The show suffers from an identity crisis. Jimmy's transformation into Saul should've come around season 3 or 4 after Chuck's death. It was the way that Jimmy would've embraced the Slippin' Jimmy/Saul Goodman side. But some time along the line the writers decided to expand the cartel backstory with no substantial way to incorporate Jimmy into it. Wow, he's representing Lalo and smuggling money across the border for some strange reason. It's like they started making a show about Jimmy but would rather shift gears into the cartel stuff and now it seems like the show is about Nacho, Lalo, Mike, and Gus, and there are two disconnected plots now and they're just dragging along this Hamlin plot. We're at Season 6 where is the Saul Goodman criminal lawyer from BB? He's been on the backburner since season 4 and Jimmy really seems secondary.
The show suffers from an identity crisis...
I agree, at this point I just hope they give a good ending to the show
I like the show a lot, but I agree with you OP
idk they never made more episodes focused on Jimmy's cases where he does whatever it takes to win in court, could have been like a modern version of Matlock or something like that.
This was literally the worst time you could've made this post. Did you watch the latest episode? He fully leaves behind the little respect he got from the "establishment" and fully embraces the attention he gets from criminals.
what transformation? BB Saul was a much nicer guy than BCS Saul is now.
the bullying of howard has made me hate both saul and kim.
That could've been cool but I feel like in that version we don't get complex character development for anyone besides Jimmy/Saul.
The show feels like it was made by a cargo cult that got a crate of Breaking Bad DVDs once. Everything has to be a reference to a line, character, or object from Breaking Bad for no goddamn reason.
Hamlin is going to kill himself
You need to rewatch Breaking Bad. Saul was a sleazy scumbag that sexually harassed Francesca and was totally fine with killing people, arguably more than Walt.
Chuck? Kim? Howard? How are these characters references to Breaking Bad in any way whatsoever?
Show was over at season 3 all the muh kim true mastermind and cartel shit has dragged the show down
It's hard to imagine BCS era Jimmy immediately suggesting they kill Badger at a mild inconvenience.
deep down i'd say everyone knows that bravovince is milking this shit to death but there's basically nothing that matches the nuanced level of storytelling
I would love to see a proper gunfight between Mike, Walt, the Twins, Gus and Hector. Real guns blazing, balls to the wall action and badass music like U2 or Santana. We're running out of chances to see Mike in full beastmode
Anyone want to see a Mike prequel so we can see how young cop Mike broke bad. Or a Huell prequel to see how he broke bad. Or maybe a Saul sequel to see how he is going to break good?
Nacho's father, Poppy, runs an upholstery business One thing I noticed and was discussing with my friends on Reddit, if you rearrange the letters of upholstery, to Y Holster Up? Meaning that Poppy is about to discover his reason to choose violence, namely the death of his son, and he is going to break bad and possibly kill Gus and Hector. I would love a full Spinoff
Mike wnd Poppy could be chased in the desert by the Twins and Poppy days just go on without me. Why are you helping me. And Mike says something like I made a promise to your son and I don't break my promises. No half measures. Would be amazing
>The Twins raise their guns. Mike shouts to Gus as he readies his gun.
>"Boss, get down!"
>Gus looks at Mike with a wry smile.
>"You know, I used to be called Guns Gus. I think I can handle it."
>Mike is dumbstruck as Gus reveals two Dessert Eagles. Gus blesses himself and with a piece in each hand, jumps through the air, a gun pointed at one twin each.
>U2's Elevation plays as Gun dispenses headshots to the Twins and several henchmen
>Mike and Gus take shelter behind a Cadillac.
>"Gus Man, this is some crazy shit. I saw you out there. Just how many of them did you get!"
>Gus laughs.
>"I think you got a few yourself"
>"Yeah but damn G. You got some talent f'real"
>"We're not finished yet. Hey Mike, man. How about we finish up for the night. But you know I just can't concentrate without my tunes. What you say?"
>"You know I don't like that rap shit, Gus. What's wrong with a little Hootie and the Blowfish now and then."
