What lessons can hollywood take from it bombing?
The Flopsman
Good movies matter more than making money if you want to produce culture instead of capeshit.
dont waste money and time on substance, quantity is more important
white culture movies are box office poison
Marketing is imperative if you want a shot at the normie audience
Yeah, only darkies go to see movies
Distribute the film at smaller local theatres. Wanted to see it, but I can't because the theatre in town couldn't get it.
Don't cut together trailers in a way that makes your movie look like a diamond dozen television show. Would never have seen it without a friend telling me it was actually good.
That people have shit taste.
>diamond dozen
Dude... its "a dime a dozen" lmao.
Schizo movies with blue philter don't sell
This is not the kind of movie you go to see in a hangout with friends, what did they expected?
The witch worked because it was a terror movie
Release more capeshit, reboots, and bastardizations of popular ip.
I'm surprised this got made but I'm glad it did. Kino.
That they can be as blatently obvious as they want with their anti-white rhetoric and their militant suppression of any form of white success and the masses still won't notice in minecraft.
It's on its way to cult classic. Sleeper hit.
The marketing sucked. I barely saw an add for this anywhere, and just showing shots of a mostly naked guy bearing his teeth isnt exactly going to hype anyone up in the age of trailers that give half the movie away
Has it really flopped? I thought that it outperformed expectations.
I don't want to watch a movie about filth-covered white niggers killing other white people while being told its pro-white.
The story isn't pro-white, it's a movie starring only white people which is anti-semetic and anti-lgbtqi+
The core message of the movie is that the romanticisation of the vikings is a mistake.
Who romanticizes them though? People like the brutality.
That's what I mean. Most depictions of vikings depict their brutality favourably as a rule of cool or necessitation for survival. Northman depicts the culture violence as utterly abhorrent and why Amleth could never have lived well.
I'll go see it tomorrow
Art is more important than money.
vikings were trash there's a reason people call them wiggers
Men are violent psychopaths ThevMovie
It was cool though, especially the fire dance and when he howled like a wolf after biting that guy's throat out.
The only reason I know about, or want to see it, is because of Yea Forums.
Stop casting that ugly alien cunt i wont go see anything with her in it
based retard
>I'm gay
No one cares, it's 2022.
I couldn't take any of the wolf stuff seriously after the opening scene of it has stockfart.mp4 play.
The opening scene of the raid is cool, but it then very deliberately drags you out by taking its sweet time rounding up all the women and children and burning them in a building as they attempt to break down the door for dear life.
It was cool and horrible at the same time, like apocalypto..
She's ugly, stop falling for Yea Forums meme
somehow it was possible to make good blockbuster movies for decades and in the past 10-20 years that has almost totally vanished. are audiences dumber? what else has happened?
the last two movies i've seen in theaters were the northman and bladerunner 2049 which both flopped commercially but had big budgets and were very good
>Who romanticizes them though?
Isnt there like 5 big viking shows?
I dunno
Make it a 5 episode streaming show and it would be a hit, but theaters are the new amusement parks.
This movie went in the right direction. I'm getting so sick of Hollywood romanticizing brutal cultures. The Vikings fucking sucked and terrorized a lot of people and I appreciate a movie being respectful to that reality without romanticizing them.
Hollywood needs to do this with Samurai too, so fucking tired of that shit being romanticized
The problem here is you're going into it with these ideas of "pro-white" this and that, its not what the film is fucking about you dork.
i think you're right but it sucks. great films deserve to be shown in a theater
It's sad that this bombed, it was well made and interesting and I enjoyed it.
It romanticized them too
The movie didn't romanticize Vikings, it showed horrible and brutal their culture could be while still not condemning them.
Definitely romanticized them.
it's far from the first good movie to flop in the theater
The trailer made this look like if Vinland Saga was made into a shit American movie. How accurate is it?
That's why capeshit exists: to finance good movies such as The Northman.
It really is a doggy dog world out there...
>What lessons can hollywood take from it bombing?
Don't give a huge bloated budget to an art-film maker, so he can make a film too high-minded and historical than the average retard can handle.
>but it then very deliberately drags you out by taking its sweet time rounding up all the women and children and burning them in a building as they attempt to break down the door for dear life.
Wait until you watch Come and See, they drag that scene for like an hour (and it's kino)
People like to whine about the Northman's box office performance, but the truth is it's simple supply and command.
Absolute zero IQ take. By the Viking age everyone was constantly raiding everyone. Vikings weren't especially cruel or savage. The reason history has somewhat elevated Viking culture is because of their philosophies and sense of justice outside of warfare.
This movie is fucking incredible, just got out of a showing
There was some cringe expository that felt like studio meddling and a few bad lines of dialogue, but easily the best movie this year so far
Really what did you expect? The dumb normie masses have been fully conditioned by capeshit over the past 15-20 years and everything that deviates from that shit formula doesn’t do as well at the box office except horrors. Plus historical movies always struggled in theatres for some reason
>The reason history has somewhat elevated Viking culture is because of their philosophies and sense of justice outside of warfare
cope norsefag, vikings were savage barbarian niggers of their time
>viking culture
literally ooga booga tier but romanticized as something deep and profound
>budget $90 million
Most of the movie is just their shenanigans on a farm in Island without big battle scenes or special effects
My nigga straight out the gates with this shit, get fucked OP!
I hate culture.
The film went more than 20 million over budget. Idk where it all went