Raimi's Doctor Strange capeshit flick

>black woman superheroine keeps making the same annoyed scowl + one eyebrow raise, as if Raimi deliberately meant to convey that she is unpleasant to be around. Note that she makes the same annoyed expression even after her fellow teammates brutally get murdered

>the only black members of the Illuminati (her and Mordo) have glaring personality flaws . Mordo gets emotionally baited by white man like an intemperate child, and though he presumably has magical powers, loses fight to white man despite the white man being initially restrained and powerless

-latina girl portrayed by an actress with a native name (Xochitl) mainly exists to be helpless and molested by white people ,

-lesbian moms of latina end up dying almost immediately after being shown

-latina girl steals food and boasts about it being free in most universes, name is literally 'America Chavez' and is a naive teenage latina like many American Gen Z individuals are, and brings chaos wherever she goes

-white woman wreaks utter havoc and the cause basically boils down to stereotypical irrational female histrionics , has to be put in place by a white man

What did Raimi mean by this? Any other problematic things I missed?

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switching from greentext to hyphens halfway through is pretty problematic

sorry I missed the part where that's my problem

he's right. you should delete the post. do it before "they" come. the clock is ticking.

Who is they?

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Black chick needs lotion
I still would with Captain Carter

>keeps making the same annoyed scowl
Protip: she can't act.

dykes, negresses, female empowerment Captain Britain all dying because Wanda cares more about white children that aren't even hers. What kind of message is this sending

That shaved ape’s always standing around with her mouth open. Did the same in the bond movie too

why does this camrip look so good?
t. boomer

Why do black women look like this?

>>black woman
Op is blind or being retarded on purpose

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which camrip is this?


Any ass shots?

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How can statue kill captain marvel if shes supposed to be female super man

Marvel power are on and off, that glow of hers, Wanda take that off with her red witch energy but on the cam is not easy to see, Wanda peels it off before blasting her.

That's man in dress

>"Niggers in my main cast? Fuck no."
Who approved Raimi to give this Infowars interview?

They are all illuminate slowing down the plot, men and women die of all races.

How in the world does this ugly bitch keep getting roles in major films? She is not particularly good looking and could easily be mistaken for a man.

ITT retard who actually bought into the racist sam raimi meme

These were all jokes you cretin nothing more than that, that movie like all the others capeshit trash before it ia garbage with garbage actors

damn dennis rodman looks like THAT

she extracted her infinity stone powered abilities like how she removed vision's stone but on a much grander scale as she's infinitely more powerful than she was in IW.

>white woman wreaks utter havoc and the cause basically boils down to stereotypical irrational female histrionics , has to be put in place by a white man
Wanda's parents are Magneto, a jew, and a literal gypsy witch

Did you even watch the movie? Dr. Strange literally screams the hard-R at alternate universe Captain Marvel multiple times.

I'm consistently surprised anons don't seem to know Raimi is Jewish

post the wrestling move mr strange did to the negro, really enjoyed that fight

what's with negroes and always having their mouths open? is the mouth breathing pejorative inspired by these people?

up to 20%.of their dna is homo erectus

Anyone got the cam rip?

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Lolling inside

is that supposed to be Mordo? dear god...

It’s MISTER P Diddy.

Buttonpatch calls Lenny Kravitz a prison nigger halfway through, dude.

My whole theater keeps laughing when they show closeups of the funny looking niggress who stabs the book last night.
Didn't even know she's a woman before hearing her speak and Wong addressing her by name.

She looked like if Samuel L Jackson had become dangerously anorexic
She had weird tribal mutilation or something ears, too

Well, it's... Bad

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that is a woman?

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>a fucking column kills a superhero
Yes, this is FUN.

Oh shut the fuck up nigger

>marvel is le redpilled bros, truly /ourguys/™
These fucking shills man, remember this shit?

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Coming from someone who has never been to the USA, but learn about the USA primary from the media, I thought black people are like 40%-50% of the population with how often I saw them in the movies compared to other non-white races.
I didn't realize there are very few of them until I saw the 13% meme. Mind blowing.

t. SEA

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She was depowered by Wanda's OP infinity drain spells, she was just a regular ass rachet hoe on da flo

Literally looks like Don Cheadle.

that's a buck

yeah that last bit goes so hard

yep. pretty crazy how anti-white the white elites are.

and she's a terrible actress

None of them can. Overacting or under acting is a hallmark. Zendaya looks like she sniffs her own farts in every scene she’s ever in. Kiersey Clemmons thinks smiling retardedly is charming. Zoe Kravitz thinks a permanent facial expression like she’s sucking a 68 year old goat’s asshole is attractive.

She’s still white you spastic

Captain marvel was dropping the gauntlet on Wanda

Should've been Teyonah Paris

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>as if Raimi deliberately meant to convey that she is unpleasant to be around
she's a black woman, that's a given

Unless they are one of those faux white ones you want to coom into you knuckle dragging inebriate


Oh shut up if a zazie beetz battered her eyes at you from your basement window you’d suddenly forget the white race was a thing

She's getting her own movie after costarring in captain marvel 2

Being a single parent is hard and stressful, and to avoid pregnancy at all cost!!!!!! Get abortions!! lots and lots of abortions!!

Question, guys. I'm confused.
We haven't seen the main MCU Strange at all, right? Because the universe 616 (as called by Rachel) Strange isn't sorcerer supreme, dead guy Strange had dreadlocks and third eye Strange was in the incursion universe. [/math]
Correct? What, then, are the stakes for the main MCU? I thought the Wanda who [math] looked for her children using the Darkhold, the Wanda from WandaVision, was from the main MCU. .
I seriously don't know what is and isn't canon anymore.