>"you know the rules, we don't kill women, we don't kill children"
Did gangsters really have these moral codes back then?
"you know the rules, we don't kill women, we don't kill children"
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Yes. Omerta
Even criminals were more well spoken back then than pretty much everybody today.
yes, except when it's not convenient.
he wouldn't make it in the FBI
>we dont be roicist
People in general had morals and some sort of decency back then. I read somewhere in a small town in the early 1900s a jail caught fire and the warden told the inmates he has no choice but to release them until morning and they actually all came back. Maybe the fear of god made people follow the rules more back then
is this show just bri'ish sons of anarchy?
But what if there’s a woman who’s murdering minorities?
Back then communities were a lot more tight and even as a criminal you had to at least pretend to have some "honor" because it was way easier to get the neighbourhood on your side if they perceive you as not a wholly evil entity and so on. By not killing women and children you'd be able to claim you only kill other criminals/are the lesser evil.
Nowadays that shit doesnt matter because we arent in tight knit societies anymore and most criminals everywhere are from elsewhere.
it was more to do with how running was pointless. the warden/sheriff would know everyone in town and then if they went to another town, all the sheriff would have to do is call those neighboring towns asking if anyone new had turned up. then they get caught and get worse punishments.
>ummmm men and women deserve equal treatment! womyn stronk!!!
>of course we would never hurt le precious wimminz like we do men
Modern western men summed up in two contradictory statements. Bunch of spineless pussy-worshipping turds.
they were momma's boys so of course
Unless it directly served their interests
Career criminals who are in it for the money don't necessarily all have the absolute lack of humanity it takes to murder a little kid, even if a few of them definitely do
>We don't say racial slurs
'ate me nonces
'ate me nazi's
simple as
omerta means silence. but when it comes to anglo-saxons, it means respecting people of color and minorities.
Even your average nog gangster was more well behaved in the 80s
someon,e post it
The difference is unironically drugs. Some nog criminal in 1975 was unlikely to be on week long coke/crack binges or having a meth or opioid habit.
You had one job.
whats the lore behind the no racism meme
cheeky peekers is the most racist series i have ever seen
One of the bosses of the show is a literal nazi and these 1900s english hoodlums are not ok with racism.
>Shortly after the crash, Rikers Island department personnel and prisontrusties(inmates whose good behavior had earned the guards’ trust)alike ran to the crash in order to help survivors. As a result of their actions, of the 57 inmates who assisted with the rescue effort, 30 were released and 16 received a reduction of six months by the N.Y.C. Parole Board.
Awww that's nice
No. They said one thing and did the opposite. It works everytime.
Just because you’re a gangster doesn’t mean you’d be okay with killing children. Plenty of gangsters themselves had kids
horse thieves were hanged no questions asked for a reason.
This is false but ok
No lmao anybody who believes otherwise is a retard
Ok groomer
Nigga this whole series is about romanticizing criminals and smearing actual heroes like Mosley.
nah that shit still happened. the dumbing down of society via slowly undermining education so clowns will be easier to control, has a nice sharp contrast from how they talked then vs now
you mean they were against mosley because hes a racist?
Not only because of that, but it's one of the reasons Tommy dislikes him.
Really depends on the time, place, what legal authorities would tolerate, and the ethnic culture of the gangs. For example, one reason Latin American gangs took over so much of the Italian American mafia's turf, was because they were willing to murder civilians, and targeted the wives and children of the Italian gangsters (something that had been extremely taboo and rare in gang warfare before that point). In a different legal climate, being so brutal would have only drawn the heat (police), and been a huge disadvantage.
They are trying their hardest to make Mosley look like a piece of shit but they can't even manage it.
i need the antz pic with the insecticid gun
It's easier to not have the law after you if you only kill other gangsters.
more like don't kill civilians. they would definitely kill some bitch wife of a mob goon if she was running her mouth and causing trouble.
Yeah, probably this.
Back in the day, they needed sympathy within their communities and disinterest from the authorities. No one cares about lowlifes killing themselves, but "civilians", women or children getting murdered would lead to political pressure on the police to clamp down. That is bad for business.
