Interesting how the Office needed to be repackaged as a quirky wagie coping mechanism to work for a US audience, whereas the original depicted Hieronymus Bosch-like living Hell lit by cold fluorescent lights. The incompetent boss as rendered by Steve Carrell is simpleminded but charming, his oafish behavior is the excusable result of good intentions. Gervais's version is far more bleak, where the workers are repeatedly forced to endure the indignity of his trampling over social decorum. David Brent is occasionally sympathetic but the overall timbre of the show makes one's skin crawl. In contrast the antics of Michael Scott are a light diversion. It was the right move to re-interpret the show entirely, since most Americans can't stomach this level of wretchedness and humiliation. In general though I wonder to what degree the propaganda element is integral to this or any other show's success in the US.
Interesting how the Office needed to be repackaged as a quirky wagie coping mechanism to work for a US audience...
god I hate john krasinski so much
I think every countries media is 90% crap to be honest
Only poor people watch tv. Anybody not a sub beta is out all the time.
Americans will literally assume that you're a serial killer if you present yourself as reserved and not ecstatic every waking moment.
Season 2 of the office is when they changed it. The first season was very close to be canceled so many people hated it. I kind of liked season 1 Michael Scott. He wasn’t as big of a dick who purposely liked humiliating people, but he was still a jerk who didn’t really relate to his subordinates. And any attempt he had where he tried usually just led to an awkward situation
America is a country for the 1% I think if the 99% would see how bad it really is in fiction too the system would colapse. euro countries have socialism to calm down the masses to go out in the streets and burning everything down so their fiction can be more bleak
thats my take at least
How many times do we have to tell you, we don't like your dry, cynical and cringe """""humour"""" you retard yuropoor
Worst part of the office is the amount of people who watched and obsessed over this show who are now in the work place and just co-opted personalities from the show to use at work. Of course the vast majority of them are just roasties trying to be their best Pam and sois trying to be their best Jim. To the point where I gurantee any office environment you work in will have at least one "Jim". Of course the next most common (but still much more rare than Pams and Jims) is the occasional middle manager who clearly tries to be his besr Scott but in a way that wont get him fired.
Also your point about propoganda is interesting. Generally yes the positions in this show would be the types people would try to avoid. But I can easily see this shows popularity had to absolutely leading to a surge of people who want their super fun, quirky, and interesting "The Office" lifestyle.
>dry, cynical
that's a very recent fad, one that will not stick. europoors invented and mastered the art of comedy.
How do you know this is the case, have you worked in dozens of different offices around America? I guess maybe your other way of knowing this information is you talked to 1,000’s of people who worked in offices and got this common theme where enough of them told you this is what people do
Americans are incapable of appreciating anything that isn't constantly over the top and bombastic
Britain has never, not once, made a funny or interesting television show or film.
>t.his offices "Jim"
isnt the UK just America light? empire who hates its own people and loves banks and war
>UK office flops horribly and is cancelled after 6 episodes and loses money
>US office has 9 successful seasons and makes billions of dollars
really makes you think
I think for the most part he’s completely talking out of his ass. I can kind of imagine someone who is mildly a sperg trying to emulate Jim, but I don’t think this is at all common in every office. I mean, most people are just themselves, and try to cooperate to the best of their ability to keep things friendly and running smoothly in the office so everyone is comfortable. Dundermifflin was an exceptionally uncomfortable office environment, most offices really aren’t that bad
>t. Worked in a couple offices
>since most Americans can't stomach this level of wretchedness and humiliation. In general though I wonder to what degree the propaganda element is integral to this or any other show's success in the US.
Wagie memes and Walmart webms aside, probably because USA is a better place to live and not a miserable socialist shithole like the UK (excluding the deep, deep blue urban areas).
We know. You love farting fatties throwing "zinger" quips at each other.
>American still pretending his country is what it was thirty years ago
You're like a bong in the 1960s pretending it's still 1930 and Britannia rules the waves.
UK almost seems to be like the holiday home of the incomprehensibly wealthy elites, both western and eastern. Send their children to the best UK private schools with centuries worth of history and prestige (which basically gets eroded the less actually British they become), set up shop in the rich good areas of London, buy up country manors, etc. It seems to be disporportionately treated like a bread and circuses play ground for these elites. I guess it helps when there's a couple of extra centuries worth of history there compared to a much younger country like the USA. As a billionaire elite you feel like you're buying something that much more prestigious when it dates back to the 15th century rather than something from the 19th in America.
