The unexamined yet assumed whiteness of media fan spaces has allowed for successive theorizations about their workings...

The unexamined yet assumed whiteness of media fan spaces has allowed for successive theorizations about their workings to have now solidified into accepted histories. This positioning now forces any consideration of racial dynamics within those spaces to be considered as something additional to, rather than constitutive of, media fan identity. Because the activities of (white) women interested in reworking popular cultural texts have been the target of societal scorn (like Kathleen Kennedy), the project for the reclamation of their practices has been constructed as a particular narrative around the ways in which fan communities engage with difference and how fan works engage with bodies and sexuality.

In this theoretical construction, any discussion of race becomes an exception, an interruption, and a bringer of fandom drama.

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Ooga booga!

Wrong, everyone knows media fan spaces for things like dragon ball is mostly black

Gayest OP in quite a while.

Do we rewrite histories to reflect the diversities of lived experiences across the world? Or do we still yet create new worlds of our own where Whiteness (and the Western world) is not the baseline for existence?

Yes I enjoy Bollywood with all my white and only white fellow bollywood enjoyers.

Not writing your faggot essay for you, drop the class it’s from too.

Fandom, I think, is at a crossroads in some ways; reconciling this ontological dilemma can be as simple and as complex as recasting Hermione as Black. It involves admitting that fandom has a racism problem, and decolonizing not just fan spaces, but the fannish, participatory self as well.

Didn't read.

Then you didn't learn.

No it's accepted history that blacks love dragon ball.

>Words words words
This is not a comic book

Learn what?

What he wrote

That OP loves cock.

>ontological dilemma

Black people have historically enjoyed all manner of traditionally "nerdy" fandoms. The issue is that these fandoms have traditionally embraced racism, and have made these spaces unwelcoming towards those Black fans, to the point that the appearance of a Black man within that fandom's target media is treated as an existential crisis, a "white genocide" or something equally ridiculous.

Today’s fans are using the tools of social media to make meanings that are not just independent of authorial intent, but that can also deliberately contradict it—which is to say that meaning itself is in the process of becoming outsourced and jointly imagined, largely by racists in pursuit of a racially "pure" (read: white) setting, even in settings that were NEVER white-only.

nigga you think I gon read all that shit man you fucking stupid fr

Holy fuck you type like a such a faggot.
I hope you're doing this on purpose.

The role race is currently playing in toxic fandom.


How has traditional black Fandom embraced racism? Nothing stopped white people from enjoying dragon ball or fighting games. No one was angry when Mr popo appeared... your entire hypothesis is debunked

An ontological dilemma arises when two (or more) moral requirements are inconsistent and none is overridden. Under ontological dilemmas are two sub-categories: intra-ontological dilemmas and inter-ontological dilemmas.

man stop usin all those big words talk normal nigga shit

niggers tongue my anus

>moral requirements
Things Fandom doesn't have

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Homosexuality doesn't have any role to play in how a woman types, or how a man types. But thank you for pointing out that the toxic fandom we're now seeing once again for House of the Dragon is not limited strictly to racism, but also engages in gatekeeping centered around sexism and homophobia as well, though I'd still stay that racism is clearly dominant.

You can actually see this in fanfiction, a normative fandom activity - there is a vast gulf between the acceptance of slash celebrating homosexual relationships between white cisgender male characters, and the disdain for racial and ethnic diversity in many toxic fandoms. This shows that not all alterities are created equal and creates an ontological dilemma that must be reconciled.

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I get that you're just having fun and all, but you're unironically the only one ITT.
Nobody else thinks you're funny.

>creates an ontological dilemma that must be reconciled.


Note the word "typical", which indicates that a trait is common, but NOT always present.

>History does not remember blood. It remembers names.
>Lord Orys Baratheon, black of hair...Axel Baratheon, black of hair...Lyonel Baratheon, black of hair...Steffon Baratheon, black of hair...Robert Baratheon, black of hair. Joffrey Baratheon, golden hair.

I'm not trying to be. You should read and understand what I'm saying, you might learn something.

Because people should have an innate drive towards goodness and acceptance.

When one nation or culture conquers another, a central need for the invader is legitimacy. As such it's important to insert yourselves into existing history.

