Deconstructionist movie for retards who never had father figures

Deconstructionist movie for retards who never had father figures.

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why does she(?) have braces

Think its supposed to be drawn lines.

film is a female's medium, of course male film buffs aren't going to be normal

Its drawings. And if you ask why its to be "accurate" i have no problem with it though

Can I have sex with your gf please

Guys, it's deconstructionist.

Did you know that?

Is that not the child actor who played Almeth’s character?

These aren't braces, it's based on some Nordic skulls they found in Sweden that had horizontal cuts in the teeth like this.

SJW garbage.

This was just 2 hours of deafening screaming. The movie was definately made for hollywood audiences as the only thing selling it was action and shock value. Did Eggers just want to make a movie about "toxic masculinity" again.

The plebest of pleb takes kek

It's the complete opposite, there is no diversity in the movie and we finally have a strong and honorable male protagonist again.

I guess I gotta watch it now.

>Women warriors
Jewish propaganda

I think Eggers is secretly based, he was asked in an interview if the movie was supposed to portray masculinity positively or negatively and he kinda dodged it and said they were trying to portray it how it was. Obviously he can't say it out loud clearly but this is what I got from it.

Female warriors.
>but muh white actors
>muh honorable male lead who helps slaughter a village
Also, ehy the fuck where they fighting naked?

Nah, I don't think so. Especially not if he gets along with Sjón. He's just autistic

there are 0 women warriors you fucking retard, did you even watch the movie

Female warriors? Idk what you're on about, there are none in the movie, not that I remember. If you're referring to OPs pic, that's a Valkyrie which did in fact exist in Norse mythology and also in Roman/Greek mythology (amazonians).
She didn't fight though.


Fuck off, jew.

Valkyries are feminist, fictional garbage, and did not exist in real life. Kill yourself, tranny.

Is Sjón a leftie or?

There is no character arc whatsoever and he paints the norse as retarded neanderthals. Also, Freyr is bad? And why the fucking retarded twist with his mother? Just adapt the superior story you little modern

Considering melanated hands typed this post I don't think you know much about father figures at all

There was one riding in the village who said "I only want strong ones"
You weren't even paying attention lol

you talk like a european fag.. "destructionist"... lol no one here talks like that stop trying to blend, jew.

damn bro one throwaway character, i guess this movie is pozzed and gay because it has a woman on a horse for 5 seconds

Valkyries existed in the mythology, just like in the movie, there was only one ever shown and it was in a dream-like segment, it makes total sense for a Viking to imagine something like her, since it's in their sagas and everything.
Read the Edda faggot.

Is the fag who writes stories about being gay in iceland and how he resents his grandpa for being a nationalist a lefty? Also, check out red milk.

yes, only wgite men can be strong even if it's a mystical character

Neither did Odin or Thor but we like to thing they did. Also a whole civilization worshipped them.

Right, there is some nonsense, obviously, it's a modern movie but it's still, by far, the least leftist movie I have seen in years.

Why are Jews so afraid of this movie?

I liked it.

Anya was hot in it, too. Does she have a no nipples clause or something?

It's shit because the story is meaningless and it leans solely on being a gritty action shlock for losers desperate for a "accurate" norse movie. The only accuracies are thing you'll read in pop history articles and it completely fails to capture the spirit of the norse sagas, opting instead for mindless fetishization and shock factor. Capeshit for adults.

It's popular and a good film, with minimal reasons to hate on it. There are issues of course but the general opinion is that it was a great film that satisfied the majority of those who watched it.

It's just another case of You can't like what I don't like. It infuriates them.

20IQ drooling retard post

it's literally the most classic, timeless story imaginable you retard

It was 900AD, pretty much the entire world was retarded at that point. I think you just got filtered no offense. You want a simpler story I guess. Maybe you only watch movies where the director puts a bib on you, and makes airplane noises as he spoon feeds you the entire story like a kid’s movie. But I think your major criticism for film is a result of you simply being filtered by what it was trying to do

You haven't read 1 (one) edda you watch skallagrim videos, don't you presume to appear learned about any of this you faggot

It paints the norse in a pretty negative light and has slave revolt themes so not really

No, it paints paganism in an accurate light. It’s not so much about Norse people

There was a 4 second clip of a female warrior in the background of a scene.

>muh honorable male lead who helps slaughter a village
Warrior raiders in ancient times did kill a lot of people. The Northman is a full, unapologetic immersion into the world of Iron Age Scandinavia.

Is this the new Christcuck angle to get people to dislike this film? To accuse it of being leftist SJW propaganda? You really can't stop seething about people liking it, huh?

