So fucking bad. Holy shit.
So fucking bad. Holy shit
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I feel bad for Anson Mount. He can't seem to catch a break.
>so fucking bad
Posted on Yea Forums translates to
>the show is good but it has women and minorities in leading roles and my fragile incel ego can't handle that
I think The Expanse and Foundation are good, and it has all the things incels cry about. But this show is really really fucking bad.
Cope you pathetic faggot
Nutrek is shit and so is your shitty tripfag general
What's bad about it user? In curious
Don't worry there are four seasons of STD to fall back on, maybe that's more of your alley.
original star trek is pretty gay. is this as gay?
Opinion discarded.
It isn't bad OP is being ironic.
SNW is unironically the best nytrek has done, unlike that STD and PIC that shits on old trek and don't seem to understand it. SNW feels like it has respect for it and tries to mimic it.
But that's just the first episode, it might to shit after the first episode. But the first episode itself is miles ahead of anything STD and PIC have done. It is even good by VOY's standards.
It starts with two hetero scenes back to back, one casual and the other serious. It's aggressively not-gay.
It was written by a child. There's a bunch of shit that doesn't make sense and isn't realistic at all. The pacing is really bad, with tons of dialog and no time to think about the meaning behind it. Way too much time spent on developing characters by them talking about their past, which I don't care about since we don't know them at all.
The main plot takes up 1/3 of the entire show time it felt, and it had extremely confusing decisions and tons left unexplained. At one point it was too cringe to watch.
Watch the episode if you want to see how bad it is.
He is a manlet.
>noo there's no space battle where two big space ships fight so it's boring. :((((
Half of it is good half is terrible. The entire empire plot is actually great.
I did not like the pilot. I will probably try a few eps and drop it like Discovery, and pick it back in a few years after it has had the opportunity to mature. I do not have high hopes, because the series lost integrity a long time ago. Star Trek is dead, Jim.
I think the thing that bothers me the most in NuTrek is the lack of individuality. I do not like DS9 but I respect it, but it does not need to be replicatored. I am even okay with retconning. But Gene Roddenberry has been rolling in his grave so much for so long that it will probably power the first warp drive.
Hey Remember This! things all over, taking up unnecessary space, and the shoehorning of temporary crisis (remember 9-11 ENT stuff nobody cares about now?)
I think actual fan fiction is actually better than the Hollywood Fanfiction™
Yeah the editing and youtube-generation expectations really ruin it. I really believe there is a quality product in here, but the people in charge of writing and editing just ruin it
Are you for real?
New media strongly relies on telling, rather than showing, because Hollywood believe that people are stupid, and if the viewer must think critically they will quickly realize how bad the media they're viewing is. It is classic pulp trash tactic to insert unnecessary words simply for increased pay. They were doing it in magazines and books 100 years ago, and they're still doing it in movies and games now.
It’s close to the comfy formula but you can tell it’s written by people who are dumb. The message of the first episode was just “talk things out good”.
Guess again. As someone who actually read the Foundation books and consider them the greatest saga of all time, I can confidently say the show shat the bed.
It's not telling vs showing, by being concise and clear. There's a ton of telling in old star trek, but they gave you time to digest and many times had a lot of meaning behind what they said.
> The message of the first episode was just “talk things out good”.
I will now watch your Star Trek.
>super gay colour scheme
>captain only one who looks over 25
>these new worlds be bussin no cap
Why would you even try this
I specifically was thinking about race issues. In Star Trek TOS it's just assumed that humanity (sentient life in general) has moved on to a united and equal society. Uhura doesn't even know what racism is when she encounters it, because humanity is so far beyond it at that point; she just kinda laughs and shrugs it off because she doesn't know what she's dealing with. But nutrek will make a big deal about a dead horse
And then you realize two people talking is only good if it's written good.
I can't believe you actually watched this trash, nu-trek is so unbelievable basic. But considering you did, is it worse or equal to Discovery and Picard?
Shit writing, shit storylines, shitty acting, shitty dialogues. Never watched it desu, but that's basically what i see in the clips from other nu-trek shows.
>So fucking bad. Holy shit.
you're just MAGA mad LOL
if another MAGA gets in the white house and the supreme court continues as it is, I hope their nuke scenes are predictive programming
I wasn't going to watch it but my friends wanted to and they were streaming on Discord so I just joined in. All of us thought it was equally bad.
It's kino.
Eh, that's not exactly what happened. They kind of make a deal out of it in terms of editing in the show.
I can tell you did not even watch TOS, so why are you pretending you did?
