

Attached: Cuck.png (1200x1317, 695.14K)

Only when you're down this bad does cuckholdry become a reasonable deal to make with your significant other. Who else is going to commit to you? If you get any interest, especially from someone reasonably attractive, and they provide you with more than they take from you, then there's not really much room to disapprove of. What good is masculinity or manhood to someone who has no one to exercise it over.

Honestly for a guy like this, calling him a cuck is just straight up bullying and makes you a bad person. Shaming him does absolutely no good for his life.

lookin good brendan

>they never watched the kino sequel

I hope they at least let him see... maybe even Esmeralda steps on him when he fucks her.

Motherfucker, you do not corrupt my childhood like that.
This is why you should never come back to things you've seen as a kid and rewatch them with the knowledge of an adult, anons.
Nice digits

Esmeralda was a baddie tho fr fr no cap

What makes it kino?

He gets his mutant dick wet with a babe

That’s not the blonde dude

He was married and his wife had carnal relations with another man? No? Then he isn't a cuck, you retarded fucking parrot.

for fucks sake, GOT ended, stop it already with your shitty maisie williams waifu threads

What did she do Yea Forums?

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One of these things was in the special ed program at my high school. I went to the largest high school in my district, about 4k students, so w/ that also came the obligation of housing the district's special ed program. One of them was named Phillip & I don't know how else to describe it, but he was like a chief-retard of the bunch and definitely assessed his dominance over the other retarded kids. He was known to have random outbursts of violence. One day he got away from one of his handlers and went into one of the computer labs during a free period. Some of the students in the lab called him Quasimoto & said that Disney movie characters have to check into the front office to get a visitor badge before entering any classroom. Unfortunately, Phillip wasn't a full-retard, so he kind of understood what they said. He started to freak the fuck out and started throwing computer monitors everywhere. Luckily one of the school cops was near by and rushed in and tasered his ass.

he's only a true cuck if he gets off to it

Incel Quasimodo paying back those bitches for ghosting him at dates by saying they are witches in cahoots with satan.


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I literally do not remember this from the movie/.

she straight (Hell)fire

Keeeeeeeeeek peak incel kino

>choosing a dumb whore instead of being the hero of the town


I respect this film for not giving him the girl in the end.

Its a harsh truth in the world, but some people are given bad genes/looks and most likely wont ever find love. At the very least love from someone conventionally attractive. The fact most people refuse to acknowledge this is terrible, and weirdly like gaslighting.

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>real beauty lies within!
>except when you are ugly as lil homie right here

This is probably the most truthful Disney animated movie ever. Also this film talks about lustful corrupt old men like Frollo.


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>It's not my fault (mea cucka)
>in God's design (mea cucka)
>He made my boner so much stronger than my spine!
(Mea Maxima Cucka)

I just imagine scenario in real life and want to slap the incel desu
Its like when this fat girl I went to school with as a kid told me she liked me. I would never date you, you're a hog, get real fr fr no cap

The natural order of things. Based.

Well, he is French

Cuckasimodo is a redditor, based frollo is a 4channer

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>the well adjusted (given the circumstances), quietly noble, kind-hearted and open-minded guy is a Redditor
>the genocidal, racist incel with delusions of grandeur and inauthentic religious fervor is a 4channer
Well imagine my shock.

That's how you sound niggerfaggot, now go back

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On a scale of 1 to Seethe, how rustled are your jimmies right now?

Him not getting the girl is what put this movie above the average disney feelgood schlock


Poorly done animated basedbucks copycat of the Charles Laughton classic

Don't forget this scene comes right after a cringe song where his statue friends LITERALLY sing about how she totally likes him because he was nice to her
based and blackpilled

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Ezmerelda was never Quasi's GF tho. Cuck is only for committed couples, which they never were.

>t. cuck

>On a scale of 1 to Seethe, how rustled are your jimmies right now?

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So like one of those guys who has to watch at the gloryhole?

It's after Phoebus gets hit by the arrow trying to escape his execution for disobeying Frollo's orders to let the family in the windmill burn for "harboring the gypsy girl". She brings him to Quasi for hiding.

My jimmies have been rustled really bad. You won. Mr. Redditor.

>literally shaking hands typed these posts
Get a grip. Touch grass. Have sex.

>literally shaking hands typed these posts
>Get a grip. Touch grass. Have sex.

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>I am mad, therefore you must be mad
Holy projection, Batman

>I am mad, therefore you must be mad
>Holy projection, Batman

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I humbly declare my loss to you. Please accept my apologies.

This scene just keeps going and going every time I think it's about to end.

Based alpha tard

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>so then I make his quote green, with no elaboration and an angry man picture, which makes his viewpoint "cringe", and mine "based"

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Fr fr no cap on God desu senpai, we're just a bunch of chads goofing off, right?
I've enjoyed funposting with you, user(s), but I've got to take a nap. Farewell, and stay based King(s)

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A voyer? Maybe. I don't know. Truth is I don't even think Quasi was looking for sex, just companionship. He was so autistic from isolation he would have probably got stage fright and limp dicked it anyway.

But what if he wasn't? What if he packed heat like a donkey? He is swole as fuck so you can definitely argue that he is high test.
>No, Esmeralda! Don't awaken my beast!
>Hah, don't worry. I can handle anyt- OH MY GOD!
>He is awakened.. RUN!
Quasi's pants rip as his abnormal flared monstrous member starts to stand salute. Quasi's eyes fog over and he enters a bestial rape rage that Frollo has once been subject to.

>Fr fr no cap on God desu senpai, we're just a bunch of chads goofing off, right?
I've enjoyed funposting with you, user(s), but I've got to take a nap. Farewell, and stay based King(s)

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>He was so autistic from isolation he would have probably got stage fright and limp dicked it anyway.
Ha ha, that would be crazy tragic, huh?
Imagine finally getting to smash, despite all the obstacles, and fucking up at the last minute. Good thing that's only hypothetical, r-right?