>it's a nerdy white guy just won Big Brother (Canada) season
based, even he can't believe it
It's a nerdy white guy just won Big Brother (Canada) season
we gonna talk about that troon or what?
literally nobody cares about canada
it's an actual woman, just very manly
she is basically the Julie Chen of Big Brother here in leafland
Honestly Dr Will/Dan tier
His misting of Josh in the endgame is the stuff of legend
Me neither. Peak BB Performance.
so happy for him
First week block survivor winners circle
>COVID shuts down his game
>only 25 days in the house
Denied KinoMaster
Josh was so dum. What did he stand to gain from evicting Betty? Kevin mist was too strong.
I haven't watched American BB since the Brendan/Rachel days, do they do any fun stuff like the Canada one where the one guy had to convince the entire house he was self-evicting in order to win an award? or the time they had that chick choose between $5000 for herself as long as she shredded everyone's letters to their families as the rest of the house watched from a secret camera
1 hundo p, Kevin is the first God tier BBCAN player.
Marty winning AFP was the icing on the cake. This is the most satisfying finale since buttslut beat gayson in BBOTT.
>aussie bb coming back
>it's just vip shit again
Oh, it's CFP I guess kek
Dumping all of my bbcan10 content in honor of /ourguy/
Josh got addicted to that Kev Mist.
reminder that Yea Forums won big brother a decade ago
And we just did again.
They made one girl a robot for a week,that was pretty comfy
>tfw recorded every episode and made a virtual channel for it to marathon 24/7
comfy kevin victory channel
>breaks the week one curse
Steve did this first.
Golden age Yea Forums was so comfy.
See you anons this summer.
I seem to remember it having some ok shows sometime back in the 90s maybe early 00s stuff that kids and young teens might watch, I don't know if I'm just remembering incorreclty though
these days it is just foreign local news after another, every 30-60mins it's an entirely new language
>Remember what they took from you
>(Canada) season
Like I would ever care
need to eat summer's ass
See you on the flip side bro
OF imminent
I was not expecting that. Guess french > buddies in canada
What a legend
I love the seethe from Summer, you can tell she thought she had it in the bag
The future is bright
this is a thing that can be done?
I hate this show so much. I watched a season of Big Brother through the live feeds. The people in this show are all lying backstabbing two-faced sociopaths.
it's a newer feature and still a little buggy but overall works pretty great yeah
the software costs a few dollars a month though, it is mainly a DVR service for hdhomerun boxes (will record, organize, detect commercials and autoskip them) and you have to run it on your own hardware, but you can also import your own libraries of content and make virtual TV channels with them.
I'm doing it on a linux home server but they have a raspberry pi image so you can get it working with just oen of those and an external hard drive
also handles m3u stuff for IPTV with guides and such and of course does over the air (or cable) with hdhomerun boxes
right now I have my over the air channels, some free online channels via m3u, plus virtual channels for tv shows (both recorded and a bunch of movie ones with my own library
Year of the Chud baby
I'll have to look into this. Sounds like the kind of thing I've wanted for years.
Umm Kevin, actually the minorities voted for you sweaty, soooo… Don’t ever target a POC in this game.
>literally wins money without winning anything
is Kevin proof weak white guys can win reality shows?
Betty was an ugly unlikable cunt and of course she was twitter’s favourite.
Summer was annoying and was only in the house to be on TV. Should’ve been the first evicted.
Fuck niggers.
What's the software called bro? Sounds like something that might be worth spinning up
>hopefully kevin realizes he's racist because he won big brother
Who was the first girl eliminated again
She was boring and had absolutely no personality
>>it's a nerdy white guy just won Big Brother (Canada) season
>based, even he can't believe it
lol, BBCAN twitter will seethe until the end of time that all of their jury votes were invalidated. Funny thing is Kevin probably would have kept Betty and potentially lost the game due to that vote if he had won the final HOH. What a ride.
Melina, native chick with all the tattoos. She was cute so I’d prefer her over Betty
what’s he saying?
Channels DVR
How accurate are the episodes to what actually happened in the season? Would I be able to enjoy this season by just being a showfag?
I really should have watched more feeds this season while I had time, I... just found out I'm going to be a father, /bb/ bros.
probably, I enjoyed it and the live feeds were always down or just showing them sleeping when i tried
congratulations sister. name him kevin
I think they did a great job on the edit this season, I watched the feeds a lot in the first half and the episodes seemed to be on point. You'll enjoy showfagging it for sure.
anyway if you do end up watchin this season, since you already know the winner, something you can try to look out for is (really minor spoiler that might add some enticement) Kevin (the winner) was in a secret alliance with another houseguest dince day 2 or 3, but the alliance is not revealed in the show until well over halfway through the season, so see if you can guess who his ally is
kek, thanks bro. I might actually consider that if it's a boy. I'll give you full credit if it transpires.
Why do anglos like this garbage show so much?
it's comfy