> A man made of rubber vs a witch with powers that most likely match a celestial.
I couldn't watch his movie with a straight face.
> A man made of rubber vs a witch with powers that most likely match a celestial.
I couldn't watch his movie with a straight face.
I felt bad for him :/
I couldn't watch this movie at all
mommy refused to drive me to the kinoplex because of my previous behaviour there
>a woman with a frisbee shield and a jetpack vs a woman who single-handedly beat an army of sorcerers
Thats pretty disgusting even if it is capeshit
>man made of rubber
aint he some kind of mumbo jumbo laughing looney toones god?
Black captain marvel would get obliterated back to the cotton fields from white one.
Did it make you *very aware* you were merely watching a superhero movie and not actual superheroes?
Wanda’s ending was lame and unsatisfying. Honestly would’ve been cooler if Strange just got some bullshit powerboost and killed her in a magic duel. Best part of the movie was the zombie Strange scene against Wanda for this reason.
I was expecting corrupted depressed Strange to enter their multiverse and kill Wanda with zombie Strange, Wong and 838 Wanda killing depressed Strange
wouldve been based
>I couldn't watch his movie with a straight face.
You are not supposed to, you were supposed to smile. You watch shit like the Godfather with a straight face.
I didn't smile, but I did yawn a lot.
I did not care for The Godfather.
this is not one piece
The circlejerking and shilling for this flick on this board is cringeworthy
not nearly as much shilling as other MCU movies received, and ironically this one deserves it the most
The Darkhold should've corrupted and fucked her up even more in the final third since she's basically using its original power. I dont watch a lot of Marvel movies so I dont know if this has been used before, but I want to see mercy kill as the solution. Like, Wanda getting more and more unrecognisable throughout the movie and in the end Strange has to kill her using a mcguffin because she has lost all control and really close to hurting her 'children'. And in her last breath she apologizes for all the thing she's done. Instead of the boring self-sacrifice trope and the way her death also erased all version of Darkhold which is just taking plot convenience to another level.
It insisted upon itself.
>he still watches capeshit
He should have opened with tech and then follow up with some fast stretch and impact moves.
Do manchild homosexuals really still watch their live-action Saturday morning cartoons compulsively? I would probably kill myself I was you.
It was so fucking dumb. Even if they directly confronted her he would have a plan, his entire plan here was
>I will slowly reach out and grab her
when he can do ludicrous, insane, moves and alternate forms. Also the moment he died the rest of the members should have instantly realized shit has hit the fan and its time to kill or be killed. But they dont even react? Then Captain Carter does her signature Captan America thing, Captain marvel does her fireworks show, but Black Bolt and Fantastic die instantly with no fan service? I am puzzled by this scene, I think its dumb on multiple layers.
Was Scarlet Witch in this movie supposed to be how Phoenix Jean Grey is meant to behave (with I guess the main difference being Grey is fighting her team/family, whereas Strange and Wanda are acquaintances)
>understimate your fool
>leave yourself open
what's the proplem again
no they were just doing her Avengers Dissasembled/Bendis phase
He could have even stretched himself like this gif to momentarily throw her off guard or weird her out for a second advantage, but he just reaches out to grab her.
>The Darkhold ™ Disney ©
Do you even "shill" for this magnificent piece of art that will make gorillions?
>I couldn't watch his movie with a straight face.
How could you watch any capeshit with a straight face?
To be fair, Reed doesn't really use his powers in the comics for much anymore because they're generally pretty shit. Most writers focus on his intelligence and the fact that he's "invincible" against most threats due to his body composition that aren't like Celestial tier. Hickman's idea with The Maker is probably the only decent use of his powers in like thirty years.
hol' up, tsk can you believe dis white boi dyin' on us like dat and leaving us with the work to do and shiet?
You seem pretty knowledgeable about this stuff. How was the ending fight in Secret Wars between him and Dr Doom? Is this meant to be some decades-long climatic payoff where Reeds finally admits and confirms Doom's anxieties and suspicions?
One Piece?
ayo dis wyboi bein' raycis to mah... he sorta cute tho. ain't he cute sista?
