New popcorn vessel just dropped

New popcorn vessel just dropped.

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Well, at least it's not Dr. Strange's head

>$25 for a plastic cube
consoomers are mentally ill

that sure is a cube.

I actually kinda like this one

Finally, some more molded plastic crap that can occupy the shelf space in my garage next to the talking mounted fish and the once-used shake weight.

imagine being a grown ass adult man and you don't even have fucking $25 kek. get your life together

i am a grown ass man, which is why i won't spend $25 on plastic garbage

isn't large popcorn like 10 bucks in amc theaters anyway? 15 is kind of lot for container, but then again same type of plastic plant pots can be close to that. i'm just thinking that you could use it as a plant pot or anything really. maybe even make popcorn and put those there

> imagine being a grown ass adult man and you don't even have fucking $25 kek. get your life together

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That's not enough popcorn.

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reminder to not reply to cuboid posts and to ignore cuboid posters.

how is it collectable? i already have an orange cube

missed opportunity to make a bucket of his head screaming with the third eye.

it's the ez grifter buzzword, makes the manchildren cream their panties to purchase a $999 glove that costs pennies to make
consoomers are one of the worst kinds of people to be

Reminder to buy two and keep one sealed so you can resell it at 5000% markup in 10 years

I wish America Chavez’s ass was my popcorn vessel

I just prefer the yearly bucket as that has a lid at least.

>He thinks anyone is gonna give a shit about capeshit in 10 years

I'd rather keep my old one

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how is collecting these movie things any different than you having a folder with 1000 frog and wojak memes?

this was never funny.

You said that 10 years ago

>tfw no Mr. Fantastic's Grimacing Face spaghetti vessel

>the popcorn…you ordered it

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>hundreds of these plastic goy cubes will be thrown in the trash
tippity top kek

>see a plastic popcorn cube
>think of da jooz
please step outside


>plastic popcorn tub

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Let me guess you collecto funko pops and think they're gonna be worth thousands of dollars in 10 years.

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>feeling down
>hear the phrase "popcorn vessel"

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people who have a collection of wojak meme pictures should unironically kill themselves
but people who unironically fall for a multi-billion dollar companies artificial scams and willingly fork over their own money to buy some plastic crap just because it has "collectible" on the side of it are beyond retarded

Yeah, my sealed Marvel pops will be worth a lot, just like people sell the old comics

almost everything is plastic crap. where do you draw the line? let me guess. you only buy plastic crap that you like and other plastic is crap is retarded

god forbid people have fucking hobbies, idk why you care so much what other people like. Let people have fun and collect what they want. I'm sure you have hobbies too

>Yeah, my sealed Marvel pops will be worth a lot

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Old comics are worth a lot because they were not mainstream during their day. Capeshit is, and has been for years, the hottest ticket in town. Their promotional products are made and bought is huge masses. You are delusional if you think you are sitting on a gold mine. Will you sell them in the future? Probably. Will you make enough to retire young? Fuck no haha

I don't pay for wojaks

Yeah, Pokémon cards and Nintendo games were some niche thing in their day too, right?

People only want this shit because they had in when they were young. So the more people that had it when they were young, the bigger the market is for it.

That'll be $99.00

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You only brought up comics, but keep clutching your led shelf of funko pops lol

i mean, if you're happy to waste your money on some plastic crap just because you think it'll increase in value in 10 years, go ahead i guess...
but just like what says, the only reason why the early stuff sells for a lot is because it was no where near as popular as it is today, but falling for these schemes where the creator of a product artificially creates scarcity of an items is a massive scam, and the fact people like you defend it is beyond retarded

i don't own any merchandise, never bought any myself and never want to
the one time a family member gave me a marvel funko-pop as a gift, i've taken it to charity shops because i'm sure there's some kind who would enjoy playing with it, but an adult who goes out of their way to purchase them is just sad that they're perfectly willing to fall for such an obvious scam

That wasn’t me

Are there people who truly believe this? That its somehow an investment?

>i don't own any merchandise, never bought any myself and never want to
was thinking more in general that everything is plastic crap. i'm sure you've at some point in your life bought something that's made from plastic

"plastic crap" refers to toys or things that sit on your shelf to "accumulate value." yes, obviously plastic is a ubiquitous material

please tell me you're not that retarded
i'm not criticising the merchandise because they're plastic, i'm criticising what that plastic is formed into

so one cube made of plastic is worse than other cube made of plastic that have multiple uses because it's movie reference thing?

it's worse because some schmuck is willing to pay a fuck-ton extra because some piece of plastic crap is somehow a "collectible" just because a company said it was.
again it doesn't matter what it's made of, it could be paper, could be fucking granite, the material does not change the fact it's an object designed by a soul-less multi-billion dollar corporation that was made to suck as much money out of some gullible idiots
people like you are finally making me lose hope in humanity

So this is going to be a thing now, like funko pops. I can’t wait to see some faggot taking a picture of his popcorn vessel shelf.

Why can't we get cool popcorn vessels for horror movies? I'm a horror fan and the most we ever get are t-shirts at hot topic

Fucking hell. I'm about to go buy 3 of them and flip them just so I can fund my bar tab tonight.

I folder with dumb pictures doesn't take up any physical space or cost any money. That being said I could use this cube thing as a trash can or a place to toss money into.

I hate people so much it's unbelievable

it would cost more if you want similar cube custom made for whatever you need special cube for.
i don't see the problem. if someone wants a fucking doctor strange cube for some reason. decorative or for some actual use. what does it really matter to you or me. it's just weird damn whining. like what the hell does it matter to your life if some theater sells their popcorn in some holder unless you're theater owner and can't afford to buy in to the same stuff

i give up user... i just hope that you understand the issue one day...

Did they have a stroke and forget the word “box”?

oh no the issue of selling plastic for more than it takes to make it. damn you're only a few decades late for that my fren