Back when whites ruled America, we would often claim distant Native American ancestry for legitimacy

Back when Boers ruled South Africa, they would claim to be the true natives to delegitimize the Africans.

In modern times as the white races declines, it is increasingly important to insert non-whites into the national mythology.

>we were always here!
>we invaded nothing!
>the country has always looked like this!

In the UK for example there is a tendency for Muslims to claim historical legitimacy and continuity by lionizing the odd white Victorian convert or the fact that the Queen is distantly related to Mohammed through the Spanish.

Similarly, the blacks claim legitimacy by lionizing the odd Nubian mercenary in ancient Britain. Or going back even further claiming the prehistoric hunter gatherers of Britain were black simply because they had dark skin and blue eyes.

It is a cultural form of gaslighting.

Remember the Nordic Airlines commercial?

>"We are more than our Viking ancestors"

Spoken by a very obviously Sudanese gentleman.

>Because people should have an innate drive towards goodness and acceptance.

You're just projecting your own ontological dilemma onto fandom.

Take your cultural imperialism and stuff it up your ass, American dog.

Dafuq? Growing up, nerdy fandoms were the least racist groups you could be in. You were already a social outcast. There was no point in spitting on other social outcasts.

The dorky autistic kids actually looked like the BK kids club. The popular kids usually hung out with their own race. Kinda like prison. "Others" formed motley crews.

>The issue is that these fandoms have traditionally embraced racism, and have made these spaces unwelcoming towards those Black fans,
How so?
>to the point that the appearance of a Black man within that fandom's target media is treated as an existential crisis
That's entirely different than the fans of a piece of media being racist to others for being fans. This is changing the media for everyone, which, if the black people were already fans of it, why is that necessary to target them? I like Kung Fu movies, they don't need to include white people to keep me watching

This is a complete misrepresentation of why the companies telling these stories (which aren't "history", these are fictional narratives) push for diversity.

Corporations push diversity and inclusion for two halves of the same reason: it increases revenue.

The first half is attracting top talent. Up until the affirmative action laws started taking shape, corporations were the strict domain of whites. And whites were pretty sure they had mastered whatever industry they happened to be in. Why not? Profits were stable and there seemed to be limitless markets of other whites to sell to. No need to change, everything is figured out and ya'll are making money, right?

But then AA laws became a thing and companies had to diversify. Whites were pissed and threw tantrums and defended their institutionalized exclusion like they were the aggrieved masses, but eventually went along with it, little as possible, because they had to. And a funny thing happened on the way to the ruination of American greatness: these non-white non-men they were forced to hire started adding value. Mind blowing, right? Who knew only hiring a fraction of the population would mean you were only ever getting a fraction of good ideas? Corporations woke up to the reality that including people with different backgrounds and life experiences was a talent multiplier and their products got better from it. Corporations started implementing aggressive diversity policies BEYOND the minimums required by law.

The second half is saturation of whites to sell to. Did you know women control more than half of household spending? Or that Black, latinx, and disabled people each represent more than a trillion dollars of purchase power in the US alone?

With multicultural shifts steadfastly in progress, these numbers will increase exponentially in the future. So the decision to embrace diversity and inclusion is, from this perspective, a cold hard business growth strategy.

And if you’re a proper king fu enjoyer you know whites only crop up to be villains anyway

>American faggotry
You are not the world, despite eating fit to be you fat fucks.
Did not read.

In what way is including Black men in a fantasy story "imperialism"? Nonsensical take.

Why the fuck would I want to watch a movie with no whites in it? That's cucked as fuck

Other countries make cool movies too

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That's not true at all. From Star Wars, to Star Trek, to Lord of the Rings, to Game of Thrones, to video games, to the tech industry, virtually every traditionally "nerdy" fandom is increasingly being pushed into alt-right, hard racism territory, and has been for years. It is nearly impossible to cast a Black actor or feature a Black character in any franchise slightly out of the mainstream without it becoming a forced controversy for disaffected white men. It happens on this board every day. How did the people here take Watchmen? Lovecraft Country? The character of Finn in Star Wars?


Brown matters. Black is American niggers, and if you were dumb enough to be caught in the first place you deserved everything since lol.

man this ugly Tom bitch ass making these walls of text hurt my head

Recommended me movie nigga shit

Every product and every aspect of life is worse now than it was in the 90s.