>Wanda the Darkhold is corrupting you, give it to me
>Wanda lost her mind she can’t think clearly as she holds the Darkhold
>click DarkholdUninstall.ex, you successfully uninstalled Darkhold and all of its components from your multiverse, miss vaporized sorceress
>oh yea whatever Im still evil where is this og stone hex collection, chubby boy?
Thanks. I actually studied writing and screenwriting and sometimes I feel I could do a better job than Hollywood screenwriters who get paid a million for a script. One major role is basic American cinema like most capeshit is a big twist in the end and before the climax. This movie didn’t really have one. After the trailers showing corrupted Strange and with the Illuminati babbling how Doctor Strange is the biggest threat to all multiverses it’d have made more sense that corrupted Strange is even more powerful than corrupted Wanda and Strange can’t defeat him alone
Alright. Is the hatred entirely 1 sided? The impression I get from what I can piece together is that it's exclusively Doom who despises Reeds, seethes over his existence, and probably occasionally screams "RICHAAAARDS!" in rage at the sky. Reed, for his part, find Doom's obsessive hateboner concerning more than anything else and wishes Doom would get better mentally and realise his potential for good ('good' by Reed's metric).
Oh no! She killed Jim.
man, the costume designs keep getting shittier. the original fantastic four from 2005 had better costumes than this shit
To be fair, youre factually wrong and I've probably read more comics than you ever have. Reed uses his powers all the time, when he's in superhero combat he especially uses them, and in your precious Hickman run he uses them all the time.
over time, the general hubris and stupidity of the Illuminati is something you can get over based on what you find out about that universe(since Charles is apparently the only one to take her seriously), there is no way to get over the reactions from strongblack and Carter. black is giving some kind of "dayum get a load of this nigga" sneer, and Carter looks like she's holding back a smirk.
>Is this meant to be some decades-long climatic payoff
Bro just read it. Its not a cap off to everything ever but its the climax to what Hickman started in his FF run years prior. Also that user is not knowledgeable on this stuff, but I can see how he fooled you by fauxing le comic fan "acktuallly" schtick
If youre already at the point where you feel this strongly about the characters inner turmoil its better if you just read it instead of having the story beats told to you. They hate each other equally but Reed isnt the type to outwardly show it, he will keep it bottled up.
Why didn't he use any gomu gomu no moves?
Is Charles treated well in this movie at least
He is treated with dignity character wise, but in the plot he represents a farce and comes off as weak.
Honestly could have worked or even what actually happened if the two dumb retard women in the back did anything at all to capitalize on the opening he made.
no, scarlet witch snaps charles neck mentally and he dies
Is it mentioned if it’s the same Charles from the fox franchise
They play the X-Men theme while the room is silent, im 90% sure it was Fox's theme and not the cartoon one.
they call him the leader of the X-Men
no, but there's no chance we'll ever see him as prof X again anyway.
He's the most reasonable one out of the Illuminati and acts like Professor X would, but gets almost instantly killed off when confronting Wanda, just like the rest.
Why Wanda asks if his children has mother? Maybe he has a husband instead?
>Holy crap, Lois, it’s Sindel from Mortal Kombat
I thought Mortal Kombat was part of the DC universe
And how exactly can two men have children in the first place?
>yes they do
>good, they wont grow up alone
who the fuck is Wanda? you've been watching a black god woman fight in marvel for years?
wandavision sounds like some joke Ugandan shit
What did you do?
>casually stretches in your direction
Was he going for booba? What was plan once he stretched fully to make contact?
Mr. Constrictor would've never let this happen
You never had a "straight" face to begin with
I just don't like that they made Scarlet Witch the main character.
>And how exactly can two men have children in the first place?
oh sweatie. marvel movies from now on will have strong female main characters
I don't mind strong female characters. I just don't think Wanda is one. Everything I've seen can be boiled down to "I am woman hear me roar"
So what's the in universe cop out for Rasha "I can casually cross dimensions, also my powers are whatever I want" cunt being unable to have kids?
>Was he going for booba?