Gets arrested and tortured by the local police just for walking through a town

>Gets arrested and tortured by the local police just for walking through a town

Do americans really?

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Americans are pigs

The sheriff himself wasn't the type who would do that. Hippies treated vets like shit. But there weren't any hippy towns then.

>destroyed and killed multiple people later on

If anything, the sheriff should've shot him on sight. The whole movie is a take on how the US created monsters to fight their proxy war in vietnam but never though about how to deal with those babymurdermachine afterwards.

Would you really want a homeless bum wandering around with a thousand yard stare between spouts of yelling "you weren't there!"

the sheriff fucked with him first.

It only happens to black and brown people. They are gunned down every single day by White cops screaming slurs at them and we just let it happen.

rambo didn't directly kill anyone in first blood

He did draw FIRST BLOOD.

>We just let it happen

Like we should do

Is Rambo a latinx surname?

Well deserved. They are scum.

>nooo not the heckin copperinos, it's MUH HIPPIES that are bad :(

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Fatal shootings by cops are a little over a thousand year by year - and half of them are white.

This is disgusting. Diversity is our strength. Where would we be without black and brown achievements? You'd be eating a jelly sandwich

I know you're shitposting but if you have a single example of that happening post it. Otherwise its just fantasy.

He didn't kill a single person the entire movie.

>1,000 per year
>2+ per day
>half are White
>1 brown person per day
Thanks for proving my point

based cops removing criminals

you know, i'm generally very anti-cop but if you conflate cops with racism youll just turn me into a supporter

just shut the fuck up and stop being racist

I'm not even white, retard. I'm not going to be your stupid goto chud meme. You want to talk to me, then deal with me alone. Not some bullshit in your head.
And I'm not even disapproving of what hippies did. It just doesn't make any sense to make a fatass cop was the guy who hates vets.

I know, isn’t it fantastic?

sheriff was jelly that he didn't get to btfo of some viet fucking shits like rambo

This is grotesque. These are humans we're talking about. Future Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, and Scientists. When will the bloodshed end?

And almost all of them were armed and shot first. When you start talking about unarmed, it's in the single digits... on a national scale.

That's too many. What's so hard to understand about this? PoC are targeted and tortured by edgy rednecks with a little power on the daily. Police reform can't happen unless you stop defending them. Do your part and just stop trying to undermine legitimate grievances with their evident racism and preferential policing. You're not fooling anyone with that le edgy Yea Forums bullshit balance equivocation. Educate yourself before schooling others.

Yeah, but did they shoot first? And did their shots kill anyone? No? Then it's not justified.

If a black or brown person hasn't killed anyone first, it's not reasonable to be in fear for your life.


We need to start being more forgiving for those that commit crime. If we start forgiving murderers, eventually they will see the error in their ways.

You jest, but this is the opinion of every serious researcher. Take Robert Sapolsky, for instance. This is his exact position, following a strictly deterministic outlook. Same with pedophilia.

If you let homeless people get comfortable in your town they will turn it into an open air paleolithic camp

The movie leaves out the subtext of the Sherrif being a Korean War veteran who doesn't think Rambo deserves the uniform because they didn't win in Vietnam, did drugs, and napalm sticks to kids

Not sure why the sheriff didn't just take him to the next town over.

He killed the cop in the helicopter. You could argue that he didn’t mean to or that he was just defending himself but his actions led to the police officers death.

I'm not kidding. I think pedophiles can be reformed as well. I've seen many MAPs recover from their affliction and even go on to work in daycares and pediatric wards.

But the police actions directly led to Rambo freaking out which led to the chase which led to the cops death.

Nah it was mainstream media propagating fake news about hippies harassing vets in order to make anti-war protestors look worse

>When will the bloodshed end?
hopefully when the last of them is dead

>some retarded nog shoots at you with the intent to kill but fails
>gets shot in return because you can actually aim
>some nog fellator decries you since you weren't winged

>It only happens to black and brown people.
Dunno about that. 13% of the USA is black and is responsible for 50% of the violent crime. If a violent crime has been committed in an area then the police target this minority because there's at least a 50% chance they have the correct suspect of the crime. That's reasonable odds.
Why does law enforcement use this heuristic. It is because it generally produces good results.
Ask yourself this: Why do BLACK officers target minorities as well?

