Effortlessly becomes the best capeshit released this year

>effortlessly becomes the best capeshit released this year
i had such high hopes for dr. strange 2

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Rifles are good

>couldn't even make 1 billion

It's true, though that's not hard with Marvel. It's still a fairly flawed movie.

Made double the profit of Justice League

>capeshit’s best outing is a 6/10 movie
when is this genre going to die out already

The script and plot were dogshit. It's a shame because literally everything else was good

Plot and script were better than most capeshit

>his cape is literally shit
Yeah checks out, he will never be able to fly like Moon Knight or Strange who wear real capes

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dude what if batman + zodiac + saw

sounds based, no wonder it's considered the best batman flick

Batman had a plot? I thought it was just a 3 hour music video

yeah it did

except 80% of it is a half baked mob movie and then, oh yeah, that serial killer guy’s still doing things

sounds even more based. based the batman.

This isn't a bad approach to making capeshit. Dr. Strange 2 would've been much better if it was an unapologetic Evil Dead ripoff. Instead we have another cookie cutter MCU movie but with le shocking deaths to make you feel like it's different.

it sucked

>Batman so irrelevant people think it's Morbius

it pogged

It's a soulless way of making capeshit, just make a fucking Batman movie you hacks. If you want to make a Se7en rip off just make it.

>profits determines if its good

you think 7 different undercooked plots hodge-podged together sounds based? lol okay, shill

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soulless is mcu or justice league shit


Yet you like Dr. Strange 2, which isn't even a Dr. Strange movie.

this is the same shit that pisses me off about that Joker movie. all capeshit does these days is rip off other great movies so that they may be perceived as “art”, when all they are is super derivative of pre-exiting films. like said, just make a goddamn Batman movie.

>good movie
>more people buy tickets
>movie makes more profit
thanks for playing

They did make a batman movie. You're just mad that it's actually good so you can't meme on it.

two things can be soulless

If this was true the new Star Wars movies would actually be good.

If it was a Batman movie then you would be able to put Robin into the universe and have an actual Riddler.
Also in which Batman comic is "Rich white assholes" mentioned?

>It's not a Batman movie because.... Because Robin isn't in it!!!
Are you retarded? TDK isn't a batman movie now?

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They did and it was called The Batman.

And it was based.

TDK is a fantastic interpretation of Batman, nobody was bitching about how Robin wouldn't suit the Universe and then they actually (kind of) put him in

Just watch Batman Forever again and stop crying.

Who said I liked that movie? I haven't even seen it yet retard. Doesn't mean the Batman isn't soulless, even if I liked the movie

>The Batman is good
>Uhhhh...well it's better than doctor strange which you must like!

Sure, but The Batman isn't soulless. There's a lot of soulful things about it. The set design, the rain, the acting by Pattison, Dano, and Ferrell. The attempt by the director to ground The Batman into an even greater realism we haven't seen before. The plot dealing with things that are real in our world currently as well. The clever use of lighting, the music, and the filmographic references to other noir films. The 3 hour runtime in an age where people can barely sit through 1.5 hours.

You can find faults in it all you want, but it's the fact that it actually did these things and tried to elevate itself that truly matters. Regardless of your opinion of the end result, which personally I would say is great and the best Batman film we've ever seen.

based, and I love this poster

Yeah it's a fun roller coaster movie but that doesn't mean it's not soulless

and all of that is weighed down by a messy script, a misunderstanding of Bruce Wayne’s character, a third act that completely falls apart, and an unnecessarily long runtime (which you pointed out as a positive). the narrative felt like four different scripts combined into one — the best way I can describe it is that the movie felt like a full season of television condensed into a three hour movie. it’s a nice movie to watch on mute, but its faults are very distracting

The best batman movie is motp, but I'm glad people like you know this garbage is not actual cinema.

This year? How about the last ten years.

you can just sense the seething yteychuds

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And if you want cartoons, go watch fucking cartoons. Movies like The Batman elevate capeshit, evidently you don’t want that.

You know what I like? Small detail but even though the Senator and the DA were corrupt we still got to see that the Senator loved his son and the meek whiny DA refused to spill the secret to protect his family.

Showing that they were still human people with family despite being in bed with Falcone.

Most films wouldn't bother to show a detail like that, hell I was surprised they didn't have the DA force himself on Selina

Cringe retard

Bulletproof batman
That bit where he gets shot then juices up was cool though

Exactly. The movie did a lot to expand the dimensionality of these characters and its world. It's a slowburn but it helps to create a much more believable world.

I like how white Penguin chastises white Batman and black Commissioner Gordon on their spanish.

so a 2/10 then

>woke batman

No thanks

Ferrell is irish aka european, so he's not white. only asians are white (anglogermcucks, russians, jews, chinese, etc...)

Why? They steadily lost box office.

Still got a kick out of Penguin telling them off about El and La.


Rise of Skywalker made $1bn dude. Profits clearly don't translate to quality. In fact it's usually the opposite.

>all capeshit does these days is rip off other great movies so that they may be perceived as “art”
Retard, that's how superheroes became to exist. The subgenre happened because of that. Batman and Joker themselves are ripoffs of The Shadow and The Man Who Laughs. Nothing of DC or Marvel is original. Most Batman stories are ripoffs of novels and comics from the 20s.

I liked Batman because of the great set design that actually felt like Gotham. I liked the Pattinson's portrayal of Batman, and the side characters like Penguin and and Gordon. I liked the cheeky banter between Batman and Gordon. I liked how Batman had an actual character arc about learning how to not be an edgy asshole and how to be a hero instead. I liked how the "I am Vengeance" line was repeated back to him, it's genuinely something that would happen in a Batman comic. I liked the "twist" that Riddler was a Batman fanboy who genuinely thought they were working together. I liked how Batman was kind of shitty at his job, this movie really is about Batman learning how to be Batman. I liked the recurring scene with the bouncers at the club, it was a cool way to show how Batman was getting smarter and smarter every time he came back. My only complaints are the goofy Riddler singing, the unnecessary Joker scene, and I feel like the last act could've been trimmed down a little. Nothing that actually makes it bad though.

It's a good movie. Time will be kind to The Batman while recent MCU shit is consumed and forgotten. Shit just look at how much I remembered from The Batman and I've only seen it once. I can't remember half the scenes from No Way Home.

People literally clowned on this shit dude. His name is literally Robin in that movie. That's so goofy. Plus he didn't even serve the role of Robin so what was the point?

>TDK is a fantastic interpretation of Batman
*Joker. TDK is a Joker movie. It's a great movie and I love it, but all the good character moments and development goes to Joker. It's honestly a problem that the entire Nolan trilogy has, Batman just plays second fiddle to the villain and never gets any good scenes.

Variety is the spice of life though, so I'm glad we're getting Batman-centric Batman movies after years of villain wank.