I'm a Bong actually. America is indeed in quite a state now and it's tragic. Still better than the UK.
how do I return my black pill? I am 35 and the fact that I forever gonna be a lower middle class wagie scumbag while the elite rape the world around me and there is nothing I can do about it keeps me awake at night
Bomb a hedge fund along with yourself after releasing a manifesto exposing the Jews…all in Minecraft of course.
work harder nigger? I'm a multimillionaire at 33 thanks to my mathematics degree (300k starting)
>Gervais says something uncomfortable
>another person stares blankly into the camera to let the audience know it was uncomfortable
>Carrell says something dumb
>another person stares blankly into the camera to let the audience know it was dumb
It's so hard to pick which genius style of comedy I prefer
Hot Fuzz.
this made retarded English people shit and piss themselves with laughter, meanwhile myself with an IQ over 80 fell asleep with how boring and unfunny it was
>the German office has zero likeable characters and everyone is just bullying each other nonstop
Are German women attractive?
I love him.
You've never set foot in America.
I don't remember, she doesn't have nudes though
some are
You're a multimillionaire in Ugandan dollars lol.
What's real comedy for big boys then, since you're such an expert?
The only amelcsn humor that is funny is the really mean kind of humor you find on Yea Forums and sometimes on the opie and anthony show.
Being sarcastic but generally well intentioned towards people is not "playing a character from the office" you autistic faggot
>300k x 14 years of being employed
I know you're too stupid to do the math but it's not hard, nice liberal arts degree you got there though! I'll have large fries with my burger, thanks.
Adam Sandler movies
Is this that epic British banter I keep hearing about?
82 IQ is nothing to brag about. You probably didn't understand it.
Yes Minister is hilarious and informative.
Americans literally can't handle brutal deadpan humour. The don't like to be reminded how shit their wagie life instead they like to pretend they're in they're favourite tv show. Most wagies also think they're just like Jim and "above" it all whilst actively being a part of office culture
the show was a believable drama-comedy about making the best of a boring job with unique characters, until it lost track of its pupose and tried to be some life-simulator le goofy whacky quirky comedy instead. the show stopped being good when it stopped being about the actual office.
You were making 300k at the age of 19?
Or maybe because work culture in the US is just way less structured, even in a corporate environment
I still think some of the early episodes of the US office function (perhaps unintentionally) as great satire of soul-crushing white collar work. The Prison Mike episode comes to mind as the running gag of the episode is essentially that prison is better and more fulfilling than office work
Where can I watch this?
Vote you lazy fuck
yeah I graduated uni at 17, masters at 19, 300k starting
feels good to not be a brainlet
No, the gag is that it obviously isn’t, and people who talk that way are just being dramatic
Yes, voting for the elephant party or the donkey party is going to help.
UK Office is harsher and bleaker than US Office, but even US Office is hard to watch for me. I watched from season 2 until shortly after Ed Helms joined the show and realized I had no reason to continue. I do not understand how people consider US Office a show they can just put on and mindlessly enjoy. I assume they leave it playing on the tv while they're in the kitchen barely able to hear it.
As far as Ricky Gervais goes, I much prefer The Ricky Gervais Show which is on the opposite end of the cringe->comfy spectrum.
Not quite right. The gag is that obviously being imprisoned is bad but there are (perhaps superficial ways) where prison seems better than a bleak office job by comparison.
I mean it is interesting and worth thinking about why in America literal child rapists are entiled to 3 square meals a day, a place to live, and free medical care, while your average joe is not.
>autistic savant
user, i hope you understand people enough to realise that not everyone (actually very few people) can go to uni for both financial and intellectual reasons, much less get a master at 19.
"work harder" isn't actually very helpful advice
Well I'm glad all your (Ugandan) money made you happy and well-adjusted. Lol
the american office served as a blueprint for every corp that was feeling the heat post 2008. all american ads are the same, with a few bumbling corpos who are good hearted if a bit out of touch, like lovable dumb dads or whatever.
it's cynical as hell.
We know Pam
money can't cure aspergers i guess
This is only a slight exsaduration. “American pep” culture is real. You can be “reservesd” by being mean and short with everyone, everyone will assume you are just important, but if you are just quiet and keep to yourself, you are a potential office shooter or baby killer that needs to be dealt with.
>Kransinki is obsessed with being a CIA officer and spends his entire career after the office in service of that
really transparent with this shit aren't they
Who is this Braphound?
it's my stepmom, I jerk off to her facebook