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It shows white people were slaves which is accurate, the American leftist brains are gonna explode.

>It paints the norse in a pretty negative light
yeah dude, accurately depicting a culture literally unimaginable to modern audiences and that shares zero relationship with the modern (christian) right is somehow "leftist"
>slave revolt themes so not really
literal slavery is right wing now? lmfao. are you a discord tranny trying to make right wingers look retarded?

This story is as simple as it gets. Thinking that tge whole world was retarded "back then" is presentist crap and shows you really have no interest in the period. You just have shit taste
I'm from Iceland. I've read more sagas than you and written essays about them in fucking elementary. I've read the Edda more than enough times. This movie is a fetishfilm for braindead moderns an depicts icelandic settlers as mindless retards.

>all these newfag replies
Ebin bait user. This place really has gone to shit.

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The Scandinavians were a society that lived in a godforsaken barren frosty wasteland with minimal resources and methods of surviving. They had to wage war, fight and kill each other for land/manpower/slaves/resources in order to survive, which is why they collectively decided to stop that shit and find other places to plunder/settle.
Their entire culture, even their mythos is based on the fact that you will do well in life if you kill in battle and die with a weapon in hand. Battle was engraved in their culture and even young Scandinavian women learned how to fight, even if they were scarcely sent to battle, but more to defend their homes.
Viking movies are always visceral and full of violence because that's who they were as a people. They weren't mindless, unintelligent barbarians, they built a society, had traditions, engaged in diplomacy, smithed with metals, but due to their geographical circumstances they had to develop a warlike society. There are a lot of things you can take from the Viking Age, but spilling blood was something they basically lived for.

Its a valkyrie you fucking mongoloid
Can you apologise now for being so stupid pls, you and your kind ruin this board

It was retarded. Almost everyone was illiterate. If you highlight the monasteries and the .1% of people at the very top sort of making progress and keeping things afloat, then no, it wasn’t super retarded. The ordinary person would’ve been retarded. Not because they were any less intelligent, but because they were illiterate people who knew nothing about science or anything about the way the world works except for paganism or Christianity. So the little settlements, and the raping and pillaging, that was about par for the course. At least, so much so, that it was realistic enough it could’ve happened in this particular journey

>The Northman is a full, unapologetic immersion into the world of Iron Age Scandinavia.
It really isn't. It's artistic conjecture most of the time. And Ulfhednar are always set up as antogonists who get slain by the fair hero of the saga

Til að vera sanngjarn þá var Hrafn Gunnlaugsson ekki mikið skárri þegar hann gerði Hrafninn flýgur. The Northman er meira og minna Hrafninn flýgur með smá meira Hamlet og eina senu sem er tekin beint úr Conan.

>depicts icelandic settlers as mindless retards
Idk I've read the Saga of Egil Skallagrimson and he was pretty fucking retarded. Literally a meme of a viking.
>kills a boy over a lost game
>drunkenly vomits in someone's face over an insult
>raids a homestead, trapping everyone inside and burning them alive

The Norse were illiterate because they didn't write anything. Paper and calfskin came later, while they carved runes onto stones and such.

because the movie is an exploration of its ups and downs and just saying "It's a celebration of masculinity" or "Toxic masculinity bad' pins it down into something asinine and one-note

To be fair, obviously Iron Age Scandinavians weren't all savages and it certainly wasn't as dark a time as it is often shown, like here too, most people were simple farmers, lots of generations didn't experience war but it was not meant to be an accurate depiction of Iron Age Scandinavia, it's a revenge movie with Nordic mythology. Still, there were brutal warriors like this, Vikings obviously raped, killed, enslaved and pillaged. So people have to start to differentiate more.

>not knowing le science and how to read makes you retarded
You can't even measure progress.

>kills a boy over a lost game
He killed a boy twice his age at the age of three with an axe. Any way to slice it, that was cool.
>drunkenly vomits in someone's face over an insult
He mutilated him because he hit his daughter when he was being a lousy host to them.
>raids a homestead, trapping everyone inside and burning them alive
That's what happens in the Baltics, motherfucker. Can't get wealthy without raiding a few foreigners. Plus, he got captured beforehand and they were planning on executing all of them by daybreak, but he got out and instead massacred them.

>if the movie was supposed to portray masculinity positively or negatively
It's doing neither. Why do amerimutts always insert their retarded pseudo identity politics into entertainment media?

Why are Scandinavians always portrayed as dirty barbarians?
They invaded England and immediately swooned the local women there. There are reports from that age of opinions of certain nobles, even a king stating that they were surprised as to how clean the Northmen were, and their methods of hygiene far exceeded that of the average commoner of England. They were also reported to be very articulate, and could often carry around the "aura" of a noble, meaning they could hold themselves to a remarkable degree to the standards of nobility, when they wanted to, of course.

