It's up, the official Saudi Cut

It's up, the official Saudi Cut


Deleted scenes include:
>the gay lesbian dyke mom scene at 42:13
>all dialogue and solo scenes involving black woman captain marvel on the council chair and thanos flashback, at
>Captain Britain and Captain Marvel do not have a fight scene with Wanda, they both are killed by Wanda effortlessly and without putting up a fight, just like the rest of the male characters #equality

Watch here (Stream it doesn't download it):

or on MEGA:
Direct download link to skip ads if you do want to:

Attached: saudi tv cut.png (1920x994, 1.03M)

Other urls found in this thread:

good job user

What's up with the Saudi Cut? Does it just have less faggotry in it?

Nice. I hate blacks and gays too. Thank you Saudi Arabia.

Inshallah brother

>It's up, the official Saudi Cut
>Deleted scenes include:
>the gay lesbian dyke mom scene at 42:13
>all dialogue and solo scenes involving black woman captain marvel on the council chair and thanos flashback, at
>Captain Britain and Captain Marvel do not have a fight scene with Wanda, they both are killed by Wanda effortlessly and without putting up a fight, just like the rest of the male characters #equality
>Watch here (Stream it doesn't download it):
>or on MEGA:
>Direct download link to skip ads if you do want to:
At least tell us how to download this movie

You literally have list of changes above.

>each death scene of a character killed by the Scarlet Witch is replaced with a journalist tortured by the MBS

what the hack

Based sandniggers.

its in the bottom link, that's the direct download link

mega has limits so just use that for streaming

This whole link is to the direct download:

at this point i dont know whos more retarded marvel pandering or shithead that actually have time editing out lgbt stuff

Why doesn't Strange use this portal thing to cut his enemies all the time?

My bad.
This seems quite based actually.

What did he think of the Saudi cut?

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I still won’t watch it. How much did you blood boil reading that I won’t even watch a pirate of your shit movie?

Does it hurt? I know it does

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While you're on it, move to SA and stay there chud. It's very based and they need based men like you to fight the globohomo.

Imagine being so insecure about a fucking film having minorities on it you rely on liberal towel heads to give you the safe edit version to make sure your sensibilities aren't pissed on

Please I'm begging all of you who actually are watching this cut to stop being such losers before you kill yourselves.

Die mad nigger

Fuck off, kike.

Imagine being so upset that other people didn't watch your cape movie the way you want them to.

There's absolutely nothing for me to be bothered by. I got to sit in a nice AMC theater, didn't even have to pay for my ticket. And I got to watch a fun movie. Meanwhile you retards literally had some Middle Eastern towel head cut up the film for you because while you hate anything that's not white you're still desperate to go see the cape shit. So you'll actually watch a shitty camera rip with a watermark because oh no lezzies. Supply to you by the way from a Middle Eastern American hating dickweasel
It genuinely makes me laugh. You guys are actually fucking pathetic.
No you know you're right I should also go watch the Middle East and cut up Saudi version with a shitty water mark in bad camera rip. I should just let you be

I'm still laughing btw

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>i gave money to jews to sit around homosexuals and watch a gayer version of the same movie you watched
Yeah you won alright nigger lmao

>So you'll actually watch a shitty camera rip
Kek, do you really think I'm going to watch it in any way? I don't care, I'm just happy that someone can enjoy it without all this kike gay shit.

Imagine typing all that shit lol this nigger is SEETHING

>the heckin dyke and nigger scenes are necessary for the plot!
Clearly fucking not, keep coping

I don't give money to anybody the film was paid for me. Friend invited me. The minorities that we're in here didn't bother me and none of the stuff that OP posted bothered me. But even if it did I would not be so gay as to watch this cut up Saudi terrible camera ripped version with a watermark. I would simply roll my eyes at the shit I didn't like or probably just not see it. At least for the love of God wait for it to come out and then cut it up which would be slightly less gay.
Yeah I know you guys are like liberals. They write your films you cry about anything you don't like in it whether it's woke or literally just has minorities in it. He still can't edit out the gay pin on her chest though kek

Imagine being so insecure about a people watching an edited version of a film

Please I'm begging all of you to stop being such losers before you kill yourselves.

