How the fuck did this movie filter people so much?

How the fuck did this movie filter people so much?
>people are unironically not enjoying Raimi-kino in current year

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Fun fact op: you aren't "filtering all those cute girls that don't even give you the time of day

Because bREE slapped the taste out of our mouths and we all stopped watching after Endgame. And Disney has given us very little reason to change our minds.

Plus the cinema is full of covid.

fuck off capeshitter

people are saying that Captain Marvel was a better movie than MoM. most insane shit i've heard.

it had flaws, but i liked it
i hadnt seen wandavision before seeing it, so i watched it afterwards
the arch of the tv show ended with wanda coming to terms with her grief and letting her magic family disappear so that the town could go back to normal; then the post credit sequence shows her reading the evil book and its all like "whoops, guess shes immediately back to this bullshit again"

Only redditors like Raimi, most normies just wanted another MCU flick

Capeshit is over

>Only redditors like Raimi
redditors hate Raimi, you outed yourself retard.

I’m not gay or suffering from arrested development so I don’t watch capeshit.

it was excellent, ive been a Raimi fan since I saw Evil dead as a child. I've been a fan of scarlet witch since i played her in Marvel Legends 2

This movie was tailor made for me to enjoy. It was fantastic.

Wandavision never had Wanda face punishment for what she did, even moral punishment. I feel like Wandavision was more or less her villain origin at this point.

Why do people take movies so seriously? Movies are an entertainment medium. If you enjoyed the two hours that's all that matters

you could tell that in the early episodes, they were considering leaning in that direction (of her being the villain) more explicitly.
the big cgi battle in the final episode and wanda being framed as basically still a good person seemed like corporate interference but who knows

Imagine being this delusional, he is probably their favourite director next to Peter Jackson and Edgar Wright

It is hard to make a villain origin story and not have them appear as a hero in their prespective

>if you like [insert good thing here] you probably like doo doo and caca too xd
It's okay user, you're new. We get it

>redditors hate Raimi

Yea the post credits of the
wandavision show her hearing her kids cry out in the multiverse for help yet in the movie her goal is to just steal them from another version of herself.

They kept fucking with the character in Wandavision afraid to go full evil even though that was their goal with her

Raimi's direction can't save the film when the script is dogshit and it's been cut up and reshot more times than Sean Bean in leading roles.

No but Raimi is reddit

Only the last 20 minutes it becomes a raimi film and it's still held back by capeshit and brown people.

>raimi first MCU movie
>doctor strange's gf marries a black guy


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this is one of the issues i have with the mcu; if you dont watch and remember enough stuff from all the movies and tv shows you get left behind when the stories interconnect, but if you remember too well you'll notice all of the dropped plot points and changed details/retcons

I liked the camera work and direction, fucking top tier as far as the MCU goes, didn't like how Wanda took up most of the screentime. Her ending kinda sucked too. Other than that, great watch, even enjoyed America somehow

The script sucks dick. The film was written by the same bloke that created the Loki series.

And also produced some of the Rick and Morty episodes.

>No Tom Cruise as Supreme Iron Man

>most normie movie of the year
>le filter


very cool to see Raimi's style in the MCU (which definitely needed some visuals that weren't so homogenized) but the fucking pandering is out of control.
>movie is called DOCTOR STRANGE
>top billing is white male, Benedict Cumberbatch
>first variant (Defender Strange) of his character is le bad guy for trying to kill lil Mexican lesbian girl and ends up dead for it
>primary version of his character is a lil baby weakling who with the help of many other lil baby weaklings can't stand up to MUH EMPOWERED WITCH WOMAN
>multiple versions of Strange get their asses kicked by GURL POWER
>GURL POWER easily dispatches the long-hyped debut of Mr. Fantastic
>GURL POWER easily kills the cornerstone of 20+ years of X-Men movies
>GURL POWER fights more GURL POWER when Captain Carter & Marvel put up at least somewhat of a fight
>in the end, GURL POWER is technically defeated by her own fucking emotions which is at least accurate but if that's the way they wanted to go, they could've made this picture for a LOT less fucking money and marketed it to the Lifetime movies crowd
>post credit scene: a new GURL POWER arrives to help lil weakling white man fight something he clearly couldn't fight on his own
but this is the status quo now. good special effects at least.

Thought it was great. Loved the mirror showdown scene. Some nice Darkman nods too.

Felt more like Scarlet Witch and the Multiverse of Madness

It was literally Dr Strange gets mixed up with a whole bunch of script ideas that could have worked out on their own with a bit of polish

Don't get me wrong, I agree with most of these points, but
>primary version of his character is a lil baby weakling who with the help of many other lil baby weaklings can't stand up to MUH EMPOWERED WITCH WOMAN
How exactly do you want them to do a superhero movie where the main villain is a woman, without her wrecking the protagonist?
Again, don't get me wrong. The fact that they just kind of brush over the fact that she gave an entire global magic order the Uncle Owen/Aunt Beru special for not letting her murder a teenager, and inspite of that the movie and main characters still act like she's a sympathetic anti-hero is complete and utter trash.
But just the fact that she cleans house at the start of the movie is basically standard fair in pretty much every superhero movie ever made. It's incredibly rare that one of these movies wouldn't set the villain up as in a position fo power over the hero, and those exceptions generally aren't really about defeating the villain. Movies like Man of Steel, where Zod never really wrecks Superman's shit outright, since defeating him is not as much of a focus as Clark figuring out who he wants to be.