The cop is a caricature, an exaggeration, of real small town american old people. To this day. I live in hicksville US and people like this are still around.

Did you know that it's legal for highway police to pull you over, search your vehicle on whatever suspicion they made up, and seize any phyical money? It happens all the time to out of state drivers passing through flyover states. Literal highway robbery is legal. And they "impound" the money, the station and cops get a cut, it can take years to get the remains of it back since you have to go through court, it's a huge money making business now. All because you dared to drive with physical money in your vehicle for whatever innocent reason.

I’m not saying he was wrong in defending himself but that’s how the system works. Cops kill over 1,000 U.S. citizens on a yearly basis. Most are justified because the person is doing something stupid like pointing a gun at people, but there is a small percentage that are questionable, and more often then not there is no investigation and if there is it’s done by the very same police department with the police officer who murdered someone. I saw a video not long ago where cops punished a drunk man for not complying by having 6-8 police officers hold him down chest down when he was already handcuffed. They killed him for not complying to a sobriety test and because the guy was White not a single one of them will lose their job or be held accountable in any way.

first blood is inspired by a real event where small town police harassed and hazed some hippies because they looked like bums basically.
The premise of the book was "what if those hippies had been a mentally destroyed vet that reverts to extreme violence to survive?"

Of course, just look at him. That’s the face of a ne'er-do-well If I done ever seen one, George

>Americans have a revolution to gain independence first
>Europeans have revolutions to gain independence second
>Europe tries to take credit for starting revolutions for independence
>Has to be bailed out of TWO World Wars.

Do Eurotrash really??

God I wish, Moshe. Here's a pity (You).

This is so true. Last fall there was two homeless dudes sleeping/living out of their cars in my town library's parking lot. Not only are they still living there, there's now six or seven cars/RVs stuffed full of junk that people are living out of. They also sleep in sleeping bags at night all around the library entrances, sit, eat and charge their phones all day and get into fights often. Police never used to patrol that area before, now they're there multiple times daily

Yeah. If you're not shot first, you're not in danger. So it's not justified. Life isn't a T.V. show and you're not Givens

They all took the bait...

Holy blessed digits!

As a former car-sleeping library-hopper, they were a godsend during daytime. Wery peaceful and never had probs w/other homeless. The only real struggle was not falling asleep in them, which was stricly against the rules and actually enforced. But I do live in the midwest and not The Big Coast City.

Sucks they're abusing it near you.

I don't have a problem with the homeless, I've been very poor before and I know it's hard. But I don't see any of these people trying to sort their lives out at all, as far as I can tell they're just fucking around every single day and probably spending their disability checks on liquor. And I'm also from a small midwestern town but it's near Chicago and all the worst people leaving there are slowly colonizing it.

Do you really just let wops walk through your town unchecked? No wonder you're poor.

It's Europe, there's nothing there BUT wops

Walking in America is an actual offense.

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Disgusting place

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Why's doreen freaking out?

I've seen then firsthand, it's sad that they're so stuck in the ruts. They are miserable and can't get themselves out. The system has failed and enables continued failure and reliance on the system. Similar level of people also pop out kids and abuse the income-based housing + whatever welfare scam they can keep going. They're all trailer trash who are conditioned to rely on Daddy Gubmint and never had the chance to contribute anything meaningful to their community.

I unironically wish this was true. I wish the world was actually like how leftoid spastics imagine it.

This is so real. I see it and people don't know how to walk.

Fox News host was condescending to "her" career.

>kill women and children for US government
>this means EVERYONE has to like me and want me around at all times, without exception
>if you don’t, I’ll steal a belt fed machine gun, kill the local police, and hold your town hostage :^)

Do vets really?

ZOGbot bitch got what he deserved.

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If you have the power to take revenge on people who wrong you, there's no reason not to.