>"Naw man, I got just the thing."
>Gus carefully reaches inside the Cadillac and inserts a cassette tape. The slow grooves of Luniz's I Got 5 on It reverberates around the blood-strewn warehouse.
>Mike takes a look at Gus and purses his lip.
>"Not bad, nigga. Not bad."
>Gus and Mike leap from behind the Cadillac with guns blazing. Several henchmen fall backwards as Gus and Mike dispense justice.
>Gus shouts.
>was totally fine with killing people
Saul asks at one point "why not kill him", not because he wants it, but because he would expect criminals to act like this. And oh no, not le inappropriate comments in a show full or torture, murder and drug abuse! Jimmy is deep down a much softer, weaker and even kinder person than Walt/Heisenberg. This is already fairly clear in BB and BCS makes it far more obviouis still.
>That could've been cool but I feel like in that version we don't get complex character development for anyone besides Jimmy/Saul.
Nah, it could have been like a modern version of Matlock
>Nah, it could have been like a modern version of Matlock
Who wants that? Matlock can SUKK ME
Pretty much this.
Best Episode
>Jimmy's transformation into Saul
Jimmy is always Saul when he's doing business. In BB he's just a bit more crude and sleazy. I assume something will happen this season that explains the change in demeanor.
This is a shit show that cannot stand on its own merits without Breaking Bad. It has no narrative arc except to dovetail into BB S1E1. There is no true tension because we all know the characters who must survive to appear in BB. For the ones who don't, who cares? A major narrative arc spent on a neurotic brother who dies because of his own neuroses? Who cares? The only thing I'm truly interested in at this point is seeing how Saul walks away from his Nebraska persona. This show should never have been made. Ozark is everything Better Call Saul wanted to be but couldn't be.
frfr no cap
This show is rated TV-MA, so you need to be at least 17 to watch it. You should wait to watch the rest of the show until you turn 17.
>immediately suggesting they kill Badger at a mild inconvenience.
He was confused by the situation. He doesn't suggest murder lightly. When he brings it up again is probably as a joke to mess with Jesse
> viagra pills at saul's house
they really made saul an impotent bitch in the recent seasons. it's hard to be optimistic that the writers can redeem saul with 9 episodes left.
An origin story for a fucking bell was too much for me
You're telling me that zoomers like U2 and Santana?
My point was that we've yet to reach the point where Jimmy/Saul would do what he did in Breaking Bad.
There's no shame in using Viagra. I use Viagra before visiting brothels so I can get more bang for my buck
>In BB he's just a bit more crude and sleazy.
In BB Jimmy mastered his trade by then.
i'm still wondering about "kill Badger" part for real, the jimmy we have now would never suggest that on the spot
>two armed gunmen are threatening to kill you in the desert
>it's somehow a faux pas to suggest they kill Badger instead of him
Is Honk going to be appearing this season? What about Taco and Crazy 8
Fucking moron. He's always been ""Saul"".
Redditors really do want a "This is the moment he became heisenberg :^)" moment huh?
viagra is fun
fair point. still felt less like a scumbag. maybe because badger was in the game and howard did nothing wrong relatively speaking.
The show suffers from being shit. Absolutely nobody wants the cartel shit. If Gilligan wanted to make a cartel show he should've made a dedicated cartel show. Everyone wanted Saul or at least to watch Jimmy turn into Saul but instead it's been 6 seasons of wheel spinning will he won't he become Saul while we watch uninteresting cartel shit including an involved season long story about how Gus's meth lab got built. If I didn't know he was a hack incompetent I'd say Gilligan was angry about being roped into a Saul show and was actively trolling the network by putting out such subpar television.
>will he won't he become Saul
You spastics think he's going to change into Saul like a transformer or something
It's really annoying how meandering his development is. They end season 1 in a way that indicates he's going to break bad, with him driving off into the sunset humming deep purple, after he's betrayed by his brother and his old scamming pal dies. They clearly end it that way so you can envision him going on the Saul path in case they never got a second season. But then lo and behold, they got a second season, and decided to put the brakes on and have Jimmy dick around trying to force himself to be legit again for two years.
