This movie was fucking great fun...

This movie was fucking great fun. Olson and Cumberbatch was amazing and america wasn't as annoying as I thought she was gonna be. Raimi made a fucking weird, brutal comic book movie.

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Definitely pushed that PG-13 rating, especially for a Disney movie

Surprisingly refreshing desu

Finally some takes that arn't just hating on it because its marvel and capeshit. Raimi makes superior capeshit and this was an ok movie. Not Spiderman no way home but its fucking better than anything else in phase 4.

It was fantastic and I can't wait to see it again tomorrow night. Sam Raimi's twisted vision of the MCU has me begging for more. I was not expecting the cameos that we got (no spoilers here) but long term Marvel super fans will not be disappointing, I assure you. A 10/10 flick for the whole family, bring the kids!

Do Disney really makes their interns shill movies on Yea Forums?

Liking films is forbbiden here

Seriously this thread reads like shills.

Why would Disney pay to market a movie on a board full of NEETs and niggers

Anyway, it was a good movie

kek this fuckin shill post


premium bait

How much they paying you?

It's Sam Raimi
I know that doesn't mean anything to zoomers but you can kindly fuck off you election tourist faggot

I wonder about this; There was a good amount of blood/ death scenes in the movie. It had more of a mature feel than the rest of the MCU.

Fucking 10/10.
Illuminate destroyed.

zombie strange was cool
didn't care about the rest

They paid me a lump sum a while ago.

Looks kind of shitty from the webms but Wanda seems like a cool villain

Wanda spends like 15 minutes barefoot and you had best believe I'll be watching this in 4k

Don't fucking care if it's Sam Raimi or Stanley Kubrick or Alfred Hitchcock
When the movie sucks, it sucks, doesn't matter who the director is. Dr Strange Multiverse story was one hell of shitshow

no it was good

Idk... I might like it better than Spider-Man

It seemed like a 2/10 movie but I liked it for some reason
I guess the visuals saved it but the editing was terrible it was very obvious where they cut stuff and the cameos were laughable it reminded me of suicide squad where they killed everyone in the first 5 minutes

She really was. Raimi played her like a horror villain, she's this unstoppable force going after America. It's really interesting to watch a superhero film where all the superheroes can do fuck all and just die left and right if they try

Can someone give a summary of the movie

It's a Sam Raimi flick go watch it you fucking retard. There's high quality cams out there if you're a cheap bastard.

western woman becomes homicidal after roe v wade was overturned (lmao)

I don't want to watch it, I just want a quick summary

If you don't want to watch it then you don't care enough to warrant a summary.

Seems pretty normal

It wasn't balanced, powerful heroes die instantly but weak ones can give her a difficult time
Also if it's a Strange movie, then Strange should have won at the end, like in his first movie, he confronted a literal god, but still found a way to win
This "only Wanda can stop Wanda" is embarrassing shit

America was sweet. Great actress

Then what's a point of a summary if you would only tell those who watched it

We get it, people make millions chasing the 50 people on Yea Forums…

Lizzy is the best actress in Marvel.

I hated the person playing America, just a really annoying character and actor. I feel like they got all the way into starting production of the movie itself before they fully committed to who the villain was going to be. Like several scenes got shot and then they did focus groups to ask should it be x, y, or z as the main baddy?
Overall though I liked that they did it as a horror movie. Haven't seen a decent one like that since Brightburn.

Hahaha yeah, people actually go to see movies, yeah right (every ticket in DFW sold through Sunday night….)

Bingo. Shit is stupid. I thought while he couldn't match her in strength, he'd be victorious because he's more clever than a crazy ass bitch.

Stick with your funny book power level, Billy

She’s a mcguffin with 2 moms thrown in so Disney doesn’t get flamed on Twitter. Poor choice of actor tho.

For me it was the devil trigger wings.
The action was decent when they weren't doing harry potter beams
0 idea who are all these characters, never seen the other marvel movies except the spiderman trilogy and that hulk movie where the guy does pogo stick jumps at the desert

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So you prefer plot armor, sure ok

Get a gf

Where are the camrips

Dr. Mid and Multiverse of Mid

>plot armor
name one other Marvel movie where the villain gets killed or defeated only because he/she wanted to and not because the hero outsmart or overpower the villain

you guys said loki was shit but the first ep is kinda good

I just saw it. I understand the issue with the movie and it's three fold

1. They should have tamed down the multiverse significance because I can see why people would think this would be cameos the movie.
2. They clearly reshot some stuff and you could see the Raimi stuff and the Raimi stuff was really good and different from usual Marvel shit.
3. This was at it's heart a Doctor Strange sequel and people expected more and this is the fault of marketing and Paul Feig.

It was a legit good movie and will make close to a billion.

t.Snyder fag

deez nuts

where can i watch evil dead these days thats all this movie made me want to so?

It was unironically a good Raimi movie. Still a lot of mass produced marvel shit, but his style came through more than any other famous director who’s done one of the recent Disney movies I think of.

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That was not Suicide Squad that was The Suicide Squad

wasn't tom cruise supposed to be in this

America Chavez was brapkino

I actually watched it because I'm Asian and for some reason we get capeshit earlier than amerimutts.
I don't really know much about marvel lore, I only watch these films because friends do
I audibly laughed when Christine's husband was revealed to be black
The illuminati were kinda stupid, they basically all got 1 shot by Wanda.
The Mexican girl surprisingly wasn't annoying but I felt like her "attack forms" looked really cringe

Movie was decent, but everything felt so damn rushed. We were constantly jumping between CGI fights over and over. Let the damn characters talk for a bit at least.

Also some of the acting/dialogue felt off in certain scenes. I know Raimi is generally cheesy, but a lot of parts definitely could have been done better.

