doing it. 'lying flat'. just moving to some rural town, cutting back on everything and working a relaxed job.

Its so much better here aaahahaha! I love my made up job! Yeah...

I wonder what happens to their physical health if they have such a lifestyle. Surely employees for Western companies in Japan don't have these customs, right?

>They work x hours a day
Yeah, but what the fuck do they DO like for a living? The term salaryman is a bit vague, are they like salesmen or something?

Why don't they just kill their bosses with a samurai sword

heh, get a load of this guy wanting to know what they do for a living

The population of Tokyo is like 14 million, good luck

Kek wagey cope.
Life is to be lived, read a book, write a book, work out, walk in the mountains. Work only on things that better yourself or others. Not coding for an app or filing tax reports. Fuck out of here with that gay shit.

Update spreadsheets, do busy work that could be easily automated, respond to emails in the politest way possible, meetings to discuss numbers/charts that have no baring on their direct job.

Jap guys are conformist faggots, they need to man up and start killing those corporate cunts tenchu style!

Tenchu 4 life bros!

Standing out in this way is looked down upon in Japanese society. And Jap normies cannot imagine being discarded by society.

The same thing as the American email caste, basically plus babysitting their superior while he drinks Strong Zero and clapping profusely when he sings Cruel Angel's Thesis at karaoke bars until midnight.

they work in call centers selling anime, hentai and videogames to western publishers

they vibing in samurai family owned company

fr fr no cap


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Pretend to work. And make powerpoints intentionally jammed so full of tiny text blocks that they are impossible to read. I've literally seen slides with eight full pdf pages on them. And everyone carries a folder around, full of pointless "reports" and graphs, so that they can pretend to have worked on something should a boss cone by. It was a fucking circus.
t. Loser weeb who actually went and worked at Panasonic in Tokyo for half a year

they are heroes for persevering. 8 hr day in an office already has me on the brink of suicide, now imagine doing 14hr days where you do absolutely nothing meaningful after finishing your actual tasks by lunchtime, then just sit around and wait for your boss to clock out so you can go home, and the boss probably stays late just to look good for both his employees and superiors. It's just a stupid fucking charade.

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Are you Japanese?
If not, did you notice any dislike for you being non Japanese working there?

Whatever depressing wagie office drone shit people do in the west, they aren't unique in that regard. Its the sucking the toes of the boss and late night socially expected drinking that kills these SOBs, although I've heard that's not as bad as it once was in many companies.

That's gay, we wanna see the office jobs that actually kills people

And yet faggots still want to bring more people into this hellhole because of muh genes, muh legacy, muh caretaker when im old.

Fuck all faggots that want to bring more people into this mess.

I'm white. One guy was obviously really pissed at having been assigned my supervisor and he literally stole 4000y worth of lunch slips from my desk drawer. But mostly people were polite, at least on the surface. I was given a lot of fake tasks though, like writing reports that no one actually read and holding presentations on silly shit (like "How can the store front and surrounding area be utilized better"), but then again... I think 90% of the "work" that happened there was of a similar quality. All the actual work was done by subcontractors, so mostly we just had meetings with them all day.

I can't afford to do that. I got rent to pay.

I fell in love with the delivery woman on that channel.


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they literally take turns selling office supplies to each other, paper, staplers, pens, shit like that. then there's the auxiliary people like accountants, quality assurance, number punchers, etc. imagine a country of fbi/cia spooks who are constantly creating problems only they can solve, except it's a loop of the office episodes and jim gets killed by his autistic son for never being there for him.

what, and inconvenience your pod of co-workers? that's more shameful than the murder.

>live in UK
>have good work places and lots of holidays
>don't even bother getting a job because NEET bux and free healthcare
haha... feels like winning. I can feel my brain rotting from neetdom

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whoah, cool it with the racism there bucko

Guy with the mask looks handsome

just set up an excercise regimen and it goes away

he has the sykkuno haircut that hides his horrible hairline

Work is tough in Japan.

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I always kind of assumed that was the case. Look busy for 10/12/14 hours a day, pay for it dearly during crunch time, and repeat. What a strange culture.

The Japanese have a very cool culture, good food, conservative society, great media, friendly people, etc. But from what I've seen the country overall isn't very happy, it seems like this hard-core work culture is rotting their society. I hope they figure this out.

I have one of those kinds of jobs. It's all busy work, and hoping my boss doesn't message me on Teams asking me to do more busy work.

