Are there any kids shows you're not afraid to admit you like Yea Forums?

Are there any kids shows you're not afraid to admit you like Yea Forums?

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Hannah Montana


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Lizzie McGuire

>Are there any kids shows you're not afraid to admit you like Yea Forums?

All the 70's, 80's and 90's cartoons.

From new stuffit would be hmm:
Foster House for Imaginary Friends
Gravity Falls,
Adventure Time (this one is a must watch for neetcels)
Sonic Boom (excelent cartoon for boomers)

Life with Louie. One of few shows which actually gets better when you watch it as an adult.


/pol/ has twisted my mind. . .

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>tfw raccoons was blackpilling children as early as 1989

Never watched this show because it was on Nick Jr. at the time, but I watched a couple of episodes later and thought, wow, this is much better than I thought, I don't understand why this was on Nick Jr. It's not something I would go out of my way to recommend to everyone, but it certainly is surprisingly decent.

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only like 5 first Gravity Falls episodes is good, then it goes to shit.

But that Pacifica Northwest . . .

>But that Pacifica Northwest . . .
The best waifu?

This is Rupert...

i have a 1 year o;d and peppa pig is on quite abit, that shit is funny

I would argue adults can appreciate it more than kids can.

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As Told by Ginger
Fleischer era Popeye
Harry Edison's Felix the Cat
30s Betty Boop
Freaky Stories
original 2 seasons of Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?
Jem and the Holograms
Swamp Thing

young justice
batman the animated series
justice league
justice league unlimited
batman beyond
superman the animated series

Based [agreeable] hebechads

My sister showed me this, it's actually a good watch. I still chuckle at the uncle's boat being called 'Stan 'O War' for some reason.

Dave the Barbarian is rock fucking solid. Essential.

The Mummy Kino

i'm not a jew go fuck yourself

Thundarr the Barbarian
Cleopatra in Space
She-Ra (the original)
Darkwing Duck
Are You Afraid of the KINO
Shirley Holmes

pinky and the brain (original). they played it very much like a classic sketch comedy show

Angry Beavers
I didn't reqlly watch it until I was like 21, but the episode where they decide to stay up all night then realize their clock is broken and they've been awake for hundreds of years made me fucking cry from laughing

Loved that show. I love most shows about urban legends (even early CSI: Las Vegas seasons since it was basically that every episode), but this one was surprisingly good.

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>All the 70's, 80's and 90's cartoons.
the shit you like is retarded and you only like it for nostalgia



not like this.
I was thinkign more like:
Johny Quest (original)
Real Adventure of Johny Quest
Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego
Captain Planet
Dungeons and Dragons
Captain Baloo
Duck Tales
Gummi Bears
My Little Pony (Original)
Rainbow Brite

arthur i guess
his mom in those jeans mmmm

That show started as for kids and became more mature every season. It was great.
>tfw no Flash gf

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That Batman cartoon from the 90s, and that X-Men cartoon from back then. Gargoyles was another good one.

>keyed up

Alfred J. Kwak
Around the World in 80 Days with Willy Fog

>tfw this is the kind of things I watched as a kid
I regret nothing.

90s white suburbia is kino of the highest order. I don't blame zoomers for being hopeless and depressed

>Alfred J. Kwak


Are you Japanesse?

keyed in the log

Nah, we had a very bad dub English version of that show airing on tv. The French dub was decent though. It was a very popular show for like 2 years when I was growing up in the 80s.

Recently got addicted to watching failed Cartoon pilots from shit like Oh Yeah! Cartoons
Sometimes they're alright

The original early 2000 Ladybug animated series. It was pretty dark for a kid show.

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I watched the American Sailor Moon pilot when I was a kid. They kept airing it on tv for some reason. It was a mix of live action and cartoon (when they turned into Sailor Scouts). It was pretty sort so they would air it between other shows.

I keep reading that it never aired, but I saw it in the mid 90s on tv a bunch of time. The whole pilot episode. It was like 15 minutes. They kept airing it without commercials between other shows. It was a french dub, I was living in Quebec at the time.



The DC cartoons from the late 90's/early 2000's and Brave and the Bold
Ed Edd n Eddy
Johnny Bravo
Mystery Incorporated

>not a jew
>watches jew fetish shit about preteen girls
Ok schlomo

DCAU + Batman Brave and the Bold
OG Ducktales
The Dragon Prince

GI Joe.

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obscurememeboi is back ladies and gents

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>not a single cheek or mouth kiss in the entire show besides Mabel and mermaid guy (and said ep is the only one penned by that writer)
this show was charmless

you just know

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Moomin Valley (2019-)

Yeah his addled mind is all fucked, Nick Jr shows are unironically all-ages comfy. 25 years later, I still think of the episode of the octopus cartoon where the penguin does his same routine everyday, while his buddy takes chances and has fun, but then at the end of the day the spontaneous one reveals a surprise party for the penguin back at his apartment.
I think I'm officially getting old.

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I liked this gundam show as a kid and still do. Had some great fights in it plus some human cringe

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The first 3 seasons of Rugrats, I will defend.

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