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did you get it?

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yes I got it. only the cinematography is likeable, the acting, the dialog, the direction is awful.

>dark ages Europe
>Niggers and Pajeets
I will never.

Yes I liked it

Yeah I really liked it and got it. They should make more Arthurian legends in this style. Dev Patel was a good casting choice.

explain what the deal with treebeard was all about

No and no. Didn't watch it because it has a paki knight.

A waste of my $12. I could have stayed at home and watched rape for 2 hours for free. Next time maybe the director will read the fucking poem before making his fuckass movie.
Dev was NOT the problem. The problem was the writing and themes were so immensely at odds with the actual poem themes that it was fucking painful to sit through as a fan of the original.

>my racism was not the problem
>my problem was they didn't understand the source material!

This is your typical chud reply to things like Watchmen HBO, Green Knight, The Batman, Macbeth, and basically any new adaptation featuring a different race or the topic of race relations.

I got it on pireatebay it was good

He made a deal to go see him in a year. The upshot of this was that no matter what happened to him, as a faerie promise, he would be there, no matter what. Including, death. Which is also why he was able to see the ghost. For most of the movie, he was not quite alive, but not entirely dead.

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Arthurian legend but what if we add unnecessary shit like dumb mc dreams/imagination, niggers and faggots. Some cool visuals cant save this shitfeast of a film

>>my problem was they didn't understand the source material!
Yes, when the creator doesn't understand the source material that tends the thing people complain about.

>The problem was the writing and themes were so immensely at odds with the actual poem themes

Could you physically be more filtered? Any more and I could drink you for sustenance.

Look at user wanting his precious poems to be respected gotta read and discuss poems.

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no but seriously who were these big ass niggas?

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This looks so bad that if it was in the first 20 minutes of the movie I would have shut it off.

calm down chud

Terrible movie. Read the book instead.


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I would've been interested in watching this if they hadn't turned Gawain into a poojeet.

You are such a fucking brainless shit eating retard.

I prefer an Indian over an anglogermcuck

it was ok, but honestly I didn't like the ending since gawain should survive and seethe at Lancelot

also I wanted more knights to be in it

Yes and yes.

do not redeem lmao

I keep hearing this, and it really drives home how little people understand those times. By that, I mean the way people looked. No, they were not 8 foot tall Nordic demigods with flowing beards romping around in shiny chrome armour. They were short, deeply tanned, swarthy people because they had really shitty lives, health and all that. Toothless, filthy and usually dead by 30. Patel was an intelligent choice, because he actually looked the part from a realistic perspective without being a complete bog monster. Needless to say, lacking both the accent, and the Bollywood dances, this complaint makes no sense. Given the lack of any real "inclusiveness" in both story and casting, all this should be fairly obvious.

You will never own a toilet. You have no social standing, you have no money, you have no bob or vegenes to play with. You are an unhygenic man twisted by curry, feces and urine into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “good mornings!” you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your street shitting buddies are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “bloody basterds” laugh at you behind their closed doors.

Toilets are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of technology and science have allowed toilets to flush with incredible efficiency. Even Indians who “shit in a toilet” look uncanny and unnatural to a seasoned plumber. Your E.Coli ridden feces are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to find a toilet in the bathroom, the toilet itself will turn tail and bolt the second it gets a whiff of your diseased, curry shit smelling anus.

You will never be able to shit without anyone watching and judging. You wrench out a few meager “good mornings” at the start of the morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the shit you hold creeping up like a weed, ready to rush out of your anus as your cheeks try to hold the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, scam a crypto fag, and redeem yourself into the cold abyss. Your basterds will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer has to live with the unbearable stench you brought to the designated shitting street. They’ll bury you without toilet paper, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a street shitting pajeet is buried there. Your remaining shit will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your pathetic life is a “good morning” text that was never opened.

Kekked and saved

Nah, it looks like fucking shit. Why do people waste their times with the nu movie of the week?

Just because quality of life wasn't as good as today doesn't mean people were so drastically different to the point that they look like a completely different race. You can easily tell the difference between a tanned white guy and an Indian. Also he is a nobleman who wouldn't work himself to death on the fields all day.