After Chuck's death in season 3, season 4 opens with a no fucks given Jimmy turning cold and acting less empathetic, promising his development over the course of the season. But no Saul yet, you still have to endure him dicking around doing nothing the whole season. BUT you get the ending, the finger guns, the big moment he finally becomes Saul. We were conned the whole season, just like Kim. It finally happened and we didn't even notice, a character transformation in true scam artist fashion. Everyone in these threads celebrated and anticipated a season 5 where he finally was acting like Saul.
Season 5 starts, and just like season 2, they put the brakes on what they resolved to do. You just get another season of morally conflicted Jimmy again. But now he has PTSD as a convenient writers justification to make Kim look way more competent than him, and now Kim is doing the finger guns, because the writers read the "kim behind the scenes" fan theory on the internet and talked about it in their writers room meetings and are starting to sow the seeds in the show for the epic tweest.
Season 6 starts, he's still getting mogged by Kim every scene. Except inexplicably in episode 4 a bunch of developments happen in like 30 minutes to accelerate his transformation into Saul Goodman, like his reputation for getting Lalo free, everyone hating him at work, him and KIm looking at the office, etc.
This show is the epitome of empty bloat
In one throwaway nothing happens episode they put all the stuff everyone was hoping to see organically unfold across several seasons. It's retarded. And then there's all the dumb stops and starts they did before. Like his colorful suits, which he then ditched. His hair falling out, which is never addressed again. Hiring Francesca, then firing her for later. Good writing would have sprinkled these things in, spaced them out, had them be gradual and consistent. Instead the way they're incorporated reflects the writers own indecisiveness and lack of planning
>inexplicably in episode 4 a bunch of developments happen in like 30 minutes to accelerate his transformation into Saul Goodman
yeah this bugged me too--almost as if they're finally reminded of the deadline and fucking decided to do their one job
>He fully leaves behind the little respect he got from the "establishment" and fully embraces the attention he gets from criminals.
He sure seemed pretty disheartened when everyone at the courthouse was shunning him. And he only decided to embrace being the cartel's lawyer after that completely uncharacteristic "do you want to be a snitch?" comment from Kim. OP is right; they should have made the transition to Saul when Chuck died. Right now Kim is more Saul than Jimmy, and neither of their motivations make any sense.
Did you miss the part at the end of season 4 where he literally called himself Saul and made it clear to Kim that he didn't care about Chuck or Chuck's ideals at all, and told the girl who applied for the scholarship that people only ever saw them that way so they should enthusiastically break the rules to get ahead?
I don't think saul was interested cause he doesn't need fuck and suck
see Show sucks and they have no idea what pace or character is.
Doesn’t make sense bb saul had far greater energy than the saul we have now who already seems tired of being a lawyer
Yes, yes I do.
Did you forget all the development in seasons 4 and 5? Jimmy learning to adjust to the criminal underworld in season 4 (selling cellphones on the streets) and dealing with the consequences of becoming a "criminal lawyer" in 5 (representing Lalo Salamanca and unethically letting him free).
Episode 4 didn't rush anything at all. What do you think could've been developed more. It was simple. Lying to the court made him lose the respect and gain the respect of criminals. Maybe this could've been split into 2 episodes? 1 where he's distraught by losing respect from everyone and another where he gains it from criminals? But I was completely fine with how it was handled. I guess we'll see how the rest of the series handles his character development.
the shows are set like 4 years apart
Gee whiz, this guy is super nice around psycho murderers, I wonder why!?
What exactly did you expect to signal the "transformation" you stupid shit? He's already working for cartels and getting people killed with his bullshit.
Hi, OP.
>badass music like U2
Are you a girl?
only way to watch BCS is to stop after season 1, really the end of season 1 its just enough
Walt will show up in episode 9
Speedwatchers gonna be speedwatching
It's there to remind you he's already in his 40s in BCS and he's nearly 50 by the end of BB.