This you could tell when Raimi took over in the back half of the movie because of the amount of sheer SOUL in it

I thought the Illuminati getting one shotted was based honestly. They brought in all the le epic cameos and then murdered them instantly, Raimi was clearly directly targeting reddit with this move. Appreciate his genius

Who the fuck was that spic girl I thought Disney bought Dora the Explorer when I saw that bitch?

>laughed at black husband

I can’t imagine watching a movie with having things like that rent free in my head.

You should watch it because it's fun Raimi schlock but here's the basics
>Strange is sad because Rachel McAdams is getting married
>throughline of the movie where people are like "hey it's kinda fucked up you made that call where Thanos won and everyone died for 5 years are you sure it's ethical to make that kind of call"
>magic space Mexican falls into our universe because demons are chasing her
>she can jump between universes but can't control her powers because she's dumb and gay
>they save her from Not Shuma-Gorath and Strange goes to Wanda for help
>reveal that Wanda is the one sending demons after the space Mexican
>she's gone fucking bonkers because grief+evil magic book and wants to suck out the Mexican's power so she can go to a universe where her sons are alive and keep them around forever
>ends up chasing Strange and senorita to an alternate earth
>Strange and Mexican get detained by a super group with lots of AU characters
>Wanda shows up and kills them all
>more goofy/horror capeshit stuff happens, Wanda gets the girl and goes to magic mountain
>Strange ends up using the evil book to possess the corpse of a dead alternate version of himself to fight Wanda with Deadite demons
>Mexican controls her power and shows Wanda an alternate version of herself
>she accidentally scares her sons and is so sad that they're afraid of her that she kills herself (but it's ambiguous)
>everyone is happy and back in their proper universes, Mexican is getting taught magic
>but then Strange grows another eyeball and starts screaming and that's the end
>post credit one: Charlize Theron falls out of a portal
>post credit two: Bruce Campbell does a callback to the Evil Dead 2 hand bit and proclaims that the movie is over
It's very Raimi. Silly dumb movie but Disney really let him do whatever he wanted and it shows. If you like Evil Dead/Darkman/Spider-Man, you'll have fun with this.

The first episode is the only good one.

it's legitimately pretty funny to me because it came out of nowhere
like there is literally 0 reason from a plot perspective to show the husband, let alone have him be black


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Hugo Chávez

>post ironic shill posting is just getting hired by disney to shill their garbage on /teevee/
We truly live in le society

It's pretty funny. I hate white people and seeing stuff like that keeps reminding me that they are losing

It's classic Disney, show enough to get retards mad and have them look like lunatics because it's so minor.

Also just saw it too.

1. Even then, the title stays true to what the movie was. If normalfags were under the impression that this was the movie that was going to bring almost every single non-MCU Marvel movie into the MCU then they're just retarded.
2. This movie could've benefited a lot from a R-rating. Agree.

Olsen was the best part of the movie and she's great to look at. Her Scarlett Witch costume from this movie really pronounced her curves. Hell, Chavez was appealing too with these tight jeans.

at least they get paid, unlike some individuals who work in this website, deleting posts and threads, without getting paid :O

>when the X-men animated series BGM plays
There are zoomers in this world who have no idea what that jingle was.

>Even then, the title stays true to what the movie was.
Realistically this movie two place in two universes for like 90% of the movie and the other 10% were sprinkled in with other places. What they did was a bait and switch and I get why people are mad which sucks because it was a good movie. Should have just called it Doctor Strange 2.

It was the most retarded movie I’ve seen in a while, but it was more entertaining than most Marvel movies as a result. I think Sam Raimi just had fun fucking around with shit. I laughed out loud at multiple points, from the introduction of the Illuminati, the Office guy and Patrick Stewart making goofy out of place appearances before being killed off within 5 minutes, Mexican lesbian moms from some goofy universe getting forcibly introduced and killed off over the course of about 30 seconds, the fact that Dr Strange gets cucked by a nigger and his only emotional motivation the whole movie is getting with a 45 year old coalburner, the third eye goofy as fuck CGI, the hella corny Evil Dead zooms and close ups, everything was fucking wacky and dumb as shit. If they made other Marvel movies as stupid I would enjoy them more.

Did you know advertising both is cheap and effective™ on America's most respected Television and Film board!

cast those xmen

Jannies do get paid by disney and others companies, why do you think they put up stickies for the force awakens and avengers. 20 bucks say we both get warnings for disturbing this totally organic viral marketing thread

I am not old and close to death why would I care? Wow boomer you got that reference good for you guess what I will live longer than you. I will take that tradeoff any day.

>Sam Raimi just had fun fucking around with shit
Scat is generally a sign of serious mental illness. If you engage in scat seek help.

>reads like shills.
First time here user? It's no secret that paid shill come here to shill whatever big blockbuster movie that is is out at the time.
stfu not even Sam Raimi can save the MCU. Don't you dare compare this soulless garbage to his actual work. You can slap his same on this bloated cameofest but I haven't watched a MCU movie in years and I want to keep it that way.

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mad? go watch them fag

Enjoy getting to sheer nothingness before me boomer. Hope it was worth it for getting that reference

>bloated cameofest
all the cameos die in 5 minutes and the movie isn't even 2 hours

are zoomies immortal or someshit

>Christines husband is a nigger

I thought it was so funny that they decided to cast a black actor for this role but also seemed absolutely terrified of showing him for more than 5 seconds of screen time across the whole movie. I don’t think he has a single line of dialogue and he has no plot significance whatsoever, it’s like a Jew just showed up and said “do whatever you want but his love interest HAS to be shown marrying a nigger at the beginning”