Why did public opinion turn against game of thrones?

Why did public opinion turn against game of thrones?

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Prime Emilia was a 10/10

Contrarians, booktards and last season was dogshit

Not enough screen time for the Frog Queen.

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They made Dany bad, that’s it. People put up with much worse writing so long as their girl boss was destined to come out on top

writing so astronomically retarded that not even retarded normalfags could stomach it any longer

because they ran out of source material and had to wing it which resulted utter shit. it's like the original ending in full metal alchemist no one asked for

She switched from killing brown people to killing white people.

The framing from which her killing was being done was changed

they ran out of source material. The original seasons are almost one-to-one copies of the books. Especially season 1.

The quality of writing went to shit. D&D thought they could develop the story better than grrm, who honestly was at least a decade removed from being competent by the time season 6 was under way. Anyways, it went from disfunctional characters driving late medieval fantasy storylines to post modern narratives as told through a gritty fantasy theme

as a bookfag, lol, no
but until s04 it was as close as you could hope for, given the constraints of the medium
and no massively important storylines or plot points had been omitted
and the show was legitimately quite good as a show
nowhere near as good as the books, ofc, but still great TV

but the moment the shae revelation never came through
and young griff and joncon were cut
and alliane was cut in favor of oberyns mutt whore
yea, it was over

we bookfags only kept watching for potential hints as to the plot of future books

I just finished book 3 and it's very similar bar a few fights cut for budget reasons.

It was never good. You are all just irrelevant midwit sheep with an innate FOMO.

>t. midwit



>Spent years setting up Bran's ability to warg.
>Never had him warg into a dragon to save the day.

What the fuck? The fucking fans had better stories than the writers (can't even remember their names now).

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Usually shows go from being 6/10 around their start to 4/10 by their end and while that's a drop in quality, it's not like the show was that great to begin with and the quality drop isn't that steep. Thrones however, started at a respectable 8.5/10, managed to become one of the biggest shows on TV, then went down to a 2/10 by it's end. The drop in quality was SO big, that people chose to entirely forget about it's existence. The bad later seasons outweighed the good early ones so so heavily and most people closed that chapter entirely and never went back to it.

what about the tysha revelation, dude (not shae as i originally wrote)
makes a massive difference in Tyrions character, as well as his future relations with Jaime
what about all the dream sequences
what about the quarth adventures
what about the literal tons of backstory the show is missing
there were theories that jon snow was raegars and lyannas son since before book 2 had even been released

but its still fairly close
most of AFFC is completely cut or massively changed...

yea, bran dragon warging has been a popular theory for a long time
but the reveal of the shows finale kinda puts it in doubt
now some people think bran will warg jon post resurrection and sit the throne in his body...

The final season was so shit that even the normie fat middle-aged big-titted hairdresser I used to visit was fucking pissed. She constantly ranted about it the whole time, lashing at my hair with shears, with me nodding and saying "Y-Yeah I hate what they did to Dany too!"

dragons are magic beings, it would make logical sense that they are defended from being warged..

so are direwolves, the starks have no issue warging the shit out of them

>dragons are magic beings, it would make logical sense that they are defended from being warged

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i'd have done everything to fuck pre-wall Emilia. She was a 10/10.

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ah yes why can the starks warg into their own pets... someone get this frend a clown nose fr

Because it turned into a fan service show after all the roasties on Twitter cried about empowering women

arya has no issue warging random cats in braavos
and the show has bran warging hodor (we know "hold the door" is from GRRM, so presumably book bran will also warg book hodor)

when the dragons are born the magical guilds of the world have an increase in their ability to perform magic

surely the idea is the more complex the creature, the more difficult it is to warg?
I house cat and a retard are quite different to a fuckin' dragon. IT's also hinted that wargs have a connection with the animals they enter

>neutering and killing off Stannis like a retarded chump
>meme villain Ramsay
>whatever the fuck they were thinking with the Sand Snakes
>captain not Jack Sparrow, although he murdered two bad pussies, so it's ok
>pants on mongoloid suicide mission beyond the Wall aka let's hand over a dragon so the plot can happen, this will also surely work out with Cersei as well
>characters randomly teleporting across the continent
>adunwonnit muh queen
>Littlefinger randomly became full blown retarded so they could kill him off unceremoniously
>dialogue dumbed down to fart jokes level, the previously entertainingTyrion - Varys back and forths were reduced to Tyrion telling Varys that "Fuck me, I'm freezing my balls of here in Winterfell. You should be happy cuz you know, you have no balls lmao."
>Arya became faceswapping gigafencer turboninja after two months of scrubbing floors and getting shanked. Also apparently just flipping off the Faceless Men and leaving after being trained by them free of charge is a perfectly valid option that no one thought of before.
>dark pixelated PS2 CGI siege of Winterfell where all of the Dothraki die, next episode only half of them and all in all the siege wasn't a really big deal after all
>NK's death, Bran being a useless weirdo autist
>Jaimie pulling another 180 and going back, Varys and Dany also turn retarded
>whatever the fuck the "coronation/election" scene was supposed to be
>Dany's troops casually fuck off after they were promised that Jon will fuck off
>everyone fucks off

You forgot the laughable notion that anyone in the 7 Kingdoms would accept a crippled vacant-minded child being KING voted in by a fucking midget on death row.