It means the rest of the world doesn’t worship niggers like you do, mutt

If you're severely racist, it probably seems that way. But the data shows that people are happier today. The video games are more popular, the films make more money, the television shows are clearly better, ala television renaissance, etc. Broad perspectives make for broadly appealing products.

Cuck. Go move there if you like them so much.

I don't have to, I can watch their movies from here

That's literally what I just said. This racist shit is very new.

it's never going to catch on with normal people you retarded tranny

>people are happier today because digital escapism is at an all time high

Except it isn't. These cultures have always been highly exclusionary.

>Every product and every aspect of life is worse now than it was in the 90s.

Cope. Technology is better, crime is lower, health outcomes are better, and overall quality of life is better than the 90s.

> Broad perspectives make for broadly appealing products.
Would you really call today's media broad in their perspectives?

>fandom is increasingly being pushed into alt-right

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It already has. Step out of your bubble and get yourself an education.

The data also shows bland food is preferred to food featuring chillies, means chillies should be cancelled.

>grouping Africans with mullato unle Tom burn shit down gib me dat mutts from America
y u racist tho

Yet we're in a constant state of unrest and seem to have riots and demands for social reform every month

I've never seen anything like that when I was young in the 90s and early 2000s.

i said normal people not jewish trannies, you fucking ugly monster

Social mobility is down but hey let’s just paper over that inconvenient truth amirite

OK zoomer.

he's right. retarded niggers are making the world a worse place

I just explained why they are. Corporations used to be dominated by white cis men, and now they aren't, because those same corporations have learned that diversity is financially successful. It means the products of that company now have a variety of perspectives backing them, not just one, and can in turn sell to a broader market. All white fantasy stories appeal to a white market, a fantasy story that actually reflects the demographics of the ENTIRE audience appeals to a much larger group.

Oh cool an elite telling me how to talk about my people, sorry I was ever wrong massa
Alternately, rope yourself.

That's because the share of people in the middle and upper classes has never been bigger.

Shit is annoying

>I just explained why they are. Corporations used to be dominated by white cis men, and now they aren't
Nevermind that the actual writers and directors are still white people, what are the difference of perspective you're getting at? "Far left but white" and "fat left but black" both written by a team of jews?

That's a pretty stupid comparison, but ok

>black people can only relate to people of the same color
That's fucking racist.

no one read this shit you dumb, annoying nigger

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>All white fantasy stories appeal to a white market, a fantasy story that actually reflects the demographics of the ENTIRE audience appeals to a much larger group.
Weren't you just arguing that the fandoms of these previously all white shows and movies had a relevant non-white fanbase? How could they exist before their own race had representation in it?

There were riots and demands for racial equity in the 90s, too, see Rodney King. The only difference today is that the calls are getting louder, and we're (finally) getting somewhere.

every mexican Ive ever known is a diehard DBZ fan. Sure Blacks might enjoy DBZ , but I think Mexicans have them beat when it comes to DBZ fans


When they see discrimination and unfairness in absolutely everything, it's not a problem that can be solved.

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Are you tired of writing papers for whatever bullshit lib arts degree you are wasting money on?

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There were always Black fans in these spaces, but these spaces were also viciously gatekept by toxic fandoms that were usually rooted in some mixture of racism, sexism, and homophobia. You can see this in early online gaming cultures especially, when slurs were tossed around freely, because the people forming these early cultures were coming FROM said toxic fandoms, they were the same people.

That some Black men persevered and found attachment in these stories even while being excluded from them doesn't mean that the stories won't benefit from now including them, and expanding the potential audience. The door to fantasy was always closed to Black men, yes, some kicked the door in, but holding the door OPEN for them lets more of them take a seat at the show.

why is it you who gets to determine what people 'should have an innate drive towards'?
why is it you who gets to determine what is good?
why is the onus not upon you to accept that people might have innate drives other than that which you think they 'should' have?

I hate niggers and jews who cast niggers so fucking much it’s insane

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>but these spaces were also viciously gatekept by toxic fandACK

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I haven't determined anything. I've simply described something about human life that existed before either of us.

>I haven't determined anything. I've simply descrACK

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Kek, this is a good image

hey that's Cyborg's voice

you've described nothing in your statement but your own arbitrary values and your desire for others to conform to it