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SnyderChads, rise up

Literally only dumb scene in an otherwise great movie.

>Gracefully disappears into tornado cloud
>Not ripped apart by 900mph debris a dozen yards in front of it.


I agree, I cheered and clapped when Superman slaughtered the Kryptonian embryos.

Just get over it.


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>all i'm saying is that maybe you should've let that bus full of schoolkids drown, son

No one cares christfag

When did he slaughter embryos?

Get over what? The fact that we're never getting another Superman movie because Man of Stool was shit?


Not really. Its because they dont know what to do with him. WB wants it to rake a billion and there's no way to do that when majority of the audience cant relate to an unkillable, faultless hero. If the old superman movies never existed and came out today, they would also do shit. People are bored of OP heroes. Its like the number one complaint I see from normalfags (who are the bulk of the audience).

opposite for me. I hate the film but this one scene stuck with me. I think it’s a good way to portray how important it is for superman not to become some moralising tyrant with his powers

>People are bored of OP heroes
>Batman is the most popular superhero in modern history

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It’s atheist redditors who cry about jesus imagery in movies though

Batman isnt OP. He's literally just a human who knows some martial arts and rich enough to buy military quality gear.

Superman is a great character. They are just too stupid to adapt a good story

And most people don't care about superman, is what im trying to say. Normies are where the money comes rolling in from. You need to make him more relatable rather than some godlike being.

Anyone have the webm of this scene where the face is replaced by Chris Evans laughing?

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Am I getting trolled?

Behold the mind of the capeshit consumer

Pls respond

Compared to Superman, Batman isn't OP.

It's not an "S".

>You need to make him more relatable rather than some godlike being.
And yet somehow Thor is popular

Why not finish the rest of the sentence he used in the film and it would make more sense.
It makes sense that there is a whole different culture in Krypton.

Many ways of making him relatable. Thor one did poorly and no one gave a shit about him (no one = normies. Normies = the bulk of the money). Then in Thor 3 they onwards they changed him, made him more funny and less stuck up royal, they gave him issues that he had to sort out mentally which lead him to become fat Thor. Imagine fat Superman? No, I cant either, but it was a success for Thor.

That doesn't work when the audience knows that it is, in fact, an "S".

>Imagine fat Superman? No, I cant either, but it was a success for Thor.
I can imagine that pretty easily, what they did there with Thor wasn't revolutionary. The big issue is that people act as if Superman is an unchangable archetype who never loses or feels weakness unless that green rock is involved, I don't quite know who's to blame for it but I reckon that if someone ever challenges that idea then people could really come around to enjoying him.

Why is it tyrannical to save someone in an emergency? Any normal person would do it

Yes, on earth. You dont think Kryptonians would have other meanings for it. Or do you think Krypton is Earth 2 with all the exact cultures, symbolisms, tech.
He said "its not an S on my world (meaning krypton)".

Tell that to zod's snapped neck.

>childless men trying to understand the struggles of a father
You look like women trying to understand fight club

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I think that made sense in the context of things. Its not like he wanted to do it. Why do you think he let out that extended cry at the end? Like you can't take anything away from how he cried? He didnt want to do it, because that was the last of his kind (regardless of how evil his intentions were). Killing the last of his kind tore him up inside, and I would say he likely could have killed zod earlier just as easily but he wanted to possibly beat sense into zod to make him see reason. The last thing he wanted to do was kill zod. Killing him likely solidified his no kill rule.
One mistake is that people think Superman is fully learned with all his powers in this film, but no. He's still learning about himself all throughout the film.

So he cries about snapping Zod's neck, but not the thousands of people that were killed during their fight?

