Watch two friends get horrifically murdered

>Watch two friends get horrifically murdered

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At least Reed seems upset when Black Volt got cucked

wait, that's a female? legitimately thought it was a dude. or was he born with a dick.

post her death

Crushed by a statue, at least she actually gets to fight Wanda, unlike any of the male members

>white males
>their gruesome deaths are captured in horrifying detail
>you see exactly what happens to them and how they suffer as they die
>they couldn't even fight back
>the two female characters
>their deaths aren't gruesome at all
>they get to fight back
>the injury they sustain that kills them is not on camera at all
>you don't ever see how they are mutilated in any way
>you either see a close-up of their face as they seem to peacefully pass away
>or you just see a hand not moving anymore
>even Professor X, despite being old, because he's a white man you get to see his death fully capture on screen
>you get to see how his neck gets snapped and the brief suffering he endures

Is this pic of Mordor from the first doctor strange or this new one?

Wanda's power makes no sense she can take away that one guy's mouth and make reality whatever she wants, why does she need to shoot laser balls at all?

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For all of 12 seconds.

How did they beat Thanos when they all jobbed against wanda

In fairness, you can't really show a chick getting bisected at the waist in a PG-13 movie.

Wanda almost 1v1'd Thanos in Endgame until he chose to smoke his own dudes. She's powerful as fuck.

>the smartest man being tortured
>the women just standing there and watching it not doing anything
>his head literally explodes
>black lady has a fucking smug smile on her face

Attached: strange.jpg (3836x3136, 1.04M)

steven strange did it with the 2nd mcguffin book and then got kilt


>the smartest man in the world decides it's a good idea to attempt to physically attack the most powerful reality warper in the multiverse

I can't get Black Bolt being too sudden and you really can't stop him from killing himself. But that Reed shit was like ten seconds of him being turned into string while screaming in pain. They could have done something even if he was just a torso by the time they did it.

So how's Reed getting introduced in the F4 movie? Strange makes a joke about Reed being from the 60s.

838 earth also suggests mutants exist because Charles lived there so mutants may likely end up displaced in the main mcu

Marvel movies make no sense. Characters are powerful or nerfed depending on the movie.

>>black lady has a fucking smug smile on her face
I'd say she was mildly annoyed, but yeah the actors weren't really directed well. Britain doesn't react much either.

Video of black bolt?

As soon as Black Bolt exploded his own head, they should've all atacked together.
At the very latest, as soon as they saw Reed was getting lifted in the air and about to job it, that's when they also could've started moving.
The only way to make sense of this is by developing your own headcanon. My headcanon is that the two women hated the white men, especially Reed (you have to be a psycho to let someone be spaghettid like that). They thought they could handle Wanda because they're strong women so they simply let her kill the white men so they could take charge afterwards.
Unfortunately, they underestimated her power and paid the price.


Actually infuriating to watch

Thats odd too. Isnt any version of Cap meant to be pretty tied to World War morals?
Jump on a grenade to save your comrade type stuff?

Not really. Even in the What If? episode, she just kinda dragged scrawny Steve off to commit Snu Snu.

I feel like they were trying to process what the fuck just happened to black bolt than suddenly mr fantastic is turning into string cheese shit definitely takes a minute to process what the fuck is going on

-CAPTAIN BONG: "This strange is more arrogant than ours" (Being unrespectful with the man who saved their universe and sacrificed himself for them)
-DR STRANGEcuckold: "Just more alive"
-CAPTAIN NIGGRESS: "For now'" (She threatens an illegal alien to be killed for universal border crossing because he endangers the local population, based negro)

He's the smartest because everybody else is even more retarded in this world

She dindu nuffin


Attached: strange2.jpg (3832x1596, 461.57K)

Reed could actually used his brain

Having a shield cut you in half isn’t gruesome?

But for that the script has to be write by someone smart.

Yeah that was dumb, but Im saying at least his character had an emotional reaction to his close friend getting a grizzly death

Nah, tis' but a scratch.

>two friends
Who said they're friends? They're just colleagues and nothing more. This isn't Sue or Ben.

Do you need to watch wandavision to get most of this movie or what?

I think the point is that while thats bad, its just implied.
Compared to seeing BB's head explode with no cut away, Prof Xs neck get snapped, or Mr Fs really grizzly death.

I actually think thats why Marvel killed off those three so quick, I think theyre terrified to show men on woman fights least they get accused of sexism

>two friends
What about two trucks?

Their reaction to killing Dr Strange shows they care about each other

I felt this way too. Like this scene actually made me angry. I just turned it off after that and it’s been bothering me all day.
Why is that?
Is it just the disrespect for well established characters first from the writers and next from their adversary?
Blackbolt, Xavier and Reid Richards were the most exciting part of this and they just humiliated them. For what? To build up Wanda?

Why do you want to see women killed in a gruesome way? Are you an incel?

>My headcanon is that the two women hated the white men, especially Reed
Well, judging by their apathetic expressions, they really hated him, so it's not headcanon, it is canon.

I think it actually hurts as this film completely ignored her redemption at the end of the show

She literally goes from in deep sorrow and regret over brainwashing some people to murdering everyone in her sight

What? Strange spends the whole movie fighting Wanda and has like two 1v1s with her. Thanos literally punches Captain Marvel into space for the remainder of Endgame

no, Wandavision if anything makes it more jarring because she is squarely framed as a protagonist even if her actions in the show are inexplicable.

it doesn't fill any holes in her arc, just more "woman do bad because sad".

Nobody cares about him. His show failed hard.
He died like 5 times already, so who cares?
>Reid Richards
Krasinski looks boring anyway, so who cares?


Maybe they just hated Reed? Since he is "the smartest man alive" he probably mansplained them a lot.

Like, Mr Fantastic and Professor Xs introduction into the MCU is forever this humiliating scene

And goddamn, they brought Patrick Stewart out if his Professor X retirement for this

It's because of the not-Necronomicon fudging her brain. She even realizes is at the end after her kids are terrified of her.

This. I bet Wanda was meant to end up in a much darker place for the show but the TV creators changed it

>Professor Xs introduction
This isn't an introduction. Stewart won't play Xavier again in the MCU. His scenes were there just to shat on Fox's X-men series.

They stress over and over how what she does in WandaVision is justifiable and not her fault. The at some point offscreen she decides that murdering innocent people is aokay

>Since he is "the smartest man alive" he probably mansplained them a lot.
Kek and checked
>Reid Richards
Oh man imagine the vids

If anyone has the right to "mansplain", surely its literally the smartest guy alive no?

>The at some point offscreen she decides that murdering innocent people is aokay
The not-Necronomicon fucked her shit up, she wasn't in control.

Well thats gay.
"Aaaa I was brainwashed to be evil" is a copout

No, women know better.

Thats literally a line in MoM, no joke

>They stress over and over how what she does in WandaVision is justifiable and not her fault

yeah, but it's super-unconvincing. in this movie they stop even trying.
you can tell that Feige sincerely believed that Wandavision had laid a bunch of groundwork for this movie when it is definitely not the case in practice.

Holy fuck shes ugly

Fair enough, but it is explained at least.

Uhhh Raimibros, you want to explain this?