Þessi mynd minnti mig einmitt á hrafninn flýgur. Hefði verið betri ef þeir bara fylgdu Amlóðasögu í staðinn fyrir að breyta henni.


if you guys are done being retarded, Eggers said the reason he showed the female Viking during the Slav raid was because he was making a point that there was only ever one female shieldmaiden commander ever found, and he was trying to illustrate a realistic portrayal of that (she was simply a commander and acted as masculine as possible because Viking culture is hyperpatriachal)

He specifically used Vikings and it's "entire shieldmaiden legions" shit as a counterpoint and said that it was fake as fuck

>haha the mindless violence was actually cool and ebic!!
great job proving they weren't retards

The Vikings in the movie are a roving band of Berserkers, whereas the Kingdom that Amleth initially flees from is shown as civilized and refined, if of course brutal

En kannski yrði það of mikil klisja vegna þess að allir vilja taka Amlóðarsögu og setja hana í nýtt samhengi.

>could often carry around the "aura" of a noble, meaning they could hold themselves to a remarkable degree to the standards of nobility, when they wanted to, of course

this is literally a plot point in the movie retard

This, Egils Saga is not as nihilistic as this. Egill is more often a revenant punishing the unvirtuous than anything else. But yeah, an asshole sure, but a good friend aswell who is willing to fight to free a girl from bein bethroed to a berzerker

Barbarians aren't maggot eating peasants who wallow in shit as is believed. You also have to be intelligent to survive in such harsh conditions as the scandis did.

If this movie was leftist SJW shit you would have never seen his own mother siding with the bad guy, backstabbing her husband and son and trying to manipulate her son in the most evil way.

How do so many retards think she has braces? You can clearly see theg're not metal, nor are they joined. They clearly look like markings.

Live in a society where generations are forced to fight, kill, and steal each other just to survive. Also take in the fact that every member of said society believes in an afterlife full of killing, drinking, and fucking, but in order to get there you need to do a lot of killing yourself. Generations being raised like that will harden even the softest of people.

>movie doesn't depict white culture as heckin wholesome 1950s hotdog man

Ég veit ekki allavegna mun Útlaginn alltaf hafa gott pláss í hjarta mínu. Óskast eftir Grettis Sögu á skjánum

There's no such thing as ((((white)))) culture you silly mutt.

>Pussies out over violence in Sagas
What a fucking joke you are. Violence and tit-for-tat killings were normal, if not preferable, affairs in the Icelandic Commonwealth when the opposing parties could not reconcile.
Egill is actually one of the more clever and genuinely intelligent characters written about. Dude knew magic and could make poems and rhymes from an early age, and made one so good that the king of Norway who desperately wanted him dead relented.

The character arc was the entire movie, there were no subplots

Can we please just talk about Anya?

It's norse culture, and it fails to capture it in favor of mindless stereotypical barbarism guised as "realism"

Grettir yrði góður. Eina sem er leiðinlegt er að haugsenan í Northman er eiginlega tekin beint úr Grettis sögu þegar hann fer og glímir við draug til að ná í sverð. En Grettir berst við svo margar ófreskjur í sögunni að það vær gaman að sjá það.

>It was 900AD, pretty much the entire world was retarded at that point
You actually believe this?

>Iron Age Scandinavians weren't all savages
Never said they were.
>most people were simple farmers
No one is interested in seeing a 3 hour film about farmers doing nothing. It's an action film set in the Viking era, so of course the focus will be on the brutal warriors.

I really don't get your bizarre crying about this film.

>Also take in the fact that every member of said society believes in an afterlife full of killing, drinking, and fucking, but in order to get there you need to do a lot of killing yourself.
this is literally the movie you retard

my sister leaned over to me when she showed her ass and started fucking Amleth in the spring and said "I wanna hump both these people so goddamn bad." Was funny as fuck

It's not capturing"Norse culture", it's literally a man groomed by a cult of pillagers who worship the god of fury.

in 1500 half of England was able to read, but not write. 600 years before that I doubt anyone but monks or the highest nobility even had the chance to peer over documents/letters.

Farmers killing each other was a regular occurrence in Iceland too. That's why almost everyone owned at least a spear and a shield.

>Violence and tit-for-tat killings were normal, if not preferable, affairs in the Icelandic Commonwealth when the opposing parties could not reconcile.
>mindless sheepfuckers killing each other is preferable because... it just was okay!