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the real transgression of this scene is not that the literal man of steel did not zip in and out of there at mach 10 speed and unhook kevin costner from that seatbelt or whatever it was, turn off the engine, park at a leisurely pace and carry costner back to the bridge before anyone could even think about pulling a camera. its that a fully able, conscious grown man would sacrifice his life for a dog. what the fuck are you doing. youre trading your life for a dumb dirty animal. and this is seen as heroic for some reason. well you wont feel so heroic when your dumb ass is getting flown up and around a few hundred times like a giant blender. now youre spinning around in the air like a dumbass all because of a dog. an animal that cant even recognize itself in a mirror.

>military quality gear
Batman is too rich to stoop down to that level, user

People getting killed through collateral damage is the best bit. I find it daft how these worlds have hundreds of superheroes in them saving everyone and yet they still have police. For what?
This showed that superman can't be everywhere, specially not when he facing a nearly equally godlike being. And Zod knew that staying near people, creating destruction was the best way of getting to Superman. Unfortunately fighting Zod and saving everyone was too much to handle, which goes to show just how powerful zod is.

Watching him on Yellowstone. What did Yea Forums think of Yellowstone?

Compare their win/loss ratio in comics, movies, TV, radio etc and you'd be surprised.
And that's without even getting into how entirely outclassed Batman should be in most of his conflicts.
Awkward mild-mannered shmuck with an unrequited crush on the pretty lady in his office is more relatable, but Hollywood boomers have convinced themselves (and you) that a character like that can't be the protagonist.
Male heroes have to be dark and brooding or quippy and self-assured leading men types.

there’s a tranny edit as well with this guy

The way they get around it with Batman is they nearly always give him some unheard of tech so he can deal with the situation, whether its a new suit or kryptonite gloves. Superman on the other hand is OP from his original roots. In fact they've nerfed him over the years so that he can takr part in more stories where he doesnt thrash everyone.

silence pajeet i will not hesitate to bust a nut on your head

Not pajeet. I hate all Snyders other film. This one was enjoyable.

It literally doesn't matter that he's inherently OP, just give him a challenge that isn't "go punch the bad guy".
The real problem is that modern screenwriters are too incompetent for that.

>woah.....superman is like.....JESUS??????

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He didn’t know he was superman yet dumbass

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I feel like the only time an user posts this meme is when another failed garbage marvel film come out and everybody is taking fat fucking shits on it.

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>It literally doesn't matter that he's inherently OP,
It does though. Normies don't want to see OP heroes fight if they cant relate to him. And unless you turn it into a comedy like Marvel films (since comedy makes things more relatable to audience) there's no reason why the masses will be drawn in. Appealing to hardcore superman fans is like 1%.


>Literally only dumb scene in an otherwise great movie.
its not dumb, just braincels not getting it even after all these years. big sigh to you.

Why are we not allowed to just have a wholesome, good, heroic super hero anymore?

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Meanwhile on marvel earth the cop would’ve called them dirty mutants before opening fire.

>audience cant relate to an unkillable, faultless hero
You can easily write Superman as a relatable person because the Richard Dorner movies exist and Reeves does a very human Supes in those. But the problem is that Zack Snyder is quite literally a socially awkward nerd retard and thinks that Superman is only cool as a demigod superhero who breaks necks and punches people and shoots lazers from his eyes. He has zero idea why anyone would find interesting Superman's struggles to identify and fit in with humans, his interactions with romance a la Lois Lane, dealing with being a literal alien demi god even though he has the heart and mind of a human (thanks to human upbringing). None of the things that give Superman depth or humanity are on display in any of these DCEU movies - Snyder made Superman an emotionless psycho edgelord because Snyder is a smoothbrain redditor who only finds that part of him interesting, and he can't relate to any of the nuanced parts and doesn't care to try or is incapable of trying.


He basically snapped his dad's neck. At least he learned something from the needless sacrifice.

Sir, vhat de fuck

>unless you turn it into a comedy like Marvel films (since comedy makes things more relatable to audience) there's no reason why the masses will be drawn in
Imagine having your brain so rotted by modern capeshit that you've shut your mind to the nigh endless possibilities of cinema.
You're no better than the normies you criticise if you can't envisage a good Superman film ever happening again.