Can this guy act?

Can this guy act?

I saw two of his movies. Tarzan in 2016 and now the Northman. Yet I seem unable to answer this question.

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he was good in Generation Kill that's all I remember seeing him in

Also, wtf is going on here?

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modern actors don’t act. casting directors just look for someone who either looks the part or is already similar to the character in personality

No, he can't. He can seem anguished, and he can be physically imposing, but that's where it ends. Put him in something like True Blood or Mute, and he's fine. In The Northman he was way out of his league. Terrible delivery, but to be fair his dialog was badly written.

He’s a character actor, plays big strong silent white man good because that’s who he is. Little depth otherwise

I t was bad acting and bad dialogue. He was playing a retard, and doing it quite well

Oh Christ. I’m getting a weird error on my typing window. All I can see is a purple window and I can’t even see what I’m writing. IT WASNT bad acting. Is that spelled right >:(

generation kill was pure kino

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how is amleth a retard? care to elaborate?

How? Is that a question? He’s a fucking pagan dipshit who has been on this retarded quest by his idiot father since he was 10. His mom tells him that it’s wrong and he ignores her and goes on it anyway. Then he abandons his family. Some fucking wolf boy

He can, but he keeps getting miscast as stoic characters. He's more at home playing a more goofy guy like Iceman.

All I’ll say is go a few months of taking ice baths and subjecting your body to that kind of treatment before you call iceman goofy. He’s a guru

He was in the x men movies? Butt fucked by bryan singer?


Reminder this is a discord raid thread. Ignore and lavender.

I want to have sex with you, I’m a hot girl. Have sex with me, just one time I’m your mom

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This, if you see the video with the real dude he fucking nails him down 100%.

That was me in the vid lol


no his american accent was terrible

he's HBO's favorite son

What a garbage movie. Should've stuck to the original story instead of poisoning it with a shitty modern perspective.

>big strong silent white man good because that’s who he is

Just like me

I just saw this movie and it was so unbelievably kino. I hate that none of you fucks went and saw it and now we will have to wait another 20 years for true white historic fiction. Thanks

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Why is this dude box office poison? Literally every leading movie hes ever done (Battleship, Tarzan, Northman) bombs horribly.

They should just cast actors people like for this shit like Michael B. Jordan instead of shoving this faggot down apathetic audiences throats. Surprised he still gets roles.

Reminds me how nobody likes Henry Cavill and Joel Kinnaman yet they keep getting work.

>but he keeps getting miscast as stoic characters
100%. he might have to physicality needed for amleth but not much else. he tries way too hard to lower his voice and growl every line like he has a severe cold but it just comes of as autistic and childish. claes bang was acting circles around him.

That's probably just eggers' retardation

>they should cast a droopy eyed, recessed chin nigger as a viking

Lol, not to mention he’s a manlet. Northman was great audiences are just retarded capeshitters more than ever. Basically only superhero movies have recovered from pandemic drops in box office revenue

It was garbage. Deconstructive crap. Should've stuck to the original story instead of this meaningless prog drivel

what original story? afaik this is its own thing
Instead we get "the norse were braindead insecure savages who fought naked." Capeshit for adult audiences

his mom was tellin him fake news----just as his father predicted

he was good in hummingbird project
you homos never talk about it cause he doesn't get nude

He was only good in True Blood and that's because his character was supposed to be the strong silent type

He bombs in anything else

>t. LARPagan
The film was in line with his other films, like the VVitch. The Norse were a culture, the same as any other and they lived normal lives in the context of their time. The only people who don't realize this are idiots. The film was not trying to show a "realistic" view of the time as much as it was trying to convey a vibe. Very similar to The Lighthouse.

Bitching that The Northman isn't historically accurate is like bitching that The Lighthouse wasn't historically accurate. You just don't care about that because your bullshit identity isn't wrapped around 19th and 20th century Lighthouse keepers.

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Don't care
Northman was sooo good
It's Conan but with more depth
Only trannies and faggots hate on it
This movie should be used as a test to find whether you are faggot or normal.
Trannies fear traditional men and women roles
They come up with bullshit like he can't act and shit while they celebrate their woke forced diversity fagtors
Trannies If you kys right now you are doing yourself a favor it's only going to get worse you will never be a women.
Nature will prevail.

You will never be a women

I'm not some retarded neopagan. Paganism is dead. I don't like Eggers either way, Sjón even less, and norse culture is something I am passionate about.

Conan was better, he actually had a personality and comprehensive character arc.

You will never be a women
Kys disgusting taint licking troon

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so this guy is closeted, right? Every youtube comment section for a video of this guy has major gay lust comments -- do they just know?

Also, do you seriously think that Eggers was painting norse culture in a positive light?

>see northman trailer ages ago
>expect father to get killed, he escapes
>gathers one boat of chad warriors to take down his uncle

>go watch movie
>uncle turns to sheep herder and he has to infiltrate his farm

fucking trailers man...

The movie was cowritten by a literal faggot who hates his grandpa for having been a neonazi.

>passionate about the Norse
Sure, and I'm passionate about Roman history, but I can still appreciate over-the-top movies about Rome, while knowing full well that the Romans weren't how they're depicted in those films. I watch documentaries for historical accuracy and films for modern mythologies. Film is our modern version of campfire stories. Not every campfire story ever told throughout human history was good -- just good at passing the time.

This is the only good Viking movie:

Fake fucking news tranny faggot
These lies will lower your self-esteem even more and you will kys in the end
Repent before it's too late faggot

They just replace the already good sagas for shitty ones to appease a modern audience with cringeworthy deconstructionism mixed in. It's also just a pretty substance-poor movie. I just want one faithful mature movie about the norse. Adapt an actual saga, Grettis saga is a masterpiece by itself.

That's subjective objectively both were equal but i love Norse mythos so
Yes 90 percent way more than those faggot tv shows if you disagree you are factually wrong so fuck off.
They had a historian who specialises in Norse culture what the fuck do you know faggot

Both me
They also had historians for AC valhalla lol. Stop being retarded

A fucking game for kids what did you expect faggot
Little bitch boy playing video games
Prob the Dev fault not historians
The wallpaper has a women in it do you play as a viking women lol
I'm done here you compared a gay game with a cool movie

You want kids to play a viking where you get to rape ? Ofc they would change it and make it a imaginary female viking. Women viking did not exist.
The psychedelic aspect was real the attire was real. Not everything can be perfect. But it's totally better than tv shows and gaym you play. Aa what's the point
Taint licking cum guzzling cuck grooming faggot like you will never get it. You are not normal. Your opinions are not normal. No one will accept you.

His uncle was a good man but he was a bad chieftain who couldn't keep his land he fell for a evil women. His mother is similar to character from ran. He fulfilled is oath. Only a man who keeps his oath can be a real man.

Only a man who keeps his oath even when it hurts can be a real man. Integrity is something troon like you will never get.

t.rationalizing poltard mad because his wu wuz kangs fantasy flopped

They should've casted timothee chalamet

Would have been better regardless

>The psychedelic aspect was real
Wasn't there only one single Viking grave where they found henbane? Or are there other evidence for Viking kings and their sons using drugs as some kind of initiation ritual?

He was fucking amazing in True Blood.

What exactly is deconstructive about this film? Every character acts more or less like you would expect him to in some old tale.
They even go out of their way to not have the character murder anyone without reason like a viking certainly would (and even do in the film).
Also, what stands out to you the most as painfully inaccurate apart from the fighting?

Meant for

*watches the northman once*

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