>They were short, deeply tanned, swarthy people because they had really shitty lives, health and all that. Toothless, filthy and usually dead by 30.
t. midwit

bad b8

He survived you goddamn idiot, no wonder you stupid fucks hated the movie. You literally didn't get it even though it's crystal clear what happens and the themes.

It's about an un-knightly knight that discovers honor and in time will become a good king. If you hated the movie you are either a complete idiot for not getting it or a sjw troon that hates knightly honor. There's literally no other explanation.

I honestly think this film and The Northman make excellent companion films to the point of being siblings.

they were brown because they were european and descendants of eastern mediteranneans. anglogermcucks hadn't arrived en massed during the time Arthurian legends are set in

History is a white-wash.

He died at the end, moron.
No one cares, retard.

I want to read the source material first

seethe genghis

also ethnicity is more than skin color. a single ethnicity can have multiple tones. a tone doesn't determine your ethnicity, your blood does.

do you know what celts look like
even the darker ones like the welsh often have light eyes, and they definitely don't look like a fucking indian man
also you're obviously a seething shitskin or you wouldn't be so obsessively screeching about anglo-saxons

Good decision.

Welsh people don't look like Indians, user. Not that you would know, living in Mexico or whatever backwater shithole you come form.

I consider Indians and Africans closer to Europeans than anglogermgols and other such chinks

>the brown knight

Keep coping, schizo.

garbage shlock for midwits to eat up, i.e. most of A24's """"""""films""""""""

He was a knight. They led very outdoor orientated lives.


nigger I'm a white european

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Why would his mother and Arthur conspire to kill him you idiot?
Goddamn this place gets dumber by the minute.

lol bro are you an anglogermcuck? because I have bad news for you

Sure, so he may be tanned. My point was more that he wouldn't have a completely shitty lifestyle like that user was suggesting.

His mother told him to come back in the shape of the fox. He didn't and let himself get killed. First scene of the movie is him sitting on a throne burning and the last scene is a little girl picking up the crown. You got bamboozled, retard.

You seem afraid.

you seem confused

Cope, weakling.

you seem.

kek seething asians

By modern standards, they were. Hygiene was non-existent, diet was terrible, even among the nobility. This even affected height, which has increased in modern times.

>conspire to kill him

Morgan wanted to troll Arthur, as usual, she never intended for gawain to get killed, but after that she couldn't do really anything to prevent it, same for arthur
the green knight at the start never said anything about killing, if gawain wasn't retarded he would have just poked him a little, and not behead the weird magical creature

then dont use that word

You are so off the goop. Do you really believe the human body needs all these artificial chemicals to be in a healthy state. Look at modern society and ask yourself how healthy a society is where every other person is a fat fuck.

>see guy stealing from corpses
>decide to still trust the guy

gawain deserved everything that happened to him

yeah, because obviously white people popped up from the ground after all the brave POCs finished creating western civilization.
Fucking retard.

>having this much free time
>spending literally all of it seething about some schizo shit no one cars about on a video game board

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In Gawain's defense he was still a sheltered young boy and didn't know the immediate signs of danger.



based gigaschizo greek

befitting of a lazy, fat, smelly manlet

Are you hearing yourself? That's such an idiotic take on the plot. So Morgan and possibly Arthur hatched this complex plot to get Pajeet Gawain to man up and stop being a fuck up but the plan rested on the fact that he shouldn't grow as a person or he would die for manning up leaving the whole kingdom in ruins.

The wanted him to become a brave king.

Actually malding.

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That's a different conversation. I'm simply stating basic things we know of those times. If you don't believe me, look into it yourself. We're used to seeing corn fed hunks in these kinds of roles. People didn't look anything like that back then. Honestly, people would be shocked if they were thrown back in time. It was a really shitty time to be alive, no matter what your station. Worse than most people imagine.

It was all just about him having a tale to tell. The director of this abomination is an atheist vegan cuck, keep that in mind.

It wasn't though. You just fell for enlightenment propaganda.

You've probably never even been to real rural parts of Europe.

jew propaganda. no thanks.

I have read the interviews he might be a basedcuck that watches his wife getting fucked but he still wrote the movie to uplift honorable values.