Step into the film industry

>step into the film industry
>become highest-grossing movie of all time overnight
>leave zero cultural impact
>nobody remembers a single line of dialogue
>promise a million sequels and deliver none
>disappear for a decade and finally announce a sequel
>when people hear the film's name their minds go to the nickelodeon bald kid cartoon before they go to this movie

Attached: eb215ad90cd826b9e57ff505f54c5c7228-07-avatar.rsquare.w700.jpg (700x700, 67.37K)

All of this and I'm 100% certain that Avatar 2 is going to be excellent.

>nickelodeon bald kid cartoon

Pretty much all the discussion about this movie is about how much money it will make. Does anyone about Jake Sully?


It was better written too

>it's a Yea Forums gets BTFO once the movie gets released episode

>Makes a random post on Yea Forums
>Wants attention
>Craves momentary impact
>Posts about Avatar
>When people read the post, they remember Avatar sequel is incoming
>Realises their post did exactly what they didn't want it to.
>Goes back to posting on reddit

I think it's funny that the only people who like stuff from that movie are people who like the evil space marines and their gear and their corporate cause
I watched that movie several times and even bought the game years after it came out to play the space marine route and only the space marine route when I was a child

Would make a better video game

>nobody remembers dialogue
"You're like a baby. Making noise. Don't know what to do."
Delete this thread, faggot.

Why do people keep saying things like 'left no cultural impact' and only say it about this movie? Did some youtuber make a video about it 7 years ago and now everybody is just parroting shit from that?

Basically no memes on reddit/twitter = no cultural impact. You had to experience it when it released, I've never seen so many normies talk about a movie before.

highest grossing movie of all time, normies can't remember a single character

you don't need a youtube video, just causally ask people you know about it, you're going to draw blank, vacant expressions

Name one memorable scene

tail sex is still vaguely in the cultural zeitgeist or at least was like 2 years ago

The one where he turns into a blue man for the first time

>nobody remembers a single line of dialogue

-I'll see to it you get yo Legs back, your reeeeeeeel Legs

-You will never be one of the People

-Shut yo Pie hole!
-OR WHAT ranger rick you gonna make me?
-I can do that!

Destruction of the world Tree

The first time they fly

The 30 minute ending battle scene that still cant be topped to this day

Jake running for the first time in years

And extremely profitable.

Jake jumping on the big dinosaur and riding it.

funny stop posting about it it might stop

The big gunship was pure sex

based, fuck that faggot cartoon

I remember Harry Partridge's parody of this more than the actual movie

Will this movie feature anyone in human form or is it just going to be pure Na’vi? Who wants to look at blue people for 2 hours?

>capeshitters still seething

dude in the carrier gets splattered by cargo

>Who wants to look at blue people for 2 hours?
Millions of people are looking at the blue animal right now. and they will go to look at the black creature in the Sonic Movie 3

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how did we not remember it? seriously, i saw it, and i too dont remember a single line of dialogue or what the plot was

was this a CIA psychological operation of some kind?

>i see you jake sully

>protagonist is a fuckin race traitor

Attached: nothing wrong.webm (864x486, 2.57M)

>this is papa dragon, I want this mission high and tight, I wanna be home for dinner

Literally every scene with Quaritch

>A gyrene in an Avatar body? That's a potent mix! Gives me the goose bumps
>three tours in Nigeria, not a scratch. I come out here? (points at scar) day one. Think I felt like a shavetail Louie?
There isn't a single scene this character is in that isn't pure unadulterated kino

You’re underestimating the nostalgia of zoomers who saw this movie when they were ten.

Is he going fishing? Looks comfy.

That faggot cartoon mogged the Cameron film so hard only boomers think of the film first.

Because when I’m 23 I know I can’t wait to go see the sequel to some gimmicky blockbuster I saw when I was 10. You’ve really nailed how twenty-something’s think bro.

I saw this when I was ten and I unironically don't remember anything from if


The only thing i remember in unobtainium which is such a bold fuck you to the audience i can't help but love it

>>nobody remembers a single line of dialogue
shiiiiiiiit, it's true

What's to remember? It's basically Pocahontas.

>Did some youtuber make a video about it 7 years ago and now everybody is just parroting shit from that?

Yes. Also in the beginning it was District 9 fags who started this Anti-Avatar campaign because their movie got mogged.

I can remember a lot more from that film. Me and my mates used to call black people fookin prawns for years afterwards

Literally, and I mena literally, the only lasting impact Avatar has had on the world was the one faggot that posted how many days until it came out here. That was the only meme that Avatar ever spawned

Is that a line from the film? I thought you were just trying to insult him until I saw the parentheses

It's what Neytiri tells Jake when he's lost in the forest and bumbling around like a retard.

>muh cultural impact

yeah because that's really done Marvel, Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings so many favors in the long run.

do you live in the Altzheimer ward?

>Me and my mates used to call black people fookin prawns for years afterwards
Never seen anyone on reddit or in Yea Forums call black people prawns except you. So it's basically a lie.

This fake quote, or maybe it's real idk

Attached: 1617801609041.jpg (1024x576, 115.73K)

So what movie left a cultural impact? That wasnt a part of a series? People always put these stupid standards on what makes a film worthy but Id people enjoy watching a certain movie then that is all it needs to do. I swear this meme of leaving a cultural impact is the most reddit thing.

The Pest
Freddy Gets Fingered
Master of Disguise

It’s fake and it’s better than anything his character said in Avatar. The guy who wrote this made a better Quaritch than Cameron

So memes equal cultural inpact?

Seriously, that's the kind of thinking a real conqueror would have.

Quite literally yes. That's what memes are. The evolution of culture.


it's from 40keks and the guy who thought it'd fit in the Avatar setting has room-temp iq.

District 9 was actually interesting whereas Avatar was just reddit vs evil bad guy
Cliche and unremarkable, good visuals

Im twenty five and I feel the same way about op. I think at the time people just saw it because it was the new big thing and most of my family slept through the movie when we had it on dvd