12 years for CGI like this

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Nobody cares about avatar
Nobody is invested in the story or the characters
It's just that cgi movie with blue people

>low quality picture on Yea Forums
Wow. My expectations are ruined. What will I do now.

BRO i told everyone here that by the time this shit got released it would have dated cgi. Everyone called me a retard
i expect an apology :/

I'm sorry, user

Looks pretty gud

user… I kneel…

this will age just as poorly as the first Avatar

Looks great
capeshit cant compete

come on, you can clearly see that there is nothing amazing about it
its just typical cgi where you know everything is fake, it's not even uncanny

do you understand what uncanny valley means? Uncanny valley is a bad thing.

you're alright user
don't let us keep you down

It looks fantastic. The fuck are you smoking?

"bruh I'm finna no cap"
kick rocks you worthless coon

yes, and it doesnt even reach that point

Damn what ps2 game is this?

Nothing else comes close maybe the best in Alita

That's a good thing, my retarded friend.
clear you don't understand the concept

I'm not sorry, I believed you the whole time. Also it will flop.

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I think this is a big uh-oh. Aren't they hunters? The animals will smell them coming a mile away. Don't dreads stink?

if it surpassed the uncanny valley it would be a good thing
this is like watching a pixar animation.

I think so far only Blade Runner 2049 has come close to what I saw in the trailer before DS2 today. And BR only had that for what 30 seconds?

Seems that at this point in the movie they've just arrived at some kind of sea area, when his threads get wet they're gonna balloon like that.

You don't know what a Na'vi is 'supposed' to look like, you can't say this is uncanny valley, unless you're changing what UV is.

retard analyzing screenshot
this cgi have best impact when in motion

I think you don't understand the concept. Uncanny valley is realistic, with subtle flaws that create some aversion in human subconscious.
If it's not realistic in the first place, it won't be uncanny.

>You don't know what a Na'vi is 'supposed' to look like, you can't say this is uncanny valley
don't be retarded
if you see a new animal never documented before in a video, you won't be able to tell if it's cgi or real?

Bingo and based.

Also they tested this footage on babies and they couldn't tell the difference between the environments that were real and those that were CG.

won't even make a billion.

You're the one who doesn't know what the uncanny is by the sounds of it. Retard. Go drink bleach.

ComScore's super early forecasts are putting it at 2.8 Billion worldwide. So bad news bucko.

Oh ok. Damn, if they thought of that level of detail I'm stoked.

Who wants to bet that Jake is going to have to Avatar back into a human clone body of his old body so he can infiltrate human stuff? It's going to be the shit.

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will make billy in chooina only

>Oh ok. Damn, if they thought of that level of detail I'm stoked.
Spent 13 years in pre-production, pretty sure they've thought of everything. If nothing this is going to be the most insanely detailed autistic film of all time.

ITT: People who've never worked in the CG Industry out themselves as having awful perception of good v. bad CG

Neck yourselves. Long live Jimmy.

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The Shadow Lab team from MPC all got headhunted into Weta AFTER this happened to work on Avatar 2. It caused quite a lot of bitching in the VFX community for a while - Weta is ruthless when it comes to acquiring talent. Especially in the past few years.

>People who've never worked in the CG Industry
Yeah, how could anyone else possibly have any opinion the matter

no not

Considering the MPC team who worked on it now all work at Weta... I think maybe he will.

you get photorealistic environments even in video games
characters still looks like completely fake, keep in mind that there are people that says that Thanos and Hulk looks 100% real and they are just as bad as the navis

you were right man I'll give credit where credits are do

>completely fake
as opposed to what? Real Na'vi? You're actually retarded.

>White man turns himself into a blue black man
What kind of fetish is this?

Yeah, they named every little plant they invented for the first one and created it all around a believable ecosystem for the first. The new movies should be good and autistic.

I'm also excited for the new /m/ stuff.

Looks like a PS4 cutscene

why not hire tall as fuck actors to play multiple roles

>ComScore's super early forecasts are putting it at 2.8 Billion worldwide

Cameron makes a lot of those insanely autistic mangaka look normal with the level of detail he's ramming into these films. He hired actual linguists and biologists lmao. Totally gone overboard.


I'm sorry

Cameron gave Weta carte blance to hire whoever the fuck they want now. I work as super low tier roto in a pretty shitty VFX house and we had our best artist nabbed by them about a year ago.

Now he's getting paid double the money to put fucking veins on leaves for these movies. Total waste of talent.

>its just typical cgi where you know everything is fake
What? You mean they didn't use real 12' tall blue people and real flying dragon horse things?


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So that's how they afforded to open the new studio? I fucking wondered how they managed that.

Good, I'm tired of cluttered, overdesigned characters.

>leather clothes
Good. This looks simple and believeable.

I'm sorry, I hope we can still be bros

It's also one of the main reasons a lot of the CG in movies the past couple years has sucked balls. Weta is throwing everything at these movies so a lot have to go to lower tier houses or ILM, but ILM is under so much strain because of Weta being Cameron's bitch they're doing rush jobs on everything.

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I will save all my critiques until i see it in actual IMAX 3D, all these screencaps and trailers are not same

based money pit cameron

So that's why he's overbudget lmao. There was a lot of talk at CinemaCon that he's 200 million over budget already. Disney are seething but it was FOX that signed the check.

>never worked in the CG industry
I'm proud to not be Indian, thank you

genuinely asking
what kind of people (race and ange) is waiting avatar
even my giganormies friend couldnt care less

you have to see it in motion.
the 2009 film looks impressive to this date, so there is no reason to expect any less from the sequels.

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It gets even worse - he's making them with the intention to be shown only on Dolby Cinema tier screens. The projection levels he's demanding will literally put us out of business. We got some of the calibration sheets from Disney for this with the lumen levels, and VFR baked in. It's ridiculous. Not a single one of our machines was enough to play it to the correct standard.

Basically, if where I work wants to show this movie they're going to have to replace most of our projection equipment.

Just like with the original. KYS retard.

He didn’t a single of those words

t. underage nonwhite

are you a retard or what?

non of my family members go to cinema to watch movies in years (only movie goer is me) and they will drive to different city on December to IMAX to watch it

Now things make sense. This the reason Jungle Book looked good but Lion King looked shit?

nonwhites made up the majority of the original's admissions too - so yeah...

Did you even see the movie?

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He spared no expense...no expense

so it's a film specifically handcrafted for subhumans, I understand more clearly now

Where were you yesterday when we needed a three second high framerate, high resolution webm of Sydney Sweeny's nipple jumping up out of her dress on Jimmy Fallon?

It's actually EVEN better than that. Cameron literally spoke with Favreau after Jungle Book and basically tricked him into giving him the full tour with MPC, then WHAM they do BR2049 and the top 20% of their entire staff are stolen to work on these new Avatar movies. Ever since 2018 when this happened MPC has seen a huge decline in the quality of their output.

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Did you just land here from an alien planet? Most of the world are subhumans you dumbfuck. Over half the planet is gook and poos.

>kick rocks
Is this a new insult? I don't get it.

It is indeed awful, very obsolete. Looks like a circa 2012 videogame.

Jesus. That's ruthless. They literally went from winning 2 Oscars back to back to only getting noms. Cameron doesn't fuck around.

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this pixar tier cg? yeah it's dated
looks like a cartoon

t. blind

What's a shadow lab?

they didn't start working on the CG 10 years ago retard
they are working on it right now, you're just biased against it