Still the same today, but in some areas you have gangs that are so powerful and politics and police for whatever reason not ready to go against them, that they can do whatever.
Heroin and cocaine were massive in 1975. Keith Richards did both for years by that point.
Drugs being available to someone as well connected and rich as Keith Richards doesn't mean ghetto negros who can barely count above 50 would have a ample supply. Cocaine itself was considered a rich man's drug in the 1970s due to its price. It wouldn't be until the 1980s and 1990s that it was cheap enough for large scale use. Crack also helped a lot.
>>prison trusties
An legitimate good system that was only prohibited because of post-1968 Supreme Court bullshit. Within years of that not being allowed in Texas anymore they had their first massive prison riot.
The Detroit Partnership is still active and very few have been busted, as they avoid drawing attention to themselves.
>defend and love your relatives, mother, father, brothers, sisters...
>not have a family of your own—no wife, no children; this does not however, preclude him from having a lover.
>never under any circumstances work, no matter how much difficulty this brings—live only on means gleaned from thievery.
>help other thieves—both by moral and material support, utilizing the commune of thieves.
>keep secret information about the whereabouts of accomplices (i.e. dens, districts, hideouts, safe apartments, etc.).
>in unavoidable situations take the blame for someone else's crime; this buys the other person a time of freedom.
>demand a convocation of inquiry for the purpose of resolving disputes in the event of a conflict between oneself and other thieves, or between thieves.
>if necessary, participate in such inquiries.
>carry out the punishment of the offending thief as decided by the convocation.
>not resist carrying out the decision of punishing the offending thief who is found guilty, with punishment determined by the convocation.
>have good command of the jargon
>not gamble without being able to cover losses. The losses must be covered in the agreed time.
>teach young beginners.
>have, if possible, informants from the rank and file of thieves.
>not lose your reasoning ability when using alcohol.
>have nothing to do with the authorities, not participate in public activities, nor join any community organizations.
>not take weapons from the hands of authorities; not serve in the military.
>make good on promises given to other thieves.
There weren't rules more like guidelines obviously. Also even gang members today try not to kill civilians cause it gets them unneeded heat and target only other gang members or people who stole their shit.
No, women and children got killed all the time. The "honorable" mafioso is a hollywood trope especially since movies like the Godfather were bankrolled by LCN.
Not even the same thing
>People in general had morals and some sort of decency back then
Not according to violent crime and child victimization rates.
Criminals were always from elsewhere. Al Capone and his crew were not Chicago natives, same goes for the majority of all the LCN organizations that were active outside of NYC.
The only realistic answer ITT
Ever heard of the Telegraph?
Stalin's Gulag was a terror machine that produced tough and ruthless criminal societies.
Can they uphold that level with modern Russian prisons or are they only living from their reputation?
Details on the Mafia financing The Godfather?
Lel, the Russian Mafia today IS the state and the modern prisons. Several of the biggest authorities in the Russian Mafia today are "ex"-KGB and FSB and high ranking USSR state officials. You can imagine how they are like now. Russia's little gay wannabe Soviet republic Transnistria in Moldava has their economy all ran and owned directly by a Mafia-aligned business organization.
Even the mexican cartels that kidnap children and have them murder torture their families pretend to be good for "society" by doing services with their drug billions because it happens to be convenient thing to do.
Then again they also make neat videos of executing women for god knows what, because otherwise they might have sex with opposing cartel members.
That is not what Omerta means.
The Peaky Blinders got their name because they used to hide razor blades in their caps to slash out the eyes of anyone they mugged. If a gang of cunts beat the shit out of you, stole your wallet and then cut out your eyes, would you call them honorable?
Don't know, are they at least ardent anti-racists?
I don't know if they're just that delusional, or if there are based individuals hiding in the writing team, but on the show Mosley came off as extremely likable and persausive, LITERALLY every time he was on screen. There'd be a 5 minute uncut speech of Mosley saying that england belongs to the english, an entirely reasonable declaration and then it would cut to Tommy and the gang going: "blimey we gotta stop this evil roicist donwt we tommy"
>Moral codes
A lot of it is just practical. Murdering children and women was, as we say, a bad look. Men are easily missed.
He was a inept politician at best.