Did raimi save the mcu? this is the first capeshit with SOVL in a long time

did raimi save the mcu? this is the first capeshit with SOVL in a long time

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I really liked it. Wish they cut the lesbian mothers part.

Hopefully Marvel takes the right lessons from this, and has actual directors make their movies. Tired of cinematic McNuggets.

i liked actually seeing dead bodies in the mcu

Only part I didnt like were those awful child actors

couldn't save it from mouse agenda checklist

I liked seeing Benedict Cumberbatch’s decaying rotting corpse

I hope the fed rate hikes and finance recession forces then to think like this.

>"America" Chavez
>Wears an LGBTQIA2S+ pin throughout the movie
>Lesbian parents
>Star-shaped powers
>Makes fun of Strange for not speaking Spanish
>Strange looks directly into the camera and tells "America" to trust in itself. I mean herself
>Fights the super powerful white woman
Most pozzed MCU movie to date. I'm not usually one to go on about globohomo, but holy shit

His zombie impression of Liam Neeson's Darkman was 1:1, truly great stuff.

You forgot:
>shapely, cute little culo in circulation-challenging denim

All things aside, by basically undoing WandaVision this movie will really hurt the concept of the current MCU as an interconnected saga. People who were invested will be really disappointed and even feel betrayed, eventually realizing there is no point to pay attention to the TV part of the MCU.

>there is no point to pay attention to the TV part of the MCU
I've known that shit since Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

>there is no point to pay attention to the TV part of the MCU.
never was

Ah sure, but they were presenting this as a 'new deal' and that "this time it really matters" when in fact it's just a mess. The amount of contradicting stories will bloat MCU to the point of collapse anyway.

begone retard

The MCU has already introduced both time travel and multiple dimensions, which are the two reasons comic books have to do total resets every few years. Maybe the movies will do the same.

Forgot got wwbm wedding

Made me kek there is faggot universe

>shapely, cute little culo in circulation-challenging denim
Can't wait for the HD webms. HNNNNG

no cruise no watch

What do I need to know going into this movie bros? Do I need to watch WandaVision?

Still don't understand how any of you fags thought he was going to be in the movie


>Do I need to watch WandaVision?
It's actually somehow worse if you do. Don't bother.

According to all the official promotions you need to consoom every spinoff

Because meme magic.

>It's all connected
>but none of it matters

Just like the comics they're based on!

The most unsurprising part of how pozzed it is really is the fact that they made the young zoomer character explicitly gay

How is any of that woke besides the pin?

She's from faggot universe

She has two gay parents who died immediately and then are never discussed again. shut the fuck up

It's lgtvhd+ qouta, so obvious.

It didn't feel like a marvel flick for the most part, but that just made the quips doubly jarring.

>two female parents creates a universe jumper
what did they mean with this?

>two gay parents
>not pozzed

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They're fridged immediately, which is lowkey hilarious.

just watch the arab version

Literally two gay parents and she wears a fag pin. There's no comments about her sexuality. It's literally nothing
gays aren't pozzed

jokes aside, having gay people in a movie does not make it woke

The character is gay in the comics though

>gay people in a movie does not make it woke
>wears a fag pin
enough coping its shit and aids

interracial marriage

>faggotry isn’t pozzed
Die slow faggot

Best marvel film in a while because it wasn't marvel and it kind of took the piss on marvel at the same time.
Some guy shouted "NICE ONE DISNEY" and the entire theater laughed, it was so forced, I'm sure Raimi had a gun to his head to put that in.

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Yeah? And Nick Fury used to be White in the comics? What’s your point groomer?

Yeah if it wasn't they wouldn't have to edit it out in decent lands

Is not just that, **beware spoilers**
1)One of the first scenes, the marriage, you can see there is scarcity of white people, there's Arabs, Hijabs, Cinese, Blacks, and maybe 1 or 2 white guys; hey I have colored friends, but I mostly have white friends, one could say the black guy had black friends sure, but chinese, Arabs? Why?
2)Yeah they gay mothers, to me no big deal is like 5 seconds.
3)Notice how the "illuminati" the avenger version of a universe, has Xavier, Reed Richards from the fantastic 4, but they die so effortlessly, uh? Like the smartest man alive dies in 2 seconds, and the woman with a shield lasts more? And the black captiman marvel, how.. how come?

