Reddit: the show

Reddit: the show

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Other urls found in this thread:

Reddit: the post

Yup, it’s reddit

perfect for Yea Forums then


>Yup, it’s reddit

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Yea Forums: the show?

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North and South

something that is inherently less masculine


Like 80% of the current Yea Forums users have learned about this site via reddit.


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Better Call Saul

>hates r*ddit
>for some reason knows what is popular on r*ddit
maybe you should go back

Red vs Blue

Legend of the Galactic Heroes

tranny the the post

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Unironically Seinfeld

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the only acceptable
maybe peep show ,TPB and barry

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I wish they made a show about a family of evil Jews and all their subversions

Master and Commander
and of course

Triumph of the Will

Shoo tourist

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I don't think anyone says that in the show

These are popular on Reddit. Next.

More like zoomer memes: The show

What can I say? Zoomers have got good taste in memes.

Go back

Breaking Bad

I'm going back there to deliver you to them. You got a case of Redditism and I'm afraid you're having trouble admiting it.

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Go back

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Jesse says it in like the first or second episode

And BrBa is popular on Yea Forums. What's your point?

le epic contrarian

link? anything?

Something bad that we can pretend is underappreciated

How do you know?

He says "Yeah Science!" because he was excited Mr.White was doing all the hard chemistry shit for him.


this, these redit plebs dont even know what it is

Go back

I'm sorry, sir. I'm not removing myself even if you repeat that ad nauseam

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Walter White is a cuck.

Go back


Not him but


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mlp friendship is magic

Yea Forums is Reddit actually.
All the oldfags moved there because is a place with better janitors.

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Not as popular as Breaking Bad is shitforbrains. It's their favourite show, cope seethe dilate etc.

by good taste you mean no OC's just shitty screengrabs from instagram? fuck off don't you fags have another raid to plan in your tranny little discord server Forums/

instagram is for milleniatards like you, real zoomers use mastodon and obscure altchans exclusively

Yea Forums bros how could this be


>n-no i don't i use le cool underground stuff
fucking pathetic, eat my piss

malding millentranny

sopranos or the shield
are correct as well

>zoomers trying to call any other generation trannies
top kek now i know you're trolling

either that or you're retarded

It's called Dope Sick and a major part of the narrative is the machinations of the evil kike family that ran Perdue Pharmaceutical and got everyone addicted to opioids. These kikes are very real and they have a massive bodycount of goyim.

rent free + still seething

Yeah, was pretty decent. Whole family belongs in prison at best