I'm using voice to text. I should really just make it in before bingo board to predict the shit you guys say
I mean it explains America's guilt and character motivation. And also you just arbitrarily cutting some of the fight scene for no reason. For sure if you fast forward the movie which is basically what this is you can still get the gist of it kek

Well lucky for me, I'm not going to waste time on capeshit, let alone an edited version of it, gay shit or not.

I'm not like I said I don't give a shit but I'm laughing at the amount of links for you guys to not watch a gay version of a film that you'll settle for some Saudi cutting it up water marking it and having a poor camera rip at the same time. You're so desperate to watch cape shit yet you're too sensitive to actually go see it

That makes you better than the majority of the posters itt

but I'm seething at the amount of links for you guys to not watch a gay version of a film*
Also, I am not even planning to watch the film kek. I just want to check out the commotion, and you are seething like a retard

but why?

you forgot to edit out the start of the movie where christine gets BLACKED


Is me coming in the thread to verbalize that I'm laughing at you all for watching this cut me being angry or seetheing? Cuz it's the fact that the way I worded my first post was antagonistic in nature? I'm just wondering if there's any method to your buzzword spouting

>trying this hard to not sound angry
Sweetie, it's okay to be angry.

>it explains America's guilt and character motivation
didn't ask for her to be shoehorned in and poz it up, don't care about her motivations or backstory

I mean the whole reason she went crazy in the first place is because of Vision but Vision is back so what the fuck?? And where was he in the movie? They got Bruce Campbell and Patrick Stewart for cameos but couldn’t get aberrant back as Vision? Or would there even be a movie then if the logical thing happened

I'm just gonna watch the one with better quality. I don't need gay sex in movies to have fun, faggot.

they will like this and not know it's a cut

Whats the deal with the ads for slots machines and shit on these rips anyways? Like do they seriously think people will click that shit?

Less haram

>stream keeps buffering
Its not my internet as I have gigabit

MEGA only lets you download like 5GB daily

As I thought. Is alright tho
She's part of the film and she's one of the main characters. You are purposely watching a butchered movie lacking character motivation and build up because she has gay parents. This is retarded
As far as I know there isn't any out yet even then it's still gay


Saudi cut was just OP from a previous thread who cut the woke trash to anger twitter karen rights? I actually really appreciated seeing it without the lesbo/nigger scenes, hopefully this is a trend that keeps happening.

>buffers every 30 seconds


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Also has the irony hit anybody that you guys are literally like the Chinese audience Disney panders to?

I believe it's widely accepted that hollyweird no longer represents "us"

no bc i have a bwc and dont eat pets

But you want the film cut up for you just like Disney does for the Chinese. Interesting parallel you guys share
It's all user. I'm sure sui lee and you will enjoy the film

Don't give a shit, I just can't stand forced woke trash being shoved down my throat.

Is gay parents and women really that woke user? The stuff the guy listed isn't woke. I just don't think you like minorities too much. That's the thing about films they're kind of supposed to represent America not just you. That's why we still get away protagonist but he might have a black girlfriend

upload it to a better host

I don't watch capeshit so I won't enjoy *this* film but in the future I'd like it if they released films in both pozzed and non-pozzed versions

Of course if the goal is not making money but instead trying to convert people to their way of thinking then that would never happen, but I've been told corporations are all about the money so there's hope, right?

You can tell he is a tourist by how desperate he is.

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How about they just released one version and if there's too much shit in it that bothers you you don't watch it. Or maybe try to be reasonable with your definition of woke or pozzed that doesn't include when a film has a minority. I genuinely don't like woke shit in films. But then I see your guys's version of woke and it's way too extreme

Again this isn't even new you remember when older films had more of a Christian fundamental traditional slant. I imagine there were plenty of lefties who saw those same movies as you and didn't give a fuck.

So you think when they casted alternative captain marvel they just hired the actress that was best for the role rather than some sheboon to tick a quouta?

What does 2 lesbo moms bring to the plot?


Not very amenable are you?
>I'm one of you
Sure you are my fellow white

anyone who hates lgbt is a hero, fuck off faggot

Ironic? I fucking love those guys.

>wasting bandwith, HD space, and your time on dl capeshit

It's over
OP is a faggot for uploading to fucking mega of all places instead of 1fichier

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