So, how good is the new ST?
So, how good is the new ST?
I actually heard its pretty good, and that from people who HATE woke shit.
Worst I've heard is that number 1 is a terrible character.
There are no hot alien space women in Star Troon, therefore I will not watch your show
It's done being subtle? It was before?
I'll give it one episode. One. Not 3 or half a season. And I'm pirating it
Last chance fuckos
TheCriticalDrinker type retards may like it (they only like or dislike things out of spite for political reasons) but if the writing is shit idc how unwoke it is
the future sucks, we ruined it
We need star trek 1480 where we explore the seas guided by the stars
i'm not a /pol/ chud but i fell off discovery because it was terrible. would be interested to know if this is any good so far from another non-chud.
Why do these retro uniforms somehow manage to look worse than the original series? I can't put my finger on it.
I also stopped watching with Discovery. I tried the first episode and it was god awful. Then I tried 3 episodes of Picard and couldnt take any more. I’m out. Forever. Not trying Strange New Worlds.
i made it to the end of season 1 but by the end was laughing at how bad it was. season 2 i think i saw a couple episodes and never went back.
Because they insist on updating everything. Old TOS style uniforms are stupefying easy to recreate but they just can't help but arrogantly assume they can do it better.
I sleep.
May not look like it just yet, but on track to be pozzed just like STD, at least STD hid it well during s1
>#StarTrek: #StrangeNewWorlds is now #CertifiedFresh at 100% on the #Tomatometer, with 21 reviews:
Its good but has some highly cringe moments before they get on the ship
>mom can we stop for spock?
>we have spock at home
>spock at home:
I too heard that the new Star Trek (tm) show will be great! Tons of nostalgia and a modern spin on a fan favorite show!
It has a few cringe moments, but I thought it was suprisingly good.
I watched S1 and hated the ending. Skipped S2 and came back for S3. And once again the story was just garbage as were the characters. Won't pick it up for future seasons.
I also didn't watch Picard S1 after seeing reviews of it. But I still watched S2 because of the promising changes in episode 1. But the entire thing was just a stupid joke in the end. Finale had some nice moments but everything was still nonsensical.
SNW ep1 is lightyears ahead of this. Stylistically and tonally.
SNW is what we should have gotten instead of STD years back. I don't trust them to not fuck things up though.
I somehow suspect whoever wrote this article doesn't know the meaning of neither "subtle" nor "allegory."
>i'm not a /pol/ chud but i fell off discovery because it was terrible
Me neither, but something getting marketed as woke is a great indicator that contrnt has very little going for it. It doesn't have to be the case, but it's a rule of thumb that's never let me down.
or woke.
I don't even know why I try anymore.
what a natural and organic post
i turned it off when they showed the black woman in the opening scene. i may give it another shot some other time
it's like a joke at this point
>I actually heard its pretty good, and that from people who HATE woke shit.
>they literally show actual January 6 footage as leading to the downfall of Earth society
People don't even form their own opinions anymore, they wait on their favorite incel influencer to tell them what to think.
those people dont know what being subtle is
how about star trek 1488, where we find out where there were only two niggers in the future
>it's done being subtle
i can believe how hard they are pushing the memberberries nostalgia bulltshit. as if the only thing wrong with STD 7 picard was the lack of spock & kirk
>they literally show actual January 6 footage as leading to the downfall of Earth society
It's literally a half a second shot in a montage and it's debatable if it's even that. If that is triggering to you then you were never going to give the show a chance at all. If it wasn't there, you'd find something else to be mad about.
>Goldsman also wants the viewer to know that he’s doing political allegory, with an explanation point. It’s initially quite unsubtle, using actual January 6th footage to make a point about societal divisions.
thanks doc
>Most woke yet
Do they finally make it clear that nationalists, sexists, and racists are institutionalized in the Federation?
If not, then they aren't there yet.
cope and seethe goldman. everything you ever made is shit
Don't forget that they hate having to make SNW. They brought in Pike because season 1 of STD was so universally hated. Then they were angry that people liked Pike far better than anyone on STD. They are only making this show because it was accidentally popular. They resent it and they resent you for not gobbling up their wokeshit. They will find a way to sabotage it. Just to spike you.
>there's ANOTHER new star trek
wtf? please tell me this is just a web series or something stupid
the only upside to a new series is new RLM reviews
To be fair, a American civil war would basically be a third world war. China, Russia, Europe, and every other major power would be over that like shit on flies.
You're the one mad about SNW while I'm surprisingly enjoying it. Seems kinda like you're the one with the coping to do.
>new RLM reviews
Nah. They basically admitted they are done. Franchise is dead in their eyes.
>not only will they discover new planets but they will discover their genders.
What were they thinking
nah i am here for shitshow only. last trek i have seen was DS9
Based on the promos it's exactly the same shit as every other Kurtzman/Secret Hideout vehicle.
There was actually one line in there that made me smile (because it was cute) but it was ruined by being delivered by shit diversity hire actors
Pike is good, but like every other fucking aspect of this is terrible. they use the january 6th riot in a collection of "WHAT LEAD TO OUR DESTRUCTION' and didnt even bother mentioning US bombing every middle eastern country ever
WOW, I really want to see this now, thank you for your recommendation!
considering it implies January 6th is responsible for khan and the eugenics wars it’s exactly as woke and retarded as you thought it would be
It's good. There are bits of "woke" shit. The anons talking about Jan 6 probably aren't wrong but honestly it goes by so quick I didn't even notice so can't say for sure. It's sort of like The Batman. There's woke shit in that too but it's basically perfunctory. It's just there because it has to be there. SNW isn't TRYING to be woke, unlike basically every other nuTrek. It's trying to be a good show. That could change next week but for now it's pretty good.
Amazingly 2 dimensional characters with no personality and weak dialogue. Just boring.
i hope they have a mister barclay episode.
Why is every crewmember on the bridge a female, except Pike?
>Is this a ship of the Valkyries?
They are trying to court the anime audience but refuse to go all the way with Lesbian subtext, beach episodes, and Pike not being a light novel pretty boy.
and moat important - pretty women
I dont "need" to watch garbage tv made by leftist whack-jobs. if theres even a hint of modern politics in something, i'm not going to "force" myself to "get past it", im just going to completely ignore it, except to shitpost
trek ended with Enterprise
Ok, you don't "have" to "watch" it, bro. I was "responding" to the "user" who expressed "interest".
You say that like something of value even could be lost.
There's no new ST, the franchise died long ago.
That would help as well.
I unironically think Lower Decks get's 90% of it's fanbase from the fact it's main cast are at least somewhat attractive looking.
>to seek out new genders and new categorizations
I’m sad that RLM isn’t covering NuTrek anymore, I want to know what happens in these awful shows but I don’t want to watch them.
Suck it, Jew. Nobody is watching your Sci-Fi propaganda
Bruh it’s a bunch of ugly scribbles. The art is atrocious.
You don't have to if you don't want.
Just watch msnbc from last year but pretend the newsroom is the bridge of a space ship and everyone is wearing Star Trek uniforms.
that's a bad sign
Why do people need new episodes/movies of old shit? Just watch TNG. I can guarantee whatever's being made has neither broached vague moral issues in TNG, nor done it in a better manner.
>You don't have to if you don't want to.
Screen capping your reply so when it gets canceled for low viewership I can post the article in hopes you'll see it.
They've lost me from ever watching anything of theirs so long as Kurtzman has a job with them.
No one wanted this, asked for it, or is watching it.
It's not great, but it's better than most of the live action girls they cast.