Kevinbros…. It should have been Tariq Nasneed

Kevinbros…. It should have been Tariq Nasneed

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is this real news?
I dont disliked nor liked the guy but he had fun videos
what happen,ed

this guy made fat women angry so i liked him F

literally who

It’s been confirmed. F

Look him up. He made black roasties seethe for a living

I've never heard of him either, but he has like 1.5 million YouTube subscribers

the fuck happened?

Called women fat old roasties with zero value for a living

i thought it was that skeeeeup guy

Heart attack

guy gave the advice to women, generally, to not believe children who report rape. fuck him i hope his death was painful

vaxx takes another

Didn’t he live in Atlanta? Prob carjacking or robbery

Most of his fans were women you seething tranny

>Prob carjacking or robbery
dude went outside with luxury watches and shit, its probable

RIP my nigga, you dabbed on some many delusional black roasts for our entertainment

All of those redbulls he was drinking, probably also a coke head. Fucked his heart

He was smart too. A great role model for black people. Had a degree in chemical engineering and worked in consulting/marketing.

he probably got shot

The only youtuber I know is Brie larson

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Maybe AIDS; he looked like he was gay. Then again, only gays can be truly redpilled about women. The final redpill is to embrace homosexuality

How long before black conspiracy guys start blaming the Govt(whitey) ?

I liked the way he dressed, didnt watch the relationship videos because I dont care and Im also white

The greatest breaker of bucks, death. Not one has escaped this barn of life unbroken

>he is...LE GAY
>t. middle aged single black mom

Damn. Who's going to put hoes in their place now?

If true, I'm guessing Alan Roger Currie finally got to him. The timing seems convenient. ARC had beef with Kevin because he was a younger frat brother of his that got more successful but didn't dick ride Alan who has a huge ego. Alan attack Kevin unprovoked for very small shit like not mentioning his name, or talking about something similar to what he wrote in his books and not saying "BTW ARC talked about this first" etc. Alan has threatened Kevin in the past for this:

And in his last video he said this will be my last video in my house:

I used to be a fan of Alan's until I read his books, tested his methods, and got no results. Furthermore, I started disliking him for having an ego the size of the sun. He thinks he should be at the level of fame and status Kevin is at. That is the REAL reason he is mad.

I don't think Kevin died it's likely horseshit as just 24 hours ago he live streamed. But if true, my money would be on Alan having done some next level petty revenge.

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>only gays can be truly redpilled about women. The final redpill is to embrace homosexuality
it's more like you have no choice to embrace homosexuality as a men when you FULLY understand female nature
Im at that stage, I know how they are, but yet Im too repulsed by men to become gay

I forced myself to become gay after dating a few women and seeing their true nature. I just can't do it anymore, they're too vile


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only black guy i liked besides thomas sowell
who will break bucks now?

And he ALWAYS ends up turning on every one of his friends. And it is always because they disagree with his Mode One approach or don't suck him off when he thinks he said something first, and that friend talked about the topic in on of their videos.

seems like it's fake. that being said, i've had some fun times listen to kevin btfo roasties on his channel. he's still a huge bluepilled faggot on many things though. nigger would try to shill bottles of cologne and shit haha, and also was a mask cuck

Weird. Literally never heard of this guy until an hour ago when an user posted a yotuber Mahogany Pink who talks about him in one of her videos.

Pobody's nerfect

>needing a youtuber to show how to live like a civilized person


>huge bluepilled faggot
on what subjects for example?
cologne is fun if you dont mind spending almost 100 of your country currency for just a "smell", but yeah masks, yikes

His friends confirmed it

So is this guy like Jordan Peterson for black dudes or what

Youtuber who pretended to give dating advice to (mostly black) women. He was kind of a retard but some of his videos were funny just because of how delusional the women guests were. He frequently talked with old, ugly, and morbidly obese sheboons who truly believed they'd still be able to marry a guy making $100k a year and he'd slowly explain to them how unlikely that was.

His videos also made it clear that a lot of black women really hate black men. A lot of his guests basically said they'd rather never marry than marry an average black guy

Peterson is bluepilled as hell, especially when it comes to women

Yes except he had a degree in chemical engineering. A real science. Not a pseudoscience like psychology

Why does it always come down to violence with blacks?

>apparently died of a heart attack

Medfags explain this, he seemed pefecetly fine on stream less than 24 hours ago.Are there seriously no symptoms you can check before suddenly dropping dead

This shits freaking me out more than it should

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i know, it was still fun listening to some of his videos though. he ain't dead though. i don't believe it

just typical cityfag democrat shit. not trying to make this a pol thread


haha not even slightly

this is a good summary of who he was (is)

true. still they aren't comparable

he did? i never heard his talk about that. very surprising if true. in fact, i have a hard time believe that about ol sammy sammy got popped?

kevin was an idiot who constantly shilled therapy though


omg i hate "the black community" i wish i had no knowledge of it and all of black peoples bullshit


What did he die of?

