Born on to two moms on a lesbian planet where everyone is Mexican

>Born on to two moms on a lesbian planet where everyone is Mexican
>Named America Chavez
>Wears an LGBTQIABLM+ pin even though she's not from our universe.
>Is the only way people can travel through the multiverse, can't even control her powers. Literally a mcguffin built into a character, could replace her with a magic talisman and the movie would be unchanged
>Suddenly learns how to use her powers after a few inspirational lines

Did no one stop to think about how this makes no fucking sense?

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Lol it's Disney capeshit no one cares

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>Born on to two moms on a lesbian planet where everyone is Mexican
>Wears an LGBTQIABLM+ pin even though she's not from our universe.
What do you think is the Hispanic Lesbians Earth’s versions of jews are?

I am glad that the Saudis warned us about this shit. Fuck this horrible movie.

>uhhhhhhhh this is a series about magic and aliens and stuff but uhhhhhh i’m mad about a queer character because uhhhhhh well i just am ok?!

I thought she was cute

God she’s so cute
I wonder if her two moms would like me I mean assuming they’re not dead

I know this is bait but the only thing that indicates that she's queer is her pin. It's never mentioned, nor does she do anything in the movie that indicates her queerness. It's not even good LGBT representation.

Did they say latinx in the film?

what a boring fucking character. imagine if there was a superhero that was just an average-looking white guy wearing a t-shirt and jeans. her entire character is that she’s a mexican lesbo.

Her or Dafne Keen bros?

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cry more bitch

>nooo you have to make the character constantly scream they’re gay!
you chuds are never happy

Ouch. You totally got me with your typical leftist nastiness at people not doing what you want them to do. Congrats. You won. You just defeated Hitler, the white patriarchy, Donald Trump, and ended slavery and gender oppression forever.

It's funny how you people think. Haven't learned from the past decade that the bigger assholes you are, the less money you make?

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>Cries about lefties being nasty
>Says nigger kike spic fag and whatever other slur he can think of that day on 4chins

Bitch please. Culture war is over. the left is won, the most you can do is not be annoying while you get shoowed out.

>superpower is getting through the border

Bravo Disney

they couldnt cast a hot mexican girl?

It's the same energy as JK Rowling saying that dumbledore is bi. It's very obvious that these minority characters are written by white people in a boardroom.

No, they have to cast ugly people. Hot people uphold gender norms.

>Culture war is over. the left is won
Then why are you faggots currently melting down over abortion? This thing's just getting started, retard: the Right has found its feet after decades of cuckservatism.


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> (You)
>>Culture war is over. the left is won
>Then why are you faggots currently melting down over abortion? This thing's just getting started, retard: the Right has found its feet after decades of cuckservatism.



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Dafne Keen is too white, she would never get cast.

If we're picking Mexican underage starlets then yes she's my choice. Although I just looked up her age and she's 20 so I guess my second choice has to be the new chick. I don't like her face but she's got a nice fat ass

I've never said that. Don't assume that one user is another. Or are you just projecting?

Disney seeks unattrative people that unattractive people can identify with. Once they opened that up with Rose Tico, they're going full steam with it.

Marvel is rich in characters, yet they're cherry-picking the worst ones. It's insane. Fucking with the universe should have immediately called in the Imperial Guard in at least one universe just like it did in the comic books when Jean Grey became a galactic threat. But instead Disney wanted human diversity, and shit all over it as a result.

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The fact that people still get obsessed over this capeshit is pathetic. You know what Disney is about. Thats like touching a stove burner and expecting it to not hurt.

I'm falling directly to the one who complained about Lefty's being nasty and then correctly asserted that he probably says more slurs on here against minorities than he's ever heard in real life. I don't know what schizo shit you're on

You WILL watch goblinas in your capeshit programming.

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Oh wait I didnt know who she was from your pic. goggled her and she was Dora

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Yeah she's hot. But America is hot too. Dafnee was more fuckable when she was younger

I want faggotry banned.
I want faggots jailed.
I want faggots beaten on the streets. I want faggots get their skull caved in and it being legal.
I want faggots thrown from the roofs. I want faggots publicly executed. Next time I see a fag I WILL harass the lesbo whore, tranny, buttfucker or whatever. I will beat the shit out of them. This is what will make me happy, to see their suffering to see them dissapear from public view unless it's a faggot getting beaten, killed. I want the same for every faggot supporter. I want this to happen with you.
And it will happen. And the faggots themselves will make it happen, the more they cry the more they bitch about rights, the more they push the agenda that is now reaching the conclusion of faggotry - pedophilia. People will snap. And it's gonna be the fault of faggots themselves. We don't even have to do anything, it's just a natural order of things. Enjoy your freedoms while you can, because sooner or later - you will pay. Possibly with your life. And then you'll burn. The wrath of God is imminent.

you are the one out of the loop, OP for looking for any sensibility in capeshit.