I liked the movie bcs I'm a fan of Strangez but you can clearly see the wokeness. This time is clear wokeness with no compromises, just wokeness, gay quota, minority quota...

don’t forget
>she did the right thing
>two presumably most powerful superhero men in a universe get instagibbed
>brave strong wamens put up a respectable fight
or the subtle thing about his weird “i love you in every universe” shpiel.
>inb4 schizo
none of these things by themselves really say much but there’s an ongoing pattern becoming very obvious, and most of this stuff is defended by the same people who screech about media shaping the minds of the people and how important the narratives about xyz group matter. whether or not you believe that this type of subtle propaganda would be effective, the people making it sure seem to and it’s important to remember that.

saw people arguing
>those two died because they just stood there while the women decided to move
Why? Why did they just stand there and take it passively? I thought men were supposed to have better average reaction times or something.

I know, if they wanted to add woke shit, they could have made Strange(female) to be less Emotional, kinda like Loki.
And maybe do some retard things like br with black or idk

1. the world consists of more than just white people, deal with it.
2. and the fact that they die almost immediately makes it all the more amusing that people are genuinely getting upset over the existence of two gay people
3. they all jobbed, take your meds. if anything the woman captain America is shown as more incompetent than her male counterpart for not being able to catch her own fucking shield
there's no fucking woke agenda, and a movie being more realistic with its representation isn't woke, it's just normal.

How come no one sees it is woke shit???
To be fair the Deaths were gruesome for a Marvel Movie, but it's surreal to be so obvious

>t. nigger worshipping amerimutt
Isn’t it still early there yankee?

nice gaslighting and bad faith arguing, bro!

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Because you need to point it out to them. A pattern is easier to recognize once you know what to look for. This is why people get the angriest once you start pointing out trends.

the only bad faith arguments here are the ones whining that the movie isn't all wh*te people, retard. fuck off back to your containment board

Nice gaslighting and bad faith arguing, bro!

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Are you white or black? Tell me that you, at your marriage, will have more black/white? I do have diversity friends, but I have more white friends, I'm white, it's obvious, it's also cultural, I've been around white people.

You mean the mothers? I can pass on that, it's 15 seconds, but still it doesn't make much sense, is America biological son? Did the Mothers do parthenogenesis?

3)They did not jab, expecially Mr Fantastic... he has gadgets, what he does? Grabs a Witch by elongating very slowly? The guy that screams get shut in like 1 second and sneezes??? What the fuck? Those are Avengers Tier, imagine if Spiderman had a wet dream and his costume was full of cum and he loses because his legs are sticky... what the fuck?

It's not normal, and I liked the movie, you can possibly be that much obvious.


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cap seething in some corner right now

He’s just doing some gaslighting and bad faith arguing! Don’t waste your time on him, bro!

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>mommy and daddy issues
>wealthy white male
Nah bruh, he's the source of the problem.

It is not, come on... Strange is the one that the woke shit could be hidden subtly, Mystical Creatures etc... but this is not... it's obvious wake shit.

then why does he seem so cool

Wow a character with gay mom says a gay pin what an unbelievable leap of logic
Also fine
They live in New York and have a fuck ton of people that they know I'm not surprised that there's a fuck ton of different ethnicities there but the majority of them are white
At least you're reasonable about the gay mothers
Because they had a plot to get along to and Scarlet witch is supposed to be OP anyway. I doubt it was some intentional shit though. Besides it's not like to have a preference that other black actress got killed pretty quick as well

There is no wokeness in this movie. Captain marvel was woke. This was so fucking benign it's not even worth paying attention to

shang chi was the only good marvel movie of recent memory and it’s because they were trying to pander to a country who won’t accept any woke shit

Shills get paid to hype movies for studios in order to promote word-of-mouth ticket sales. The problem is that their marketing posts stand out too much on Yea Forums. Its really unfortunate but it dies down a couple weeks after the movie premiers. I'm not saying you shouldn't watch the movie if it's your cup of tea, but I think everyone with any sense on here already knows what to expect: a tired, dragged out, glorified made-for-streaming movie put out to theaters to cash in on burnt out MCU fans, written by-committee to hit corporate cultural objectives, put together by an iconic but past-his-prime director who was still held back by the studio, staring people we barely care about in a world where any consequence can be undone by the next installment. No stakes, few thrills, but hey, why else would shills be here if this wasn't the case?

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Yes of course, but I'm just saying how come they don't have much white friends, seems weird to me... I'm just saying that... was the woman insufferable with no friends? Was the black guy racist against whites? Idk

>watch a MLS match
>crowd is full of mexicans-americans

your country is full of them,stop crying about reality

I hope Disney don't listen to bugmen critics