Food in Atlanta is fucking terrible for you. In the south in general they deep fry everything. He was probably one of those guys who eats whatever but stays skinny so it’s hard to see from the outside that he probably had heart problems. Some people are genetically prone to heart disease

yeah it's strange as fuck, as soon as I feel tinglings in my left hand, a pression of some sort in my chest Im already thinking it's the end
I dont believe you are all fine, like 0% symptoms or whatever and poof you dead, you must feel strange stuff happening beforehand but people might just ignore their bodies, busy doing something else etc

You can see his degree on LinkedIn. He even had videos talking about how he got into his line of work. He talked about quitting engineering to do sales cause he got bored of it.

Genetics. They can't help it anymore than a woman trying to not have a period through mental willpower alone. You can even teach them conflict resolution through dialogue and being calm. But it's like putting a cake in front of an obese person. Eventually they'll snap and say "fuck this, Imma go in."

sometimes when i'm in bed my heart starts beating hard and i don't know why. i hope it's just too much coffee because i do drink a lot of it

it's not the breed. it's all about how you train them

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Stuff like HBP and ASCVD aren't really things you would notice on stream. Also Africans genetically have the worst cardiovascular health out of every race. I've never watched the guy, but I agree he seems too young and fit for a heart attack though, so maybe his genetics were especially fucked or he was a chronic smoker.

not sure if it matters but on his streams he would constantly be drinking redbull

His friends posted about it on Twitter and ig and a lot of his friends were saying they couldn’t get ahold of him. Idk if the cause of death is confirmed yet though

He drank red bulls by the gallon

PhD in simping

start ditching the coffee and see how it goes
I have perfect health and I listen to my body the most I can
only stuff that happenned recently is
>be me waking up from 6hours sleep
>had to pee badly
>go up from bed like a madman
>finish pee, I get dizzy as fuck
>lay in bed, I feel strange
>watch my fitbit watch
>heart is at 49 bpm (srs)
>body compensate and it goes at almost 140, while me still being in bed
>start getting sweaty as fuck, head doing the big DRUK spin
>call EMS, doctor talks to me and says its mostly fine
what's strange is, when your body starts feeling weird, there is something strange happening in the brain that blocks every toughts you have to fully focus on what the fuck is happening

Monster prob killed him. He should’ve taken their endorsement deal.

Covid vaxx

I love following all the divested black girls (anti-black male black women). They're cheering on his death.

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I hope this is fake news. He's a based black bro.

>Also Africans genetically have the worst cardiovascular health
Shit. Does that just apply in the states where food is greasy, or in general, this threads making me want to take a jog

heart attack at age 56 is not exactly uncommon. in fact, when it's known that someone's parents had a heart attack at age 50-55+, we typically do not consider that an indication of hereditary heart disease due to how normal it is.

user a-are you a black person?

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But Samuels was skinny as hell.

A squirrel jumped him for his bag of peanuts which caused him to step in a puddle electrified by a fallen wire at the very moment a rope broke on a piano being hoisted into the building above and it fell on him killing him instantly, darndest thing I ever saw

i love coffee man, but yeah i probably should. how long should i go off coffee before concluding that that was the problem (assuming it stops)?

and with this i'm fully aware when it's happening

I need someone to translate this twitter post in normal english language
>bussy bandit
is it what I think of? kek

I don't know bro. Every race has violence and criminals, even some berserker savage rage mode individuals. Whites, asians, hispanics, middle easterners. For the most part however, the vast majority are always calm and understand crime is a last resort, if at all. Criminals of all races can reach the point of genuinely regretting the shit they did, not because they got caught, but because they can empathize with the victim and understand how it is morally wrong in the context of society. But with black I always get the sense they are retarded animals who react to shit based on how it affects their pride.

>INB4 Oh but my systematic racism and oppression

They form communities of criminals while crying victim no matter where they are, even in their own countries in Africa where 100% of the population and people in power are black. They are literally the Orks from Warhammer 40k. Violent, physical conflict is the only language they can understand, or desire to communicate in for that matter.

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>black people lurking among us

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when did normies get as edgy as Yea Forums

coffee is literally poison, that makes your body react to it and "wakes you up" look it up
enjoy headache for a while before being free
t. never drank coffee for my entire life

All people of African origin, sorry user. It's not a death sentence though, you just have to be extra vigilant.

>tfw gay is still an insult in 2022 amongst marginalized folx

So he got his booster shot a few weeks ago, huh?