Its... not bad actually. Of course, I work from home, so I only work 3 hours a day while watching movies and writing the rest of the day. I can't imagine how shit this job would be if I was in person though.

Just 8 hours of pretending to work as you stare at a spreadsheet moving the cursor to the left and right over and over again. No extra screen for movies/videos, just waste time until you can go home.

Fuck, I don't know how office people do it. Japan has double the hours, but with 3 hours on a train daily on top. Fuck, I can't imagine.

>can't even muster to self control to feed myself most days
>"haha just do something that requires a bunch of self control and discipline"
I'll do it tomorrow

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I think the hard-core work society had it's time and place. When they were building the nation and the economy was booming, having a breakneck paced work environment sounds fitting.

But now? After the 'lost generation' and 30+ years of stagnation, I don't know why they do it to themselves.

Yeah, I think we might see them let it loose quite a bit during our lifetimes. No way they can keep this going for much longer.

mmmm wife pusy

>already has her own apartment
What am I doing with my life.

>Just 8 hours of pretending to work as you stare at a spreadsheet
If there are people your age that are cool, it's more enjoyable than working from home. You just go on "breaks" and bullshit with one another.
If not, yeah, it's brutal. There was a whole year where I'd just read entire wikipedia articles on random shit to kill time. Learned a decent amount, at least.

it's literally as difficult as starting, then the runner's high takes care of everything since you're not an underslept wagecuck that lacks energy for anything
try biking into an a town you've never been to, take a bus to a nearest lake and kayak, explore, or make a bet with a friend who can benchpress his bodyweight by the end of the year

Everyone can get a job and pay rent, user

I studied abroad over there, and the younger generation wasn't as far off from my American culture. It was strange, but I actually smoked with a Japanese dude (could've gone to jail for like a decade lol), and we played Doom. Wasn't very 'hard work, hard life.' Very chill.

I do think the newer generations have grown up with a bit of a 'eh~ whatever, just let me pay rent' compared to previous generations.

It's an NPC nation.

Well it is actually a bit different. They work at a lower output for longer compared to american counterparts who work at a high output for shorter hours. There have been times where people from one nation worked at the other.
The Japanese would have trouble keeping up with the American workers. And the American worker would be told to slow down by the Japanese ones.
It is all about appearances. As long as they are present in the office and somewhat working, it is better than them simply doing the task and going home to their families.

Sounds like Japan would be better if they just chilled out a bit, frfr.

>Fuck, I don't know how office people do it.

You "network", aka 2hr lunch meeting, then 30min of emails light admin, a 30min coffee break, then a "catch up" where you just chat about your weekend, then a few meat in the room calls (working groups are the best for this), and then make sure to touch base with a few coworkers walking to get coffee again maybe a muffin. Then you all clock off at quarter past five to show the director you don't work to the clock and then go get shitfaced in the bar.

They do have an epidemic of young people checking out of society, either living off their parents or working easy part-time jobs to survive.

Sounds based, not sure what else they thought would happen

They fuck around for most of the day pretending to do work. Japan is incredibly inefficient. Being seen to be working hard is more important than actually working hard. If you finish all your work in 8 hours and go home on time you're seen as a worse worker than the guy that finishes half but stays 12 hours.

>it's literally as difficult as starting
That's like telling a functioning alcoholic
>it's literally as difficult as quiting
No fucking shit

Yeah, that's what I hear. If you're with good people, then it really helps get through the day. I remember I hated school, but when I was sitting next to a friend, it was kind of fun. Similar concept, I guess.

I will say, as much as I love working from home, and just having all the free time in the world (exercise, video games, movies, writing, making videos) and getting paid, it can be a little lonely. That is something I miss about driving somewhere to work.

But then again, the odds of finding a job with people my own age, and not burned out boomers is almost impossible, so meh. Might as well just get some part time thing on weekends to meet people.

Not that most office workers in the US have it any better. For every one that has to work their ass off to get things done, there are five that do 20 minutes of actual work each day.

They're incredibly inefficient, I think it was shown that they're either about as productive or slightly less productive than burgers working 8 hours, no overtime vs japs' ~12 hours in office + after hours obligations. But they need to look busy, so they have to make work for themselves and can't even cope out some kind of feeling of accomplishment or get lost in problem-solving. It's got to be some of the most boring, soul-killing ways to spend your days.