>Bruce Lee has been dead for half a century
>Jackie Chan and Jet Li are old
>nobody cares about Tony Jaa anymore
Are kung fu movies dead in the west?
Bruce Lee has been dead for half a century
Kung fu is boomer shit us gen zeros like watching loner white guys finally snapping and violently beating the shit out of their enemies
sorry but whites > asians... we're better looking, taller, bigger, and more creative
i think so. fight choreography is become so shit, it is hard to center a movie around fight scenes now. and we really dont need new kung fu movies when the 80s hong kong stuff will never be surpassed
I'd say it's a more "Hong Kong cinema is dead" thing
Sadly I doubt it will ever return
Kikes hate chinks now, so cant afford to show them in good light. It will be against their dehumanization propaganda against chinks
It's also because modern kung-fu movies are all either garbage or CCP funded to promote national spirit, where the Chinese have superpowers and triumph over the subversive, the fourth pillars and the foreigners.
Jews are right once again. I would side with Jews 100000x over chinks
Or you dont have to side against anyone
Just watch the circus
I couldnt care less but i would like some kung fu kino
The handover may be one of the all time most disastrous decisions by the West
Iko Uwais needs another Raid movie to come out
No one cares about movies made by fuckin bugs
I wish muh autismfu got an American movie
That's also whatever martial art the Muzzies invented that mimicked whoever. Disappointing how fucking prudish they are in Indonesia, tho. Used to make good shit like Lady Terminator.
Scott Adkins keeps trying, but after the thousandth straight to video, he's gotta be tired.
someone post his self portrait vs his actual self pic. i need to laugh at his lack of chin.
That girl is badass, like a raging phoenix. Does her nipples taste like chocolate?
this as well. also, the east isnt such a mystery to the west anymore. in the 80s, which was the peak for kung fu movies, there was also an interest in the east due to the rise of japan as an economic power and business men reading sun tzu etc.
Literally what the FUCK is wrong with Ryu and Chun?!
Bugs eatin bugs
I have never looked at an asian man and thought ryu. Never. I've certainly never looked at an asian woman and thought chun li. Those bitches are flat as fuck. Except philipinos but they're basically mexican.
Martial Arts Tricking has surpassed anything people behind a camera can imagine. The reality is far crazier than what any movie star is capable of.
Those old dudes were such a phenomenon because THEY WERE the special FX. But since studios now a days are a big fraternity of nepotism we will have to wait for Movie Fight choreo to catch up with what real life humans have been doing.
Check out Michael Guthrie or Shosei Iwamoto to see some of the old school spirit of human evolution.
No one is willing to go to the suicidal lengths that Jackie did for kino these days, he was one of a kind
This guy wishes that's what people think when they see Asians
Konichiwa, dude!
not even native americans are as obnoxious and victim complex obsessed as this dude.
Ryan Posipanka
Sam Caspio
Lots of talent out theres
I think it has alot to do with the rise of MMA, it sorta showed how useless most traditional kung fu is killing the suspension of disbelief.
It's weird that he can claim solidarity with other Asians like they're all one group or something. He's Filipino isn't he? Why isn't it considered odd that he's speaking for a group of people (mostly Japanese or Chinese) who have a culture completely different than his own?
With UFC and MMA disbunking all of the kung Fu bullshit, modern audiences aren't capable of suspending their disbelief that a magical Asian fighting style can take down an actually physically fit person. It's a dead genre for a reason.
Lmao this cartoon is literally a complaint against the Japanese
I would lay this goofy nigga flat. What an embarrassment
t. you know
Asians talk more shit about each other than anyone else. You wanna learn great jokes about a specific kind of Asian, hang with literally any other kind.
He doesn't care about specific Asian types because he digs ALL Asian chicks.
I'm a flip but Konichiwa, dude!
Konichiwa, dude!
Konichiwa, dude!
Konichiwa, dude!
You people are all right bro
Konichiwa, dude!
He knows this firsthand too with his comic about people thinking he's too Asian, not Asian enough or not as all because he's Filipino.
Konichiwa, dude!
>Josh Luna is unironically going AAAAA BRADDU PITTU PREAS STOP
hes considered a rich chink here.
This. Add on Bruce Lee and all these guys have zero evidence of being in real fights against legitimate competitors. Realistically, Lee wouldn’t even be a mid level UFC fighter. Yet they this 135 pound manlit can take down heavyweights
Konichiwa, dude!
Holy shit, did americans actually believe movie kungfu was real?
I've met countless flips and they're nothing like Chinese or Japanese people in personality or appearance. They're not bad people but they're pretty noisy and outgoing like Americans. Also they all look like this. It feels weird to even call them Asian desu
This is nothing more than a reddit myth. Nobody thinks Bruce would beat heavyweights (including Bruce himself). Nobody thinks he'd be competitive with MMA fighters either. It's like a bunch of retards decided to overcompensate for the praise and adoration levied upon Bruce by claiming he couldn't beat a toddler. It's just as dumb as the strawman opposition they're raging against.
Konichiwa, dude!
Yet, you watch movies with magical jews, so you must think, according to your own logic, that magical jews are real?
They're more like Mexicans. Genetically and culturally.
Nah you can deal with chinks, Jews just exist to subvert and destroy
Back in the 70's, they did.
You clearly never Lee fanatics. Go look at butthurt at Once Upon A Time seen. I grew up on all Lee bullshit never bought it. Even made “bio” movie Dragon where Lee bears up everyone
Koreans, Malaysians, Indonesians, and Thai still make good ones. The Japanese on occasions dip into it. Sadly I feel that Hong Kong will not recover from what has happened.