See this is clever writing, a black woman in the future not even understanding racism, that takes at least some hours of writing staff tossing out ideas, "what would it really be like when the future has no more racism". I mean sure, it's not exactly that only true literary geniuses could come up with that, but it's still kinda clever. Nothing in the entire Nu-trek has even the same amount "cleverness".
>Lincoln says something he regrets, asks for excuse
>Uhura tells is not offended and notes an excuse is not warranted because Lincoln is so out of "time"
>Lincoln is a gentleman
>Uhura is a lady
I legit can't see "a deal".
Why does everyone hate Discovery. I thought the first season was great. But havent watched any since because no more Jason Isaacs
It's the first Trek I've enjoyed in years. If they hold the course and don't troon out, it will be great.
>if it's written good
Well, that sure wasn't.
>Never watched it
classic Yea Forums
Last time I watched it for real, besides occasional episodes, was like 20 years ago so I admit I'm not a certified TOS PhD. I always say it's my favourite though
I've never seen Star Trek.
Theres only been one episode released so far, its not fair of you to judge a whole series based on one episode, I thought it was good, not great but if it makes trannies like you seethe then all the better
No one asked
STD is shit, its a bunch of space opera girl drama with wokeness sprinkled all over it
It might be better than STD and PIC, but it's still bad.
I'm watching the RLM favourite episodes of TNG videos and they really hammer home how complex and layered the episodes were at reinforcing a central theme. How each individual character story thread all centre on the overall message of the episode, which is often not immediately apparent from the general plot.
SNW in comparison is still the scrawlinga of a child on comparison.
This incel sister
This. I'm convinced the ones calling it pozzed or tranny or whatever are actual troons falseflagging. Even the stations were well done, industrial and practical instead of over-designed, but still aesthetic and livable.
About to start watching Star Trek from the beginning. Does anyone have like a viewing guide or anything? I know that sometime in TNG, that events in Voyager and DS9 are going on at the same time. And then of course the movies fit in at different points of the timeline. Also I assume I shouldnt bother with the latestest series?
>Lower Decks
a disaster
>Strange New Worlds
this one is going to be the good one guys, I can feel it!
>TNGeezer seethes in multiple threads now
lol you will never be a woman
Kurtzman rapes your face
in general the later seasons suck. People always say first seasons suck but I like them the most actually, but just form your own opinions. The only cookie-cutter show is Voyager, but it does it will. You would do well to realize that each series is really it's own animal, and are all different shows which use the same setting and theme.
Watch TOS in production order. Do NOT watch The Cage.
Watch everything else in release order, intercalating where there is overlap. Memory Alpha will point the way. It has everything listed in that way.
Original Star Trek is the best Star Trek.
Foundation was terrible
doesn't have anything to do with the gender-swap characters (the race or gender of the characters in the original book aren't important at all, because Asimov was never a good character writer). It's because the story is extremely hard to make work for film.
Ironically, the best parts were the stuff that wasn't even in the books, with the triple emperors etc.
Nah, Foundation was good. The entire thing.
the show is written by retards, I'm out.
I have no friends....
Making Robert April black is pozzed tho.
Lower Decks unironically was more akin to the original shows more-so than either Disc or Pic.
Obviously i'm not saying it was a good show, because it heavily relied on callbacks and references, along with the questionable artstyle and 'humour', but each episode being it's owned contained story (that also isn't about some galaxy shattering events) is more reminiscent of oldtrek.
SNW is basically JJTrek/Orville. if you're expecting TOS or TGN or even DS9, don't because it isn't. you'll be disappointed.
Spock is a JJverse Vulcan, so not like Trek Spock or Tuvok
It's not more woke than most Prime Trek, everybody coming together theme.
>Jan 6th scene
the audit the vote sign was most visible but they briefly showed an image of the chimp outs that people seem to over look, it looks like Portland maybe.
It does have the stronk wahmen trope, the trope where women are correct 100% of the time but it isn't as tiresome as some shows yet.
Ortegas is cringe and a try hard Kira so far.
for the JJverse it's completely watchable after the 1st. will it get worse? probably but I'll keep watching until they start dumping cringe gay romance shit or the stronk female always right never wrong trope is pushed beyond annoyance.
it's the best of JJverse so far.
>The message of the first episode was just “talk things out good”.
Sooo classic trek?
It was very surface level. Not much depth.
Foundation was awful, Lee Pace is the sole exception. His scenes are the only good that show has to offer.
Here's your new bridge crew bro's
>Man giving orders to women
If it was really pozzed, they would've made the warmongering alien president an orange skinned man with a combover.