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he had the best story though

>he had the best story though

To the viewer? Perhaps.

To average citizen or power hungry Lord sniffing a power vacum? You think they'd all just sit there saying "Yeah sure, I'm fine with this."??

i never watched past season 5 but i think Jaime's arc is set up to be the king..

>Who should be the king?
>Why the almost immortal autistic living supercomputer who graces out Q one liners between two rounds of shitting himself
>Wouldn't it be better if he was a secret advisor and some charismatic dude the people will likely accept becomes the king?

Fuck that was bad. Dude's story was getting hauled around and it ended with the Hodor time travel hemorrhage scene.

ok s04e03 the show is already flying off the rails...
haha let's show another fag scene lmaooo

Not only did they give it a half-assed original ending because they ran out of source material thanks to the fat guy, but they gave it one that spoiled the book ending because they just had to. They legitimately could not have done anything worse.

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It always sucked but normies liked it so much it became socially unacceptable to shit on it. That changed with the finale.

One of the things I really liked about the first couple seasons was that it really established the geography of the setting, and the vast distances between the important locations. By the end of it none of that matters. Fleets are circumnavigating Westeros in moments, armies are covering huge gaps in the span of an episode, etc.
And as they ran out of interesting male characters to follow, you can see the quality of the show dip heavily too. Getting rid of Tywin marks a substantial inflection point where the show begins to turn for the worse, and unfortunately the women in this show just aren’t interesting by the end of it.
Joffrey had multiple seasons to be a cruel bastard to everyone. This gave his scenes a tremendous amount of tension because you knew he was going to do something nuts. It also gave other characters something to play off of which made them more interesting too. Tywin sending him to bed, Margaery Tyrell understanding how to play him perfectly, etc. Dany goes crazy, burns down half the city, and gets killed by Jon Snow all in one episode. It’s just clear they were on a race to the end by the last season so none of this stuff had any time to breathe.

>last season was dogshit
Last two and a half seasons were dogshit.
Hell everything after Tywin died was garbage.

yea, tywins death was the inflection point
not so much because he died, but because they went completely in their own direction afterwards
but its fun to imagine charles dance staring down D&D, threatening to put their heads on spikes if they fuck it up.

Because it slowly turned to shit.
Altough it's funny to see normies complain about season 7-8 being shit when season 5 and 6 already had the same kind of flaws, those retard are just repeating what their favorite "influencers" tell them


did emilia hit the wall?

A few surgeries hurt you, man

didn't she have a stroke? i know i had a few to her

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everyone's time comes

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People notice Dany and Jon. I notice Baelish.

We are not the same

uh, Bane?


>le reading flightplan face

God, Emilia pre-stroke was so perfect

They all did.

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lmao. I'm 5 years older but look a decade younger than that.

Yeah user, you look better than the beautiful, rich hollywood actress. YOU RULE, BESTIE!

>nowhere near as good as the books
The absolute fucking state of you illiterate faggots.

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It's kinda funny how most of the mainstream hate for game of thrones cites completely retarded reasons.
>dude the long night episode was so dark i couldn't see anything
Don't watch it on your phone then you faggot

The books dissolved into a complete mess and are both unfinishable and unadaptable. The person most to blame for GoT turning to shit is GRRM himself

>D&D thought they could develop the story better than grrm
GRRM literally has no idea how to develop the story. At least D&D provided an ending FFS.

>that tubby brown eyed manlet was once a sex symbol

Also smaller stuff like when botching Theon's ACoK stuff as well as Alfie Allen being a massive fucking micast, or Catelyn releasing Jaime when merely under the impression Bran/Rickon are hostages, rather than doing it in a irrational, grief stricken state when she thinks they've been murdered and Robb and her captive daughters are all that's left.

This. Before the razing of Kling's Landing all her killing could be justified (sometimes flimsily) to some degree. The harshest thing she did was burn the Tarly's, but it was a war and they were enemy commanders that refused to acknowledge her claim to the throne. Plus normies would've been unsympathetic towards them thanks to how they treated Sam. She was acting increasingly deranged, but we never saw any concrete actions of it until she seemingly turned on a dime and committed mass genocide for little to no reason.

>what about the quarth adventures
In a different universe, the House of the Undying was the Red Room/Black Lodge for a new generation.

I also hated Arya's stuff with Tywin in the show.

i find it interesting how everyone just accepts his omniscience with 0 evidence whatsoever