>I want faggotry banned.
>I want faggots jailed.
>I want faggots beaten on the streets. I want faggots get their skull caved in and it being legal.
>I want faggots thrown from the roofs. I want faggots publicly executed. Next time I see a fag I WILL harass the lesbo whore, tranny, buttfucker or whatever. I will beat the shit out of them. This is what will make me happy, to see their suffering to see them dissapear from public view unless it's a faggot getting beaten, killed. I want the same for every faggot supporter. I want this to happen with you.
>And it will happen. And the faggots themselves will make it happen, the more they cry the more they bitch about rights, the more they push the agenda that is now reaching the conclusion of faggotry - pedophilia. People will snap. And it's gonna be the fault of faggots themselves. We don't even have to do anything, it's just a natural order of things. Enjoy your freedoms while you can, because sooner or later - you will pay. Possibly with your life. And then you'll burn. The wrath of God is imminent.

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Desantis fucked Disney over when they admitted to wanting to groom kids into becoming trans.

You are either in denial or a leftist asshole.

>be literally the only version of herself in trillions of universes
>never explained because fuck you.

desu its pretty funny and im perfectly ok with it.
they throw the dogs a bone but don't make a big deal about it so gays and trannies can't even bitch about it.

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that fat chink pisses me off to even look at. imagine being fucking spiderman and that guy being your best friend

Without this design there's no reason to care about this character.

It's because she's a mcguffin, if there's more than one of her than the witch can just dream walk to find another version, or strange can just find another version, and there's no need to fight over who controls her power. Like I said you could replace her with a talisman and the movie is unchanged.

DeSantis bent them over a barrel and is currently fucking them to death. They NEED this movie to do well or their death spiral is all but guarentee.

At least she seems significantly more bearable than Kamala Khan

Chuds will get mad at anything becacuse le bad

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That would have been too much, even for Disney.

Abortion is liberal infanticide. All conservatives have to do is not abort their own babies. Making it illegal for everyone increases the population of people who vote against them. It's the death knell of conservatism. They are still incapable of winning the culture war.

Don't forget that Strange got cucked by BBC.

>named America
>doesn't have a dream

Nigga the lefties have Hollywood they have the news they have social media and the internet. I'm sorry but it's fucking over dawg. Obviously you're going to have some instances of conservative standing in the way but the culture war is over. The only thing we're going to do now is Lefty's is pushed against PC progressivism. Other than that get used to the gays get used to the minorities and shut the fuck up

Because she's special and she punches cartoon stars and she has two moms and she knows english and spanish from the lesbian dimension and-

Also not that it's important but the DEEESanta kind of fucked over their main tourist spot so

>Desantis fucked Disney over when they admitted to wanting to groom kids into becoming trans.
>DeSantis bent them over a barrel and is currently fucking them to death.

The anti-capitalist left should have cheered a corporation no longer being able to live by its own laws, and are forced to abide by the same laws and pay the same taxes as everyone else.

At any rate it shows Disney will throw a fuckload of immigrant-voters and money into Florida for the next governor's race to remove Desantis.

Ya its fucking double dumb, having a unique item in all the multiverse makes more sense then a unique person.

Why did they make her ass so big?

oh they packing up and leaving to some liberal hellhole? disneyland in california isnt even allowed to be open because of covid hysteria btw

Any 34 with hairy legs, arms, pits, belly, and nipples?

I'm sick of you foreigners coming here and disrespecting white culture. Get used to it.

It's to get the moms buying their kids the Action Figure. Then, once they have their money, next film she's going to be the most obnoxious out-of-the-closet GAY that even RuPaul is gonna tell the bitch to take it down a notch.

I don't really care what happens with Disneyland Disney World or Florida. Doesn't change anything I said though

Probably some special universe rule imagine if their were infinite dimensional travelers wouldn’t be possible to save them all from Wanda or anyone else and the damage their powers could wreck on the multiverse

Hate the evil and love the good. You are what's wrong with existence and your time of wickedness is almost at an end

her real ass is even bigger

why is this on Yea Forums, did they make a movie about this?

Saudi Arabia awaits you.

Post it

>Mexican, named America because some retard at Marvel read Judge Dredd: America and thought that no one would notice
>Two mothers
>Wears a double-nigger tranny pin
>Her power is literally to cross borders (interdimensional borders)
>Personality consists of LE QUIRKY TEENAGE GIRL, definitely not a brown washed Gwen Poole

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