You take your shirt off when you take a dump right?
You take your shirt off when you take a dump right?
It frees you up right?
I used to get fully undressed every time. Felt more natural or something idk.
I used to. Now i just shit in the dark. It's comfy
Do you guys throw a little bit of paper inside the toilet before shitting so you dont get your buttcheeks wet? Took me years to come up with this tactic
i shove a few squares down the backside of the bowl so the plop of the turd made nary a sound. but yes it helped with the backsplash on the back of the cheeks and thighs
I get fully naked and to shit properly the toilet roll can't be in my point of view so I have to put it behind me out of sight. IDK why.
I don't even take off my pants to take a dump
You're supposed to hang your pants on the hook, otherwise they can contact the floor.
yes, I like to shit naked
I’m usually completely naked because I shower after.
>pants pulled up to belly button to hide flab
Why do fatties do this? Do they really think they're fooling anyone?
I had a friend who used to do this at the beach, looked dumb as fuck.
No but I take my shirt off when I have a wank
no but I use my tub faucet as a bidet
smart, imagine walking around with coom all over your shirt
That's for your jacket, retard
George bros..........
If you take that off, will you shit ?
isn't taking a shit at a party like this already a faux pas?
You wouldnt Double Dip, would you user?
i like to get fully naked. then shower afterwards
do you really care if you need to take a shit?
But I don't wear a jacket.
literally me
looks better than having a huge hanging gut protruding over the top of your pants
I once had to take a massive shit at a party but someone was vomiting in the toilet the entire time so I just shat into their kitchen sink
>he doesn't want the world to hear his turd plops
how beta can you get
do you have that meme but for shitting?
Blowing up the John at aswanky soiree is one of the great pleasures of life. All those hoity-toity, arrogant, pretentious saps, each feigning at being more cultured and elegant than the next, get to hear and smell the horrors of my bowels. Any ambiance is spoiled by trumpet blasts and juicy wet sputtering. Think of the hostess, her dress costing thousands, her hair and makeup done just right, every possible measure towards elegance and grace taken all so she can walk through a mist of rancid ass vapors and gag, tears and confusion in her eyes, her cocktail slightly spilling over the glass, horror become anger and disgust. A tuxedoed man in mirror-polished oxfords rushes to her side to steady and comfort her and is instantly reviled by the sulphurous noxious emissions. He frowns, his brows darken, his eyes filled with loathing, yet he too is impotent in the moment. Butt stank wafts throughout the venue. Expensive catering, fine wine, cocktails, top shelf liquor - none of it matters any more as nothing can be tasted beyond the funk of rotting rectum. The dance floor clears, all holding their noses and moving away, away from IT, away from the invisible stench that envelops their evening, away from the profane reminder of sordid, banal, base life, all consuming and ever present. The mask has slipped, the curtain drawn, the play is over, and I step forward, glowing with pride, basking in glory, deeply inhaling the richness as one only can with one's own anal putridness, savoring the moment of triumph. Behold, Man.
No, wtf! it would be too messy, I take my pants and underwear down though
back in the day boomers would wear their pants that high before everyone got niggerfied
My granny does this during the night, doesn't lock the door and doesn't respond to my knocking. Caught her a couple of times before sending her to the asylum
brevity is the soul of wit
Poop at fancy party. Big funny.
Everytime I eat I have an explosive diarrhea spray poo that coats the bowl and even under the seat. It all comes out of me in like 20 seconds, I shit faster than I piss. It's both a blessing and a curse
>it was above the garbage, Jerry, ABOVE!
all pants used sit that high even higher back in the day, still makes the most sense to have your pants sit that high just looks way better.
Are you a child?
They just don't fit, always cramping me, There's NO LAW THAT SAYS I HAVE TO WEAR A JACKET.
When I'm at home I strip down outside the toilet...unencumbered
Based anal autist
I don't even take them down.
How far are you you fat fuck? Go to a god damn tailor.
Who was in the wrong here?
I sit down to pee
I didn't used to, but now I have a very smol Asian gf and fucking her bends my dick out if shape for days, I just can't aim straight any more, so I have to sit down or the entire bathroom gets sprayed
Only autists wear jackets
I do as well. It's more comfortable to just sit back and relax and zone out for a bit. I only piss standing up when I'm in a rush which is rare
same desu then I clean myself off in the shower, fuck tp stuff is expensive
Is that why I smell balls and gooch every time I go to the rest room?
I still do that sometimes and squat like a chimp on the top
i take off all my clothes to take a shit. When i had a job back in 2019 i would remove all my clothes, take a pic of them on the door, take a pic of the shit and post it on our group chat
Yes, make a little nest to drop the shit-eggs. Since I squat too, the splash is like a bullet of water coming up.
What's this? A BASED /S H I T M A N/ thread?
Where my P O O P O O C H A D S at?
I blame the afro Americans
literally nothing
No, but sometimes I take it off when I masturbate
Dress pants unironically should be worn this way. Especially if you are short and doubly so if you are wide.
Shitting fully nude is the only way
Yep and then you get that glance in the mirror and you wonder where it all went wrong.
Why do you have a mirror at shitting level?