>How exactly do you want them to do a superhero movie where the main villain is a woman, without her wrecking the protagonist?
>where the main villain is a woman
Where the fuck did you get the idea that we wanted them to do that at all?

I mean, classic cinema trope is antagonist has the upper hand, tables turn, protagonist wins in the end by exploiting antagonist's flaw(s). and I'd be ok with Scarlet Witch being immensely overpowered (as she is in the comics) if it weren't for the fact that the ONLY characters who even put up somewhat of a fight were America Chavez, Captain Carter & Rambeau. couldn't even let Halpert get one fucking punch in before she spaghetti'd him? c'mon man.

Hi.. not him... This is honestly the first time I heard Raimi and Reddit being the same or whatever youre attempting to transmit here.. I don't go there enough to know that.. hm.. maybe you should go back there and just stay there. You sound like you belong.

So then... You never want a movie with someone like pic related again? (Ignoring the live action garbage)

Yeah, as I said, I agree that a lot of how they did it is bullshit, but call out how shit the execution is, not that the villain's a witch.
You can absolutely have an awesome struggle with a weak male hero eventually defeating a seemingly unstoppable female antagonist. (Again, pic related.)

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Literally every Raimi meme even the swastika ones are from reddit

I'm just glad he took the Mouse Money again... Must be nice. Imagine being a bum who doesn't matter hahahahaha... You're just a bum, kid!

quality bait

to that point though - the male (good guy) did not defeat the female (bad guy) in this movie... America portal'd her to 2 scared kids where she immediately whooped their mother and was like, "oh fuck I am kind of an asshole" then she literally killed herself to redeem herself. they can't even let a bad woman STAY bad in the MCU anymore.

How is Raimi not reddit? From Spider-Man to Evil Dead he is just peak reddit

I had a dream last night that I was hanging out with Bruce Campbell after a con or something. He was twlling me how they filmed him in multiple roles. Weird when shit I read on Yea Forums ends up in my dreams.

Spiderman did well so you're wrong

It's like i could see Feige trying to take the movie away from Raimi's hands but eventually Raimi won

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Well the council of Ricks is literally based off of a council made up entirely of Reed Richards from alternate universes, so parallels were going to happen sooner or later.

Funny enough, I actually preferred the MoM's alternate captain marvel to the main timeline captain marvel. The actress I felt looked and acted the part better for the brief screentime she had. She pulls off the "I'm cocky and stronger than you" vibe way better than Brie Larson


reddit loves raimi

Its was a meh movie with some cool scenes. The Illuminati was wasted and dumb. Better than NHW though.

>Better than NHW though.
Big if true, booking my tickets now

>Feige/Russo/Whedon makes woke infested capeshit full of fake CGI, bad writing, women good, men bad unless they're niggers in which case they're good
>Raimi makes woke infested capeshit full of fake CGI, bad writing, women good, men bad unless they're niggers in which case they're good

96er kids who grew up watching Raimi's Spiderman trilogy on repeat and suddenly came to Yea Forums swearing it's underrated kino, just like the prequelfags and hobbitfags. Now Raimi has shat out another schlocky le campy ironic capeshit except this time it's infested with modern sensibilities and terrible directing, but it's le hecking kino again somehow and the terrible aspects are merely ironic. Who could've seen this coming?

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Yeah /r/Raimimemes always trending. They HATE him

watched the camrip
absolute garbage plot

>Strange getting cycled by BBC in the first 5 mins of the film
I can say it filtered me.

That thing you like? Reddit.

That thing I like? Not reddit.

Simple as.

Your right, your version of the film with a villian that is easily defeated by everyone would have been much more exciting

Script was kind of ass, tho

Doc Ock literally did the same thing. Shut up

The best part of this film was Raimi's cinematography.
Unfortunately, not even Raimi could save this dumpster fire.

Raimi is not a cinematographer, do you fags even know how moviemaking works? Or do you just read things on the internet and attempt to imitate it poorly?

I actually couldn’t believe how much they let him do. His using techniques i haven’t seen in hollywood films for years

>i go to reddit i know what reddit loves and you liking a thing is reddit so stop liking thing here


Is there a non cam rip torrent for this?

Raimi's direction? The editing is absolute dogshit, and the camera angles are bad. That zoom into Hayley Atwell's face as she gets MAUL'd is absolutely embarrassing.

Are you being retarded on purpose?
All the close up, zoom in shots. The fast movements, the lighting, the creepyness.
All Raimi traits. A lot of the scarlet witch scenes reminded me of Evil dead. Too bad the script story sucked ass.
Go suck start a shotgun.

That pic is pure relativist cope. The rest of your inane bullshittery isn't even worth addressing.


Next, you're going to be telling people they have to see it at least TWICE to "get it